Chapter 15: Determination


At a U.S. camp, on a makeshift stage, Steve stands alone on a stage, confident. But instead of applause, he receives dead silence. Hundreds of battle-hardened GI's stare at the man in the red, white and blue pajamas.

"Okay...I'm going to need a volunteer." Steve nervously started.

"I already volunteered. How do you think I got here." One of the GI's shouted. The crowd laughs. Steve stiffens.

"Bring the girls back!" Another one of the audience shouted.

"I think they only know the one song, but...I'll...see what I can do..." Steve replied.

"You do that, sweetheart!" the same man shouted again.

In the crowd, Hodge nudges the GI next to him and asked "Where do they get these guys?" The guy next to him shrugs. Then they started to boo. The rest of the crowd joins in. Steve looks bewildered, trying to keep order.

"Hey, guys, we're all on the same side—" Steve was cut off when another heckler shouted "Hey Captain, sign this for me!" The guy puts down his pants and flashed his butt to him. The GI's laugh. Somebody throws a tomato. Steve has to block it with his shield. As the chant "Bring back the girls" becomes a roar. Steve storms out.

As rain falls, Steve, in an overcoat, sits on the edge of the stage. He sketches a chimp dressed as Cap while riding a unicycle.

"That was quite a performance." Agent Carter greets.

Steve turns to see Agent Peggy Carter. He stands, surprised.

"Yeah, I...had to improvise a bit. The crowds I'm used to are usually more...twelve." Steve replied, a little embarrassed.

"I understand you're "America's New Hope."" Agent Carter teased.

Steve sees his Cap suit is exposed. He shuts his coat and sits.

"People buy bonds, bonds buy bullets, bullets kill Nazis. Sales rise ten percent in every state I visit." Steve said without any emotion.

"Is that Senator Brandt I hear?" Agent Carter teased again.

"Hey, Phillips was going to stick me in a lab. At least Brandt got me here." Steve defended.

"And are those your only options?" Agent Carter eyes his sketch. "Lab rat or a dancing monkey? You know you're meant for more than this." Agent Carter said seriously.

Steve takes this in. Then finally he said "It's just, you get enough people telling you you're a hero, after years of them telling you you're nothing." Then he paused for a second and sighs. "All I dreamed about was coming overseas, being on the front lines, serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted...and I'm wearing tights."

Steve looks up, seeing a platoon of tired wounded soldiers. An ambulance rolls up to the hospital tent. Corpsmen unload the wounded on stretchers.

"Looks like they've been through hell." Steve observed.

"These men more than most." Agent Carter replied.

Steve eyes her, understanding. "Hydra?"

"Not officially." Agent Carter replied.

"Back home, that's a yes." Steve said.

She considers protocol but leans near him instead and said "Schmidt was moving a force through Azzano. Two hundred men went up against them, less than fifty came back. Your audience contained all that's left of the 107th. The rest were killed or captured."

"The 107th?" Steve was shocked.

"Yes, what?" Agent Carter asked, confused.

Steve stands pulling her up as well. "Come on."


A Corporal types. At a desk across the tent, Colonel Phillips signs a stack of letters. Just then, Steve barrels in, Agent Carter behind.

"Well, if it isn't "the star spangled man with the plan." What is your plan exactly?" Colonel Phillips sarcastically said.

"Azzano. I want to see the casualty list." Steve said seriously.

Colonel Phillips points to the rank insignia on his collar and said irritated "You don't get to give me orders, "Captain.""

"I don't need the whole list. Just one name. Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th." Steve tried again.

Colonel Phillips looks at Agent Carter "You and I are going to have a conversation later that you won't enjoy—"

But Steve cut him off "Just tell me if he's alive, sir. B-A-R—"

"Do not spell at me, son." Colonel Phillips was angry now.

Agent Carter sees Steve's resolve and turns to Colonel Phillips.

"Sir, Rogers is only on loan to the USO. Officially, he is still SSR." Agent Carter tried to reason out to Colonel Phillips. The Colonel stares at Steve and finally, he relents.

"Barnes?" He asked. Steve nods. He picks up a thick sheaf of letters, leafing through the first few. "I've signed more condolence letters today than I'd care to count. But the name does sound familiar. I'm sorry."

Steve pales, Colonel Phillips' words sinking in. He stares at a map of Austria on the wall, alongside aerial photos of a facility.

"What about the others? You're planning a rescue mission?" Steve not giving up hope yet.

"Yeah. It's called "winning the war."" Colonel Phillips replied.

"But if you know where they are—" Steve was cut off by the irritated Colonel. "They're thirty miles behind the lines. Through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd lose more men than we'd save. I don't expect you to understand that, because you are a chorus girl."

"I think I understand pretty well." Steve calmed himself, avoiding an outburst.

"Then understand it somewhere else. If I read the posters right, you've got some place to be in half an hour." the Colonel reminded Steve.

"Yes, sir. I do." Steve exits, taking one last look at the maps as he goes.

Colonel Phillips goes back to signing letters. He looks to Agent Carter "You got something to say now's the time to keep it to yourself."


Musicians hustle as Senator Brandt's aide searches for Steve.

"Where the hell is Rogers? Anyone seen him?" The aide asked. He grabs the three girls from the motorcycle number. "Get out there. Now! Stall!".

The first girl hurries to a shelf and grabs her "U" HELMET. The second girl grabs her "S" HELMET. The last girl reaches the shelf to find it empty. She looks around for her missing "A" HELMET and asked "Where's my helmet?"