Why me?

Diana coiled up in a corner of the room and staring into space as she felt betrayed and cheated on, while Ethan remained outside the door, with his face buried in his palms.

His phone is inside the room and his wallet being inside his suit jacket, that was inside as well. To be honest, he's scared to even leave the house.

He's afraid that Diana will leave. He couldn't believe this was happening. How will they face the kids when they return from school? 

They were all still happy yesterday morning.

He waited for her to open the door, but she didn't. He couldn't hear her voice from inside, due to the soundproof. 

After a few hours, he went down to talk to the maid, who confirmed that Diana didn't eat anything last night. 

She claimed she will wait for her husband and didn't touch the food. Ethan felt his inside shivering immediately. He felt fear gripping his heart than before.