Who are 'they'?

"That seems a bit excessive." Somehow, Chance wasn't the least bit surprised by the amount. He thought it would have been more.

"Well, after the first attempt failed, they increased the price. It's possible it will continue to increase." This was common for these types of situations. The more difficult it was to find him, the more energy and resources would have to be used.

Fait placed her thin index finger on her lips to shush him for a moment. The waitress had returned with their food.

"Do you needed anything else?" She asked as she set the dishes on the table.

Chance gave her a polite smile and replied, "No, thank you." She just nodded and then was gone again.

"Are you ready to tell me who 'they' are yet?" He really wanted to know who to be on guard against.

"Not quite yet. There are a few things I need to confirm." She had identified most of the people involved but, she still wasn't sure who exactly was pulling the strings.

"Alright, how about what happened to the last assassin?"

"Secretly extradited. She was wanted in at least a dozen other countries."

"What makes you think they will stop targeting me after the deadline?" If anything wouldn't they want him gone even more than before?

"It isn't so much that they will completely stop, just back off for a bit."

"I'm not following."

"Right now their main focus is to get to you before you sign the papers. Also before the deadline lapses, you are not officially in charge."

"Wild guess, you are in charge?"

"Correct. I'm sure you saw that if you didn't sign, then I would get everything."

"And you don't want to be the one with the target on your back."

"Exactly, you learn very quickly."

"Thanks." He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Also, I am not well suited to a position like CEO. If it were a single company, maybe. Even then, I'm not so sure. Mack pulled me into my current position kicking and screaming."

"You are an excellent assistant though. From what I've seen so far anyway."

"I suppose."

"And nothing exploded in the few weeks that you've been in charge."

"That is because, for right now, all of the companies have enough to keep them busy. In a few months, they will start needing guidance from an experienced leader. I am a task oriented person. Looking at the big picture and planning for the future is not really one if my strong suits."

"So why will they back off at all?" He still didn't understand why they wouldn't go after him once the deadline passed.

"Because, their best tactic, after you have the full power of LCM behind you, is to make you break the rules."

"Do you mean the conditions from the will?"

"Those, and the company's rules. They may also try to put on an encore of their last performance."

"By defaming me again?" He let out a heavy sigh. It really would be the easiest way. Given his current reputation, it would be a miracle if the board didn't have him thrown out when he appeared at the upcoming meeting.

"Not to kick you while you're down, but you are the one most responsible for your own downfall. You need to be more vigilant. A healthy dose of paranoia will keep you safe."

She looked down at the delicious meal in front of them. "Can we eat now? The food is getting cold."


"Papa, can I borrow your phone?" The big man looked down at his tiny daughter.

"You know that your mama doesn't like it when you use my phone."

She widened her eyes, sniffled a few times, and started to cry. "But Papa, I want to see Aunt Fay and Uncle Addy."

"Genny, baby, you can't see them right now." He spoke softly and walked over to her. Then he bent down to scoop her up and comfort her but she dodged him and ran for his desk.

Genevieve grabbed his cellphone and ran out of the room as fast as her little legs could carry her. Roy ran after her but she quickly headed outside to the dog's house and ducked inside.

She scrunched herself up in the corner, just out of his reach. Poor Roy was too large to pursue her any farther.

"Baby, if you give the phone back, we don't have to tell Mama about this."

"Papa, you won't tell her will you?" She pleaded with her cute squeaky voice.

"Baby..." He knew if he told Eve what happened, he'd be scolded worse then Genny.

"Thanks Papa! You're the best papa in the whole wide world."

Roy felt his heart soften and he gave in to his precious daughter. "Thank you, baby girl."

'Your mother is still gonna find out though. She always does.' He thought.