
"You have Lola for now and he will get you anywhere you need to go, no matter what time it is or how far it is. He will also get you there safely." She thought for a moment. "Where is your car now?"

Sadness and regret filled Chance's eyes, "Gone. They took that too. Allegedly, I lost it in a poker game." He remembered watching his 1969 Camaro being towed away, off to who knows where.

While it wasn't necessarily the flashiest or most valuable car, it was the car he had always wanted.

He bought the car with with his first few paychecks. It had been a barn find and needed to be completely restored. When he finally had saved up enough money, he worked with a specialty shop to rebuild that car from bumper to bumper.

If he was really so rich and powerful now, maybe he could get it back. "If I gave you the VIN, do you think you could find it for me?"

"I don't see why not." Fait didn't see a problem with his request. Tracking down a single vehicle, how hard could it be?

He picked up the new cell phone, unlocked it, and texted her the number with an old fashioned smiley emoticon.

"Any other questions or requests?"

"Am I allowed to go out on my own?"

"Can you guarantee your safety on your own?"

"Probably." He'd always relied on himself before. Other than the most recent incidents, he had been in difficult situations and managed to get out of them on his own.

"I'll call in a favor and get you a personal guard."

"Like a bodyguard." That didn't sound appealing.

"Exactly. So please refrain from running around for a few days."

'Hello money, goodbye freedom.' He felt a little suffocated by the idea.

"If that is all, I'll be headed home. My apartment is on the other side of the city." Fait and Roy had both spent the day preparing everything Chance needed to live independently. On top of that she had to deal with an assassination plot. She was ready to go home and crawl into bed.

She walked over to the front door and opened it, "Lola will be here in the morning to take you to the office. Goodnight, Addison." Not waiting for a reply, she closed the door behind her.

Chance chuckled and picked up the phone again. He typed 'Goodnight Miss Foster' and hit send.

Then he looked around his new apartment. He decided to explore the kitchen first.

Upon opening the refrigerator, he found it was fully stocked with the basics. Looking through the cabinets, he found an equally full pantry and all the cooking utensils he could ever need. Some of them he had never seen before.

Having lived on his own for many years, he was able to cook decently enough. Chance rummaged through the pantry and settled for instant noodles. He'd much rather go out and grab a meal than cook right now.

After cleaning the few dishes he'd used, he grabbed his old cellphone and plugged it in to charge. The battery had died long before Fait found him and he hadn't had a chance to do anything with it. His service contract wasn't up until next month so, he could still use it for a little while longer.

While he waited for his phone to come back to life, he continued exploring the apartment. He gathered all the items Fait had placed on the kitchen counter and took them into the office.

He emptied his his wallet and surveyed what he had left. Fifty dollars in cash, some assorted change, useless old business cards, voided credit cards, his driver's license, and a key to a very well hidden safe deposit box.

He slowly replaced all his cancelled cards with the new ones. As he added them to his wallet he read the summaries Fait left for him. None of the cards had a credit limit and there wasn't much difference between them.

When he got to the bank card, he turned on the desktop computer and logged into the online banking system. The number of zeros he saw made his head spin. Fait was definitely right. There was no way any one person could spend this much money in one lifetime. After checking his investment profile, he updated the bank pin, logged out, and added the bank card to his wallet.

Lastly he put his driver's license and company ID into the wallet. That left the safe deposit box key. He picked up the little silver key and turned it over a few times in his hand.

The thin piece of metal was the only tangible connection he had to his past. It was the only thing that tied him to back to his family. He could use the information stored there, to go back to them for protection, but that wasn't what he had in mind.

There were other things that he had tucked away in that box over the years. One example was the title work for his car. Whatever documents the new owner had were definitely forgeries.

If he could get his hands on his original title, it should make it easier for Fait to retrieve his Camaro. The problem was, if he went for the box, he had to do it in secret.

No one, not even Fait could know about the box. That was how he had kept it safe all these years.

While he may not have seen his downfall coming, he had been smart enough to have some kind of contingency. Luckily he didn't have to use it.