Apology Gift

Tom stared at the pieces of his sword on the ground, clearly heartbroken. His eyes seemed to welling with tears but he quickly rubbed his face and instead had a serious, deadpan expression. He simply turned to Luna and stared, his eyes seemingly staring into Luna's soul.

Luna couldn't help but shudder at how angry Tom looked. He'd helped her so far in this journey, even going as far as accompanying her to the Lunar Church and giving her free lessons on the world. It made her feel super guilty, and she couldn't stand that.

"Where is that old thing..." Luna took off her backpack and started rummaging furiously for something. She finally pulled out a dazzling black sheath with a sword in it and handed it over whilst bowing her head down low.

"Sorry for all the inconvenience Tom Granville, Please accept this small token as my apology!"

Tom simply took the sword without saying anything and then unsheathed the sword. His serious expression suddenly turned into shock and he was speechless.

LEGENDARY WEAPON! Luna had just handed over a legendary weapon!

What he had pulled out from the sheath was a gleaming shortsword, which had a black base and various white criss-cross patterns on it. It had a mysterious weight to it, yet when tom tried swinging it it seemed surprisingly light and easy to attack with. When he stopped, he even felt like there was a strange energy radiating from it and he was gobsmacked.

"Is...is it a decent replacement? It's the only sword i kinda had on me so i hope it's good enough for you" Luna spoke really meekly, she had thought by giving him the sword he'd say something but he had just stood and quietly stared at this sword. (oh crap, what if that was like a super important family heirloom i just broke? It's basically like breaking his entire family)


"Y-Yes Tom?"

"This sword...IS AWESOME! LEGENDARY SWORD, I HAVE A LEGENDARY SWORD" Tom started sobbing. The sword he was currently using was just a throwaway item he had found in his parent's junk really. Even though Tom's family were currently poor they hadn't even bothered to sell it because it was basically worthless! That's also the reason why nobody had batted an eye when he took it.

Initially he would have been okay if Luna had bought him a replacement, because even the crappiest sword in an armory would have been a step up from that piece of junk he had carried, but to think that he would be graced by a legendary sword... it was all too much for Tom and he was overflowing with joy. In fact, it was Tom who was now feeling a little guilty and he had to ask Luna "Are you really okay with giving me a legendary sword?"

"Oh, that's not a legendary sword" Luna corrected. "That's just a hybrid alloy sword prototype. If you don't want it i'm sure i can exchange it with something else when i get back home..."

"No, this one is perfect!" Tom instinctively pulled the sword closer to himself. "And what do you mean this sword isn't legendary, i can clearly feel it's mystical energy from a mile away!"

"Okay, how do i even begin to explain this...lemme think...."

Luna began her explanation to Tom, who was clearly enthralled but made sure the sword was snuggled up close to him before he let her speak. Apparently, the sword she had given was a pseudo-legendary weapon. In fact, Luna didn't even like using the term legendary with that sword. (She didn't want him to know this, but basically this was also just a junk sword she sneaked from home!)

Normally, Legendary swords had a sentience of their own which was born after meticulous and heartfelt crafting from the blacksmith who would make them. In fact, if a wielder were to hold the sword, they would instantly know it's name. Legendary swords also had innate abilities, some even being able to carry their owners or teach powerful techniques to their users.

"Compared to that, this is slightly inferior. Besides, most legendary swords are made from meteorite metals like Lapiz ore which has a light blue color and shimmers like stars. Also..."

"Wait, that's just like the legendary sword the Starbound Hero used to wield! Legend says that any ordinary sword within a 20 meter radius would instantly shatter from it's mere presence alone!" Tom quickly interjected, excited. This girl didn't know much about the world but she seemed like an expert in weapons at least.

"Oh yeah, that's one of the features Lapiz ore has when it's used to make a legendary weapon. Sword song. The hybrid sword you're holding is practically immune to techniques like that and can easily hold it's own when fighting legendary weapons. In addition, it's got a few enchantments you can use when you get to a higher strength and magic level, and the great thing is that you don't even need to harmonize with the sword to do it." Luna was pretty much monotone when explaining it like it was pretty much common knowledge. Tom on the other had looked at his sword more and more intensely with a flash of excitement in his eyes. Not only didn't the sword lose value in eyes, it could even clash with the Hero Sword!

"Hahaha! I have a King level weapon! Mom...Dad i promise on my new sword that i will bring honor back to our family. I will become a royal knight!"

"Hey Tom, i know it's a weird question but hear me out. How would you like for me to train you to be a hero? I know what it's like to try and carve your own path, but as i can't intervene too directly here i'd like to help you instead. How about it?" Luna expectantly looked at Tom, her eyes shining with determination.

"It would be my honor, Lady Luna"