Help please!

"Are you okay sir?" Ashley asked Ethan, whose facade had broken immediately his kids were gone.

His walking changes, looking like he's being controlled by the air. His head hurt a lot and his inside felt empty.

Food doesn't taste the same and sleep refuses to come. He hardly closes his eyes and didn't want to resolve it, with the use of sleeping pills, because of his kids.

As a father, he shouldn't sleep with his whole being. He wanted to sleep in their room to fill up the emptiness, but he's scared of transferring his fever to them, through cuddling.

He has been running fever since the day Diana left, and it's getting worse.

He didn't mind Ashley being friendly with the kids. If not for Chris, he would treat Ashley like a friend and not use such authority tone with her.

It was Chris who enlightened him on things he didn't know. To be exact, things he didn't pay any value to.