"My daughter was long gone before I met you. You're the only one I could pass on my teachings to. You've been like my child and I'm giving to this to keep remembering me. If I don't come back, at least you've got something to remind you of me," explained the Valkyrie, embracing Rina.
"I'll never forget you! I promise..." said Rina, gingerly touching the orchid hairpin.
As she witnessed her only mother figure in life flying off into the night sky, Rina could not help feel sad and scared as she took off the hairpin. And her gut feeling was right, that Valkyrie did not return. And RIna had no choice but to move on.
She may have forgotten the Valkyrie's name, but she would forever remember that there was someone who believed in her and never rejected her. That Valkyrie truly changed her and created a strong woman that does anything with her Flower Element.
After years and years of training with the Valkyrie, Rina grew up to be a fine young woman. Her powers were top-notch for a young Mage. Or so, she thought.
"Hey, what do you mean by that?" asked Rina, confused about the voice narrating and showing her memories.
"Now it's time for you to remember the truth. It's your spell, so you will get the bulk of it. More than your opponent. The more secrets that you unfold, the more powerful this spell becomes. Remember, your feelings play a part with your powers."
"I don't have to be upset about it. I just need to be at peace with it. That's what this spell represents. Death can be interpreted with different meanings. And I choose the meaning to be at peace with myself! So bring it on, I will not falter!" shouted Rina, with determined eyes.
"What a strong resolve. Alright then, let's see how you fare with this major memory loophole."
Rina found herself on barren land. She looked confused as it was unfamiliar to her.
"Why did you bring me here? This is not in my memories."
"Precisely, I am here to show you where you've been at physically. Be it whether you remember it or not. And you were here. Or more specifically, you were left here to die," said the voice.
Just then, a man with a hooded cloak placed a little bundle of cloth onto the barren ground. As the sun shined on the two, the thing in the bundle started wailing and crying. Annoyed with it, the man gave a kick to the bundle, unraveling it from its confines.
"Knock it off!" yelled Rina, trying to get to the person.
But this was a memory. When it struck Rina that it may be someone of importance, Rina quickly dashed towards the man. She got a clear look on his face despite the shadow. After a while, the man was gone, leaving the baby to cry her lungs out.
"Please... Stop crying, it hurts me..." begged Rina, hearing the wailing of the child.
It reminded her how much her baby used to cry all the time, especially when he developed that fever. The last sound she heard from him was cries of agony and this spell was triggering that same painful feeling.
Just as she wanted to turn away, a sound of horses galloping rang through the air. Rina stared at the border of the memory as two horses appeared out of nowhere. They were carrying a woman and a man. They stopped just meters away.
"Woah, we nearly ran over that baby!" said the husband, halting the horse.
The young couple came down from their horses and hurried over to find the source of all the cries. The woman quickly scooped the crying baby up. Rina froze as she stared at the couple.
"Who could be so heartless to leave this baby under the scorching sun?" asked the woman, trying to fan the baby with her hands.
"Let's get back to our house, okay? You're such a pretty girl..." cooed the woman as the husband pulled their two horses to the area.
The woman used the cloth on the ground to make a makeshift baby wrap, carrying the young one in front of her chest. With that, the couple rode off with their new adopted child.
"The parents that threw you out were the same ones that saved you. Twice."
Rina shook her head as tears brimmed the sides of her tears.
"That's impossible, I was always human. They said that I was their only child."
"Your real parents abandoned you, leaving you to rot and die because you were born out of wedlock. You've never been a human. You are a direct child to one of the most powerful Mages on this planet. And that human couple saved you."