Diana's clash with the assassin

Diana smiled mischievously as the guy started firing shots at the space separating them, hoping to fool her, but was already making his way forward.

Within a blink of an eye, she bent down and a shot was fired towards where her head could have gotten hit, if she hadn't calculated his intentions.

Resting her two hands on the floor, she threw her left feet upward and knocked the gun off his hand, before he could realize that she didn't escape, but was squatting down.

Diana knew he's stalling for more time. If she stayed longer, more of them would come. She could have just escaped the place, but she didn't want to take risk and also didn't want to leave her weapon behind.

Immediately the guy's weapon was out of his grasp, he couldn't take out another, as Diana shot at him.

He ducked the shot and threw a kick at her as well, knocking away her gun.

The two charged at each other to prevent the pulling of another weapon.