Mission: The escape fight.

"Idiots." Nathan commented and Aroma chuckled. 

Despite their over protection, the man still went down easily. They knew the guards wouldn't suspect them for suddenly being in the place and wouldn't suspect them when they were exiting the main hall. 

That's because Nathan and Aroma could see their eyes scanning everyone in the hall and they also saw them looking like they wanted to sleep with each other in front of the whole people.

Immediately they got back inside the hall, the whole place was already in turmoil. Everyone was trying to know what's going on and scared of getting blown up. 

The riches can't be seen anymore, as their guards had surrounded them, while those who tagged with some people to enter and reporters, were looking like a scared rabbit. 

They are supposed to run out of the place, but they are not sure what causes the blast and didn't want to encounter danger on the way.