Chapter 6 Kazenora

Dimension 19

Yuuta comes through a portal

Yuuta-I am here,My first mission as a Natural to get rid pf Someone named Kazenora,Rico said that Light already came to this dimension alot and the strongest person in this world is one of my good friends,Ken said that The strongest in this world is Takahashi Daichi and K,One of Light's other friends of Dimension 55 is helping too, Was Light Yuzuki that famous,Well Whatever Lets go

Yuuta Enters the city

Yuuta-So This was he comunicator Ken gave me so I call him durimg the mission

As Yuuta was walking in the city he gets a call

Ken-Hey,Yuuta I called Daichi and told him that you are coming to his dimension,He tild me to tell you to mee him in the castle

Yuuta-Got it

Ken-Oh Yeah,Good Luck Yuuta


Yuuta walks towards the castle

Meanwhile in the castle

Daichi-K,We got a call fron Dimensiom 5 to solve this case

K-What did Kazenora did

Daichi-He killed Garna,And I will never leave him for that

K-Garna was your good friend wasn't he

Daichi-Yeah,Nil's Too,Emilia also loved him alot

Nil-Yeah,He always helped us alot but now,Nil starts crying

Emilia-Don't cry Mom,Or I will cry too

Ema-Dont cry you too

K-I am sorry man

Arnisia-K,We have found where he is but it is impossible for us to reach there


Arnisia-In the Earth's Core


Arnisia-He Comes out during the night and kills people

Daichi slams his hand

Daichi-We finally found him but Now we can't reach him

Right them the door of the castle opens and Yuuta comes in


Yuuta-Umm,I am here to meet Takahashi Daichi and K from Dimension 19 and Dimensiom 55




Daichi and K hugs Yuuta

K-You are alive,You idiot


Daichi-How,What happened


K-Say something Light

Yuuta-Um,Can I ask something


Yuuta-Who are you too

Daichi amd K go silent

Daichi-You don't remember us

K-I thought we were friends

Yuuta-Umm,Friends?,Oh you are Takahashi Daichi And K

Yuuta gets punched by K

Yuuta-What was that for

K-Shut Up!,How could you not remember us we helped you so many times

Yuuta-What do you mean?


Daichi raises his hand

Daichi-Grand Masaccre


Yuuta gets hit by It and was about to faint

Yuuta-What are you doing,I thought Ken told you ever...y thing

Nil-Stop right there you too

Daichi-What is it,Nil!

Arnisia-Somethings not right here

Nil-Are you Light Yuzuki?

Yuuta Stands us up by the support of the wall

Yuuta-Now I get it,Ken didn' t tell you that did he?


Yuuta-I have a permanent memory loss,So I don't remember anything that has happened in all these years


Yuuta-Yeah,I recently got to meet everyone else as I was lost in Dimension 1000

Daichi-So You have forgetten everything

Yuuta-Yeah,I am sorry

K-No we are sorry for hitting you

Daichi-Yeah,We are sorry

Yuuta-Nope I am used to it now

Yuuta stands up

Yuuta-So what is the problem

Daichi-Y...Yeah,A person named Kazenora has been attacking our town in the night

Yuuta-Okay,Where is he

Arnisia-He is Near the Earth's core and comes out during the night

Yuuta-Okay,Then we have to wait until night time to fight him

Arnisia-Yeah,Wait What is your name

Yuuta-Its Yuuta,Nice to meet you all again I


Daichi-Yuuta,Nice to meet you too

K-Me too,Okay Then Ready up everyone we are going for a fight


End of Part 1

Part 2 begins

Yuuta stands high up on the tower for a lookout

Yuuta-Its Time

Middle of the village a hole was made by someone

K-He has came out

Arnisia-He must be close looking for his next prey

A woman was walking down the road

And was suddenly attacked

The women raoses her right hand and says

Nil-Star Cast

A Lot of Stars come out of her hand and took Kazenora up in the sky

Daichi comes junping on houses and raises his Right hand

Daichi-Bullet Flash

Kazenora dodges all of thoses reaches near Daichi and punches him on the ground

Daichi blood comes out from his mouth

K comes in with Dorneria

K-Blue Flames Get him

Kazenora Gets captured by it

K comes near him

K-Why are you killing people

Kazenora headsmashes K amd gets freed

Kazenora tries to run but was blocked by Arnisia and Demon Layer

Nil Does the Same

Kazenora tries to jump but was punched by Yuuta

Kazenora was smashed on the ground

As Daichi comes to him to kill him

Kazenora spins kicks Daichi's Leg to make him fall

He takes out his knife and takes him hostage


Kazenora In a deep voice

Kazenora-Everyone stop where they are or this guy gets killed

Yuuta-Why are you killing these people

Kazenora-I will ask the questions here

Yuuta-What is it

Kazenora-Does anyone know Dimension traveling here


Kazenora-Then Take me to Dimension 456

Yuuta-Why should we do that

Kazenora-I request you,I want to go back to my home

Yuuta-What do you mean?

Kazenora leaves Daichi

Kazenora-I will tell you everything if you take me home

Daichi-Dont go kidding around,You killed my best friend

Kazenora-Your Friend is alive well not in this world anymore

Daichi-What do you mean

Kazenora-You see some people from my world want to kill me

I was a happy man but one day I and My family saw some of the wronf doings of our king and he killed every member of our family,I ran away by opening a portal and came here,But as they wanted to kill me they followed me and as I was about to get killed your friend saved me but was taken to my Dimension

Nil-Why did you attack me then

Kazenora-Oh that was because I was hungry amd I thought you had some food

Yuuta-Why did you hide In the Earth's Core

Kazenora-Well,Where I come from our kind lives in places that are hot and that was the best place I could find,We can only come out in the moon as light is harmful for our kind

K-How do we believe you are saying the truth

Emilia-No he is saying the truth


Emilia-I used my Truth Spell on him before he said anything

Yuuta-Okay Then I will let the Naturals know about this

Kazenora-Thank you,Umm

Yuuta-Ny name is Yuuta,Nice to meet you

Kazenora-Nice to meet you too

K-What will we being doing

Yuuta-Daichi will be coming with us while K will you protect this world

K-Yeah,You can depend on me

Nil-I will also be coming

Daichi-You stay here and Protect Emilia,I promise I will bring Garna back

Nil-Okay,Come back soon


Yuuta,Daichi and Kazenora Teleport Back to the Base of Naturals

Ken-Oh You are back,We got your message and we thought this would be perfect first mission for Ao,Dont you think that



Yuuta-You are going on your first mission


Yuuta-Yeah,Best of Luck


Erina-Best of Luck Ao!

Akira-See you soon then

Akira kisses Ao on the cheeck

David-You started dating from 3 days before and see how much Lovey-Dovey you guys are

Ao-Shut Up!

Daichi-Who is this?

Yuuta-That is Ao,The Last Natural and he wilk be supporting you two

Daichi-What about you?

Yuuta-Sorry,But I need to train

Daichi-Its okay man

Yuuta-Okay Then,Best of luck bringing Garna back


End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki