We are not leaving with you mommy

Ethan held them still. There was a pregnant silent, before the two ask him to come sleep in their room. 

With his eyes still looking back at the door, he followed the girls who held both his arms, as if pulling her along. 

He stared at their small body that didn't even reach up to his waist and how they are handling the situation like an adult. 

They were supposed to be spoilt, but it seems those relatives aren't just spoiling them alone. Seems they are impacting some knowledge into them.

What he didn't realize is how Diana also took the opportunity of him not being around to train her kids in combat and knowledge. 

The two always had each other's back and made use of Diana's words on how to be a good girl. How they shouldn't treat people bad, because they came from a wealthy background and many more. 

Those times they calm and get lectured made them appear more mature than they ever were. They know the time to sulk and now isn't.