Bothersome gossipy conversations

Fait took a deep breathe but she really wanted to kick him. A large part of his job as CEO was networking with people. He needed to build and maintain relationships with others.

Chance couldn't avoid them forever but he could certainly try. She just was not going to help him.

She reached out and tapped on the screen a few times.


Chance didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She really was not going to give him a way out this time.

His eyes scanned the room for exits and he tried to formulate a feasible escape route.

He looked down when he heard Fait tapping his phone's screen again.

[Don't even think about it]

As he started to reach for his phone to complain, the chairman was closing the meeting.

"Thank you all for attending. This was a most productive evening. I hope to see you all again at anniversary celebration, later this year." There was a short period of applause and then the majority of the shareholders started to filter out of the room.

Several others strategically made their way over to the cover the exits, hoping to snag the new CEO on his way out. A few of the braver ones headed directly for him.

Chance looked pleadingly at Fait but she just ignored him.

The first to approach their table was an older husband and wife pair. They were dressed somewhat casually in polo shirts and khaki pants.

"Hello, Mr. Addison. My name is Rosa Domingo and this is my husband, Rob. We are a pair of authors under the care of Lovewell Publishing." The woman spoke first and her husband simply stood beside her.

He shook both their hands and replied, "Please, just call me Chance."

"Well then, Chance, would you join us for dinner?"

He turned to look at the chairman and then Fait to see if they approved. Neither one of them seemed to have an opinion. He was inclined to accept the invitation, if for no other reason then to avoid the remaining people that wanted to talk to him.

"Of course the chairman and your secretaries are welcome to come too." Rosa added.

As he was about to accept, Fait interjected with, "Mr. Addison will be available in about an hour. Is that alright?"

"Of course." Rosa replied and Rob nodded in agreement.

Chance was fighting the urge to run away and eventually resigned himself to the situation.

"We can meet you there. Please give the details to my assistant while take care of a few things." He then turned to the chairman and Greta. "Will you be joining us as well?"

"Why not?" The chairman was curious about the couple's reason for inviting Chance out. "Please pass Miss Linn the details as well. I am going to accompany Mr. Addison for now."

The men left behind their subordinates and the two authors to talk their way around the room.

Although Chance felt like the chairman was judging him, the old man did cover and vouch for him a few times.

By the time they finished talking to everyone there was to talk to, Chance was exhausted. He didn't want to go out to dinner anymore. He just wanted to go home and crawl in bed and sleep.

The chairman, on the other hand, was invigorated. It was like he thrived on the bothersome gossipy conversations.

"Are you ready to head out, Mr. Addison?"

"Yes, sir." He said halfheartedly.

As much as he wanted to go home, he had already accepted the dinner invitation. Since he said he would go, he would go.

"Then, let's get going." The chairman practically marched out the door and all the way to the car.

Fait and Greta had gone ahead with the author couple. Lola stayed behind to transport Chance and the chairman. Koty, who had been sent home when they had made it to the hotel, had been called back too since they were going to a less secure location.

Lola and Koty were waiting by the car as Chance and the chairman walked over to it.

"Good evening, Mr. Fischer." Lola greeted the chairman and opened the door for him.

"Ah! Mr. Lola, it has been far to long. How have you been?" The old man was pleasantly surprised to see that Lola was still working for Lovewell, even if it meant that he was taking care of Chance.

"I have been well. Thank you for asking." He helped the chairman up into the SUV and then Koty, who had been completely ignored, got into the front with Lola.

"Mr. Lola?"

"Yes, Mr. Fischer?"

"Why are you driving a Jeep? What happened to the Bentley?" He had never seen Lola drive anything but a Bentley and had a feeling that this was somehow Chance's fault.

"It needed some repairs so I am using this in the meantime." Lola answered simply, without going into detail.

"Oh." The chairman paused and then noticed the redheaded guy sitting up front. "Who is the kid?"

"This is Mr. Flynn. He is a bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" The chairman scoffed. 'He doesn't look old enough to even be my grandson. How can he keep anyone safe.'

"Yes, Mr. Fischer. Koty is my bodyguard and he is very capable." Chance quickly spoke up to defend Koty. Just because he was young did not mean he was bad at his job.