WebNovelThe Arks11.21%

The Ark Of Being Good At Heart

"Cherish this. Your body may be gone, but your voice and words will be heard throughout time and the world. Your death will not be for nothing, your words will be echoed across the globe," he whispered towards the scared little thing.

The child's eyes lit up.

"Across the globe?" she repeated, with life.

As a rush of adrenaline shot through the Time Boy, Raiyen abruptly sprung back up to a standing position.

"Corrento-Mundo! Even Asia will know about your story, your diary. Don't lose hope. Never lose hope. You are right, you inevitably have been. Your belief that everyone harbors goodness within their hearts, is correct."

Raiyen next went towards the young girl's ear and muttered words confirming his status as a Time Mage.

" 'I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are still truly good at heart.'."

The adolescent girl's eyes widen. She has not presented anyone her writings yet, so how could some stranger know something as private as that? Especially that particular line. It was the ultimate thing she had recorded down onto her precious Kitty, the name of her diary.

"Well, so much for not tampering with Time," said Raiyen, providing his signature 'I've-goofed-up' smile.

"Expect a long lecture from me, Child of Time," scolded Mavislin, reassuming her stance.

"High Queen, awaiting orders," announced Z.

The Time Mage's eyes widened. Last he checked, Raiyen was sure that Ysabeau held the titled of High Queen.

"Let them in," ordered the current High Queen.

"What the hell?! Raiyen mentioned that the girl was going to be famous, how could you permit the soldiers to come in?!" yelled Z.

"If we save them, there will be a chance that her diary doesn't get published at all!" shouted Raiyen.

"Well, this ain't better!"

"If we tamper with this crucial moment, we might end up screwing things over for the future. I'm not taking that chance," argued Raiyen, looking elsewhere.


"Enough! This is my decision, and it is final!" boomed the High Queen.

Her voice was of authority. Z had no choice but to abide by it. Z acknowledged and saluted the man. She gave a hug towards the child.

This wasn't the Mavislin he knew and cared for. It was someone else, a person who was hurt ten times over. Raiyen was wary of depending on the woman before him. Z displayed the same caution.

"I won't forget you guys," responded the man, saluting.

The moment the family unlatched that door, they had already forgotten about the Mages. But there was no way Raiyen or Mavislin would ever omit the soldier's words. The Mages stood at the side, looking at the family being rounded up. And yet, the kid did not cry.

On the contrary, she looked ecstatic. The feeling of being trapped in that pathetic excuse of a house. Finally being able to look at the crystalline azure sky once more. The young girl would treat the trip to the concentration camps as a mini sightseeing trip. The final thing in her life which represented happiness.

"We've been through too many wars to even consider forgiveness for those soldiers that would risk their lives to protect and kill many more. In the name of protection, in the name of peace," explained Mavislin, looking down.

"We've taken lives," finished Raiyen, looking at Mavislin's troubled state.

She subsequently ordered Raiyen to do something rather odd.

"Changing history ain't going to be good," he reasoned as the partners hopped back into that Time Frame once more.

"Yea, I know."

"You can't save them all."

He informed her as they moved around in secrecy.

"I'm not going to go against history itself. But at the very least, I can save one to allow her voice to be heard. History said she can't survive, doesn't mean there aren't other ways in saving her," she said, jumping into the action.

"Maybe I was mistaken. For all one knows, she is still Mavislin," murmured the smiling Time Mage.

"What was that?" asked Mavislin.

"Seize her as an accomplice!" shrieked the German soldier.

They leveled their guns and got primed to fire. A lady in her mid-forties was petrified as she registered what had happened to the family that she had been sheltering.

"Hold on!" she said, holding up her hands.

The soldiers looked perplexed. Then, without warning, they opened fire. Mavislin jumped into the line of fire. She took out five golden rings and pitched them towards the soldiers. Raiyen watched in awe as the rings formed into a particular form of a hibiscus.

"Rugiet. O' ventus et tonitrua et fulgura. Fan de ferro, flammis perditionis. (Roar. O' wind of Thunder and Lightning. Fan of steel, flames of perdition.)" chanted Mavislin.

The rings morphed, each constructing a holographic black petal in its position. As the full spell came into the scene, the soldiers returned using gunfire once more.