Chapter 5 Light Vs ???

After the break

Phill-Now We will begin the 4th match that is

Kenta/Sai Vs Gardos

Sai-We Will Defeat you at all cost

Kenta-Here we come

Gardos smiles

Phill-Match begins

Kenta and Sai goes for close combat Gardos catches both of them and throws them out of the field

Phill-Match over,Winner-Gardos

Kenta-We lost

Oda Comes towards Kenta

Oda-Its okay man,If we did loose here its okay,Be a proud member in the battle grounds

Kenta-Sorry Oda

Light sighs

Light-Oye Kenta Sai dont think you lost here you lost here so you lost everything,Just get stronger and nevel loose again just never give up on yourself


Sai-I will

Phill-The 5th match is between Sakura/Akira vs Lamour


Akira-Takes out a gun,presses a button and turns it into a machine gun


Sakura takes our her blades,See ya Never Lamour

Lamour-K,I dont want to battlr these girls

K-Lamour,I know they look strong don't they


K-So give up then

Lamour-Tch,Never going to give up

Lamour takes out his sword,Kaminarti

Lamours generates Lightning in his sword


Lamour-Kaminari Slash!

Akira-Good Thing

Akira makes a shield out of his machine and saves herself

Sakura used her two baldes tk block bu couldn't and was about to blown away from the field

Akira catches her with her metal hand

Akira-Be Careful


Sakura and Akira Are both shielded by the shield

Lamour-Another One,Kaminari Slash!!

Akira throws a flash grenade

Lamour-Ouch,My eyes

Akira-Now Sakura!

Sakura jumps over,And Attack Lamour with her kick

Lamour fells on the ground

Sakura gets her blade close to Lamour

Phill-Battle ends,Winner Sakura/Akira

K-You did well Lamour

Lamour-K,Thanks for not letting me give up

Light-You did well,Akira

Akira blushes


Phill-6th Match Arina/Yuuki Vs Arnisia


Arina-Lets Do this

Arina moves herslef faster and picks up Arnisia with super strength

Yuuki-Takes out Guns and Shoots Arnisia

As Yuuki was holding her tight in the position

Arnisia-Death Shine

Arina-Aah My eyes

Arnisia movea backward and Takes out her blade,Demon Layer

Arnisia-Demon Slash

The Slash was surrounded by Demons

Those Demons pushes of Arina and Yuuki from the field

Phill-Battle Over,Winner Arnisia!

Arina and Yuuki-Everyone We are sorry,we lost the battle

Light-I will tell you the same thing,Never Give up because great things take time

Phill-6th Battle

Hajime/Mina vs Kari

Phill-Battle Begin!

End of Part 1

Part 2 Begins

Hajime takes out his blade and Attacks Kari

Kari takes out her sword,Angeloures

Mina makes Magic circles below Kari



Kari was thrown out of Field

Kari-What the hell,After I finally got to battle and It ended befire a minute

Sam-Kari,Its okay


Hajime and Mina High Five

Phill-Battle over,Winner Hajime/Mina

Phill-7 match

Zed/Xander vs K

K-Finally,my turn Oh you are Zed ,The 5h God of Lightning


Xander-Lets Defeat him,I already have plans

Zed-You are smart!

Phill-Battle begin

K supers speeds and Kicks Xander out of the field

Zed-He is fast!

Zed backes up


A Dimensional wraps opens

Light-Thats Zed's weapon


K takes out his sword,Dorneria

K and Zed move at super speed blocking each other attacks

Their swords clash

Zed-I will defeat you,I promise Zed charges a Lightning Slash

K-lets wait wand watch,K activates Blue Flames

Zed-Lightning Slash!!!

Zed-Blue Flames Final Slash

Zed and K clash eachother

They face opposite directions

Zed fells down

Phill-M.Match Over,Winner K

Light-Dont worry,Zed I had a tie with him in a Sword Clash

Zed-A tie,How strong is he!!

Phill-Next Match,Zain Vs Myself

Zain-Well,Lets Do this

Light-Match Begin

Zain takes out his long sword

Phill catches it and throws the sword and Zain out of the field


Phill-Oh I never Said,I saved this school from destruction by destroying the evil here

Light-Oh well

Phill-Next Match

Leo vs Kin


K-Oh He gave me this letter

Phill reads it and it read"Sorry Gotta go"


Phill-As of Kin's absence,Leo won by default

Leo-But I want to battle

Phill-Sorry,But Bad Luck I guess,Okay Next Match Light Vs

Light-I Finally get to know who I am battling



Phill-Light Vs Shirazu


Shirazu-And If you can,fight me with full power because I am going to battle till death


Phill-Well You are strong,So We Called the strongest person in the school to battle you,Oh yeah If you loose Your Team will not be ODB

Light-So Its up on me,Shirazu I Will defeat you then

Shirazu-Give me a good fight,Light Yuzuki

End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki