Nervous all of a sudden

After work, Lola came to pick up Fait and Chance. They boarded the car and headed for Fait's apartment first so she could grab what she needed for the night.

She quickly hopped out of the car and rushed into the building, not giving Chance an opportunity to follow her up. As soon as she shut the car door behind her, he chuckled.

'Am I some kind of threat?' He just shook his head and watched her disappear into the building.

Fait unlocked her door and stepped into her pristine home. Everything was white; the walls, the flooring, the furniture, even the appliances. It wasn't that she was particularly fond of the lack of color. She was driven by paranoia.

Even if someone managed to fool her security system and break in, she would know in an instant. Everything was so blindingly white and clean that if an intruder left behind so much as a hair or tracked in a speck of dirt, it would easily be spotted.

At least, that was her reasoning behind it.

She went over to the panel on the far wall that controlled her security system and punched in a passcode to disarm it. Then she went into her just as white bedroom.

Her bedroom closet, however, was not the same bland and lifeless style as the rest of the apartment. It was tightly packed with her colorful wardrobe. some items were certainly more conservative than others. Those were for work. But the clothes she wore on her own time were much more vibrant.

After a little digging, she unearthed a set of loose fit cotton pajamas. The set was a light powder blue and had little dark navy blue roses printed on it. Next, she started filtering through her casual clothes.

To wear the next day, she selected a simple lavender sun dress with an A-line shape and a pair of white sandals.

For that evening, she settled on a pair of skinny cut blue jeans, an old band t-shirt she had gotten a concert when she was in college, and her yellow sneakers.

After changing into the t-shirt and jeans, she grabbed an old canvas tote bag and packed the rest of the clothes and things she would need.

A few minutes later she was ready to go. She rearmed her security system, locked the door, and returned to the car.

When she reappeared from the entrance of the apartment building, Chance's heart skipped a beat. Her usual formal appearance had all but evaporated into thin air.

The casual clothes made her look like a teenager or, at the oldest, a first-year college student. Her feminine curves were also more noticeable than when she wore her suit. He had to try not to zone out just watching her hips swing as she walked to the car.

And then there was her hair. Her honey golden hair had been let loose from the usual braid. It perfectly framed her small face and fell to her waist in soft waves. It bounced gently with each step she took.

The sound of the car door opening snapped Chance back to reality. She was still his assistant. His cold faced assistant with the fascinating reactions. The assistant that he was trying to befriend and that would be spending the night in his apartment.

His throat suddenly felt dry and his palms were a bit clammy. The prospect of this attractive young woman staying overnight made him nervous all of a sudden.

Fait, unaware of Chance's inner turmoil, climbed into the car, placed her bag at her feet, and fastened her seatbelt.

"Alright Lola, let's get going."

"Yes, Miss Foster."

Lola smoothly pulled away from the building and skillfully wove through the city's traffic. In just under half an hour, they made it to the underground parking garage of Chance's apartment building.

Already sitting by the elevator was a familiar blacked out SUV. As the pulled up next to the other vehicle, the driver's side door opened and Roy stepped out.

He went to the rear passenger side and let Genevieve out. As soon as she saw Chance, the little girl rushed him and jumped up into his arms.

"Uncle Addy!" She wrapped her little arms around his neck and hugged him. "You really kept your promise!"

"Of course. I didn't want to disappoint you. And I don't want to have to suffer the wrath of the unicorn alliance." He said in a rather doting but completely serious voice.

Roy looked at the two of them and just shook his head. While he was grateful for the opportunity to spend some quality time with his wife, he was a little jealous of how well Genevieve got along with Chance.

He retrieved his daughter's overnight bag from the passenger seat and handed it to Fait. After going over some basic information like her allergies and bedtime, he kissed his daughter on the cheek and went to go pick up Eve.

The remaining trio got on the elevator and went up to Chance's apartment.