
While the guys were with Charlie, Fait was in her home office, desperately trying to reach them. Although news of the car chase had been suppressed in the mainstream media, witnesses were still discussing the incident online.

She had come across the story while browsing through different automotive forums, looking for any auctions that could have Chance's Camaro.

At first, Fait didn't pay it any mind until she saw the word 'Bentley.'

When someone mentioned the area where it had happened, her heart started to race. It felt like it would beat out of her chest.

As she was trying to learn more, the comments and posts about the 'crazy drivers' and 'a man waving a shotgun' were rapidly being deleted or blocked.

Someone was actively cleaning up this mess.

Soon all that was left was the official cover story which only addressed the van crash.

The so-called crash investigators claimed that the driver of the van had a medical emergency and that was why he took the turn too fast and lost control. According to the same report, there were no fatalities.

Nothing was said about a gunman or about a second car being pursued at breakneck speeds prior to the crash.

She called Lola, Chance, and Koty in that order. Each phone would ring a few times, tell her the number she had dialed was currently unavailable, then send her straight to voicemail.

Suddenly, her phone rang. It was Roy, he had just found out about it and had also tried to call them to no avail.

"I'm sure Chance is fine. Jack and the new guy are there and I'm sure they can handle whatever is going on." Roy tried to sound reassuring but he was worried himself.

"I know that, but couldn't they have given us a heads up before they just up and disappeared?" Fait's panic was rapidly morphing into frustration.

They hadn't announced that Chance was the new head of LCM yet so he didn't have full access to everything yet. Among the resources they couldn't mobilize yet, was a small private militia under their corporate umbrella.

The militia members were often contracted out by politicians, celebrities, and other wealthy individuals for a plethora of jobs. They would take anything from rescue missions to providing basic security at a concert. As long as the client could afford it and it wasn't morally questionable, they'd take the contract.

On some occasions they would take on missions out of good will. They would help in disaster relief efforts and the like to keep a positive image and to assuage the fears and suspicions of the government.

If she could use just a few of them, they'd be able to find Chance and the others in an hour or less.

"They'll be alright. It's been what, about three hours since the crash? Give it a little more time and they will call." Roy knew that the best thing to do was to trust Lola and wait.

Half an hour after talking to Roy, Fait received a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" She heard a wheeze and a cough on the other end.

"Hello? May I ask who is calling?"

"Hello dear. Is this Miss Foster?" The coarse voice of an elderly woman responded.

"Yes ma'am."

"This is Tweedy Mason. I have three gentleman here with me who *cough* insisted that I give you a call *wheeze* to let you know they where they are."

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

"I'm fine hon. I just used to work around the mines *cough* many years ago. There was a fire and *cough* the smoke strangled my vocal *wheeze* cords. I've just done too much yakking today."

"Well, I am sorry to here that. Can I speak to one of the gentleman? Are they there with you now?"

"They're right here."

"Thank you Tweedy."

"Anytime hon."

Fait heard a few more coughs as the phone was passed to someone else.

"Miss me?" Chance's cheerful baritone sounded through the speaker.

"..." She wasn't sure how to respond to that but Fait felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders when she heard his voice. Perhaps she really did miss him...

"Hello, Fait? Are you still there?"

"Where have you been all this time?"

Chance told her the entire story from the time they stepped out of the mall to all the paperwork they had to fill out for the new SUV.

"So, let me get this straight. People tried to kidnap and/or kill you, and you went car shopping?"

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. We didn't think about our cellphones until a few minutes ago. Turns out the way this building was constructed is no good for cell service. Sorry, if we made you worry." Chance gave a genuine apology.

"Why would I worry? Lola's there and so is the new guy, Koty. Based on what you just told me, it sounds like he is plenty capable." She lied and covered up her true feelings, trying to sound as detached as possible.

Chance had a gut feeling that she had been upset all this while. Her tone was overly cold which hinted that she was at least a little frustrated with the situation.

"We should be done here soon. I'll text you when we set out."

After hanging up, Fait sank down in her chair and leaned her head back.

'See, everything is fine. You worried and got yourself worked up for nothing.' She started to lecture herself, knowing full well she'd have reacted the same way regardless.

People who she let close to her were important to her. Not a single one was disposable. Losing Mack had shaken her whole world and she didn't think she could handle losing anyone else.

So she worried. Fait put up a cold front to keep people at a distance and worried for the ones who had already gotten close.

'When did Chance get so close?'