I will kill you!

Diana didn't know what was happening, but Wilson asked that they meet in an urgent tone.

She's currently driving towards the destination they agreed to meet at, because he said it's very important.

Diana wondered why it isn't his sister that wants to meet her any longer, but could detect the seriousness in his tone.

It was a long drive, as she has to travel for more than an hour before getting to her destination.

Handsome as always, Wilson was standing in front of a building, which happens to be his house, but he didn't plan to ask her to come in.

She's a married woman and there should be limits to her engagement with men. Especially men that were interested in her.

This thought brought sadness to Wilson's expression. 

What had he done?

He couldn't fathom how much mess his actions must have done to Diana's home. He can't believe he fell for Ashley's trick.