Chapter 25 Gods

Gazor Stands up

Gazor-oh,You are strong

Zeker-Well he is obviesly

Miku-Shut up Zeker

Iris-Let him speak sister

L And Everyone come towards Miku

L-What happened

Miku-Well,We sebt a transmission to other Dimensions and Dimension 2 responded to that

L-So you are telling me That person

Miku-Had Lightning in him due to Naturals

L-And he has all the powers of Lightning

Miku-Even more then that

Jen-So you aee saying he is the strongest God

Rico-Yeah,Maybe that

Aiden-We dont know yet

Zed-Who are they

Miku-Other Naturals members

Rico-hey,I am Rico Yuzuki,The God of Sound


Miku-She is the wife of The current Light Yuzuki


Aiden-I am Aiden Hal,The God of Flames

Dk-I am Den Kazu,The God of Darkness

Lily-I am Lily Rogers,The God of Wind

Zeko-I am Zeko Adams,The God of Water

Gazor-But how much stronger are you

Light-Dont know,But I am Much stronger the you

Gazor-Oh Reallly

Gazor powers up,Gazor wings comes out of his back and he flying quickly flies towards Light

Light jumps and kicks Gazor on his back

Gazor was thrown to the ground

Light moves backwards

Gazor-Okay you are strong

Light-Yeah,Now lets finish this

Light moves towads Gazor,Destruction Overide,Code:Destroy,God Level


L-God Level

A huge explosion came out of Light's hand killing Gazor

Light turns normal and Comes towards Everyone

Light-So what was that about

L-I.I.I am So.So.Sorry 1st if you had some problem

Light-1st?,Oh Oh no dont call me that I only have the Powers of Lightning, I am not Lightning

Eter-So dont Call him that

Light-And Talk to me normally

Aiden-So who was that?

L-It was Gazor,One of the troublers on Earth

Ragoz-And My brother

Dk-Okau,So that's over

Zed-Nope that was only one of them

Jen-There are many more near the Earth core

Miku-How many have you fought with

Ren-18 and there are many more

Light-Wait,They like Heat right,Aiden

Aiden-Oh you are thinking what I am Thinking aren't you

Light-Yup,Hey L you must be knowing where is the God Of Flames of this world

L-God of Flames,He is also one of the war Gods

Light-So can you call him here


L takes out a button from his back and presses it

A lot of Flames appear Near him

And when they disappear

Gin-Why did you call me here,L

L-This guy here has the power of the 1st

Gin-What!,Then you must call God of Ice here first

L-Oh yeah,But first this giy need you

Light-Umm,Hey I am Light Yuzuki,The X God of Lightning so We need a little help here

Gin-What is it

L explains everything to Gin

Gin-Okay so what can I do

Aiden-You are coming with me to the Earth's Core


Light-Well you see the God of Flanes are the only ones I know that can bear the heat of Earth's core

Gin-That's Impressive,Okay I will help

Aiden-Okay then,I call upon the God of Flames,Flanium

Aiden turns into God Of Flames


Gin and Aiden go towards on of the hole Gazor made and they went in

Aide -Are you ready


Gin and Aiden enter the Earth's Core

Aiden-Here we Go

Aiden does a flame wheel to get as many Gazors

Gin Does a Flamethrower To do the same

Light-Oh this is going to take a while

3 hours later

Gin and Aiden come out of the

Aiden-Oh that was one hell of a ride

Gin-You were great down there,Aiden

Aiden-You were great too,Gin

Rico-Man,He can beavome friends with anyone,can't he

Light-Miku,Who is The God of Ice


L-God of Ice is Lightning's Little sister

Light-Can you call her here

Miku-Do you want to meet her

Light-Yean,Maybe I will meet everyone who knew Lightning and clear this problem

L-Okay here we go

L takes another button out to call everyone

A Lot of natural elements came in from of Light and When they disappear

Nina-Why did you-

Nina starts crying


Light stops Nina


Light-I am going to clear this once and for all


Nina-That means

Nil-He is

Hana-Not Lightning

Light-Finally,I am done

Eter-Man that was loud

Kiz-who is he

Miku-In short Light From another Dimension

Light-But Lightning told me to take care of everyone he loved as his last wish

Nina-You heard his last words

Light-Well he went from my body as a spirit

Nina-What do you mean

Light-Natural stone

Nina-Spirit Catch

Miku-Yeah,Before he went away I heard him,He is saying the truth

Nil-So My sister

Gin-My brother

Hana-My boyfriend

Kiz-And my Mother


Miku-The people they are talking about all had Natural stones

Light-Okay,Can you tell me who are they gods of

Gin-My Brother was the God of Earth

Kiz-My Mother was God Of Ice

Hana-My boyfriend was God of Steel

Nil-My sister was God Of Air

Light-Okay,Rico where are Sam and the others

Rico-They must be back from finding God stones

Light-Call them here and tell them not to use the God stone actually call Every Natural

Rico-Okay,Including Jane and Gina


After 6 Hours later

Light-So Everyone These people know the people who are inside you and wants to hear there voice


Light-Every Natural stone can you please speak The Team name

Every Natural Stone-NATURALS!

Nina-It is true

Light-Okay,Now who wants to hear there loved one voice again

Kiz-My mother

Light-Ice right,Flice




Ice-Look how much you have grown

Light-Okay,Next is Hana,Raze Its yours




Light-Oh Emily good timing,Nil Your sister


Air-Nil,God of Clouds still funny

Nil-Sis,That's Not funny

Light-Last is Gin,Sam all yours

Gin-Sam,You look good to handle my body


Earth-Yeah,I will handle it

4 hours later

Sam,Fazuka,Raze,Emily and Flice lines up

Light-Okay,Everyone this is the last time you hear them,Anyone else who wants to try

Light-Okay then





Psy-Yeah Yeah laugh of,Fazuka

After Psy meeting his Mom

Light-Here we go then

Sam-I call upon the God of Earth,Eatnium

Sam was filled with Mud and from his back hansmds of Mud came out

From his Body A small light and Becomes Earth's Nornal Body

Earth-It was a good Flight,Sam and Goodbye brother

Gin-Goodbye Ulo

Ulo spirits disappear


Flice-I call upon the God of Ice,Enium

Flice was filled with Ice around her body and A cloth came out of her back

From her body,came out Ice's Spirit

Ice-Goodye Kiz And Flice and Flice take care of Kiz


Ice spirits disappear

Light sees something

Light-Continue on,I need to check something

Light moves towards the forest

Light-Whoever is there come out

???-You got me

A Ninja comes out of The forest

???-I am Gama,A ninja

Light-What is that in your bag

Gama-Thats,Every God's Spirit


Gama-Even Lightning's is there

Light-Give them back

Gama-Oh shit,The remaining spirits

Aiden comes in his way


Gama disappears

Aiden-Who was that?

Light-Spirit stoler


Light joins Everyone

When every spirit was gone

Light-Everyone Wait,A person Stole every spirit that we released befor Psy's


Iris-Even Lightning's


Jane-So now what

Light-We are going to release them

Nina-I am coming with you

Light-Whatever this Gama guy is doing is Dangerous and we may even think that he was working with someone,If you can handle that then you can come

Nina-Dont worry I was a fightning partner with Lightning and fought many battles with him

Light-Then,Naturals and Gods we will give freedom to the spirits of our loved ones,Once and for all!

End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki