"In the end, we couldn't go with any of the two options because we were too busy finding our little Valkyrie. The Old Chapel located her after a week, snuggling with a whole mountain of plushies in a chamber that she had dug. She was at the lowest level of the study."
The two stopped abruptly, the stairs had stopped as well. Raiyen looked confused while Gillian gave his charming smile and snapped his fingers. Two large, aquatic, holographic doors appeared in front of them. With another snap, the towering doors opened, revealing a tunnel lined with water.
"Remember what I said about her spells being permanent? Yea, this was what I was talking about. The bridge that the Old Chapel made was the staircase before us. But this stretch down is what Mavislin had made, though she modified it to be slightly larger, in case Z would becoming."
"I thought she had dug up?" asked Raiyen, scratching his head.
"Yes, but she had to turn horizontally for a few distances to penetrate the floorboards. At the end of this little hallway, you'll be happy to find a drop-down to the actual area," said Gillian, continuing his merry way.
"I don't think I am happy to know that there's a freefalling pit in my pathway. It might kill me, you know?" asked Raiyen, rushing into the tunnel.
The door closed behind them and vanished.
"I'm around, you won't have to worry about dying."
Raiyen raised his eyebrows with suspicion.
"You mentioned that the first initial explosion was for the Central area..."
"Yes. The entire study is like the Old Congregation. The Central area is segregated into three levels, branching out to other chambers. The first level is the Elements, where each book is about every Element within the Universe. That's where we are headed to."
"So, each book contains a specific Element?"
"Not just that, the background of it, how it originated and who were main users of that particular Element. Connecting to that level would be five other chambers, representing the Five Founding Elements. The First Elements to be the backbone of the other Elements."
"The First Elements? Like, the Lost Elements?"
"Not quite, as the Lost Elements refers to Elements that can only be passed down by blood, not by teachings. There are only Five Founding Elements. They can never be replaced and can be taught to anyone who possesses Magecraft in their blood."
"I'll start with your crush's Element, the Element Of Light. Representing purity and healing, the Valkryian Light is one of the Founding Elements. The Element branches out to Elements like Speed, Illusions, Healing, and many more that I can't think of now."
Raiyen laughed slightly at Gillian's struggle. Looks like Aki is having trouble remembering things. Then again, he is nearly over two thousand years old. Even he can't remember too much.
"Ah! The Element Of Light is the forefather of Fire, right?" asked Raiyenb, suddenly remembering that fact.
"Indeed but you're missing a step. A few steps. The Element Of Light is one of the forefathers of Fire. The Element Of Life is the direct forefather of Fire but the Element of Sun was created first, solely from the Life Element. That Element is also the sole parent to the Earth Element."
"Elements are created by mixing different Elements. But when I say sole parent, it would mean that they were mainly from that particular Founding Element. Thus, the Element of Fire is closer to the Element of Life."
"And the Element of Life is the forefather for most of the Elements that are the easier to teach. Things like Poison and Water. Shapeshifting is also part of the mix. This element represents the growth and birth of living things. And things needed to give life."
"Sounds more majestic than the Element of Light..." murmured Raiyen.
"Best not to let Mavislin hear that. She might kill you with one of the Founding Elements."
"The Element Of Darkness, producing derivatives like Necrosis as you've seen from Baldwin. This Element is by far the most destructive and uses the negative emotions of the user. The Corruption Element is from this as well. This Element represents negativity and death."
"The Element Of Stars, producing the derivative Elements like the Element Of Constellations. They draw upon the Celestial beings' power, representing diversity and loyalty. Diversity because every user of this Element can wield multiple elements using this Element as a gateway."
"Loyalty? What has that got to do with the Element?"
"Because you are essentially borrowing the Upper Skies powers. If you do not know how to be loyal to this Element or show loyalty to the people in your life, then you can never dream to use this Element at all. Your power is from them, you best give them the loyalty they deserve."