Chapter 30 New Naturals


Dr Fred-This is..



Nirai-What is happening

Light-Wow,He passed me


Ken-Now Mister what were were you saying

Xan-Dad is that



Ken quickly moves towards Dr Fred

And slashes him with his water sword

Dr Fred-You brat!

Dr Fred Uses his metal hand and punches Ken

But Ken blocks It picks it up and throws him

Ken moves faster

Ken jumps and makes a fist

Water comes out from Kens back and joins with Ken's Hand

It get's bigger and he puches Dr Fred

Dr Fred-You!

Ken makes a blast out of water particles and Destroyes Dr Fred

Dr Fred-Aaaaaaaaa

Ken comes back and returns to normal

Ian-What was that

Ken-Lets enjoy the party


Nirai-Dad do yiu know what is that

Light-Rico and the others go Inside And Ken stay here

Ken-wait am I in trouble


Light-Ken Come with me


Light-So You are now a Natural

Ken-I stilk don't get a alot but I get the saving part

Light-Yeah,We are the same

Zeko-You are?

Light-Yup,When I became the sixth member of Natural,I still didn't know about all but I knew this that If I dont fight I will loose someone

Ken-So Now What happened to the Naturals

Light-We grew uo,Enemies webt away and Our power were not used after you all were born

Ken-Wow,So then Am I part of Naturals or part of the New Naturals

Light-Well as Yiur stone activated we also know that some day Nirai and the other's stone that they found will activae as well

Ken-So then

Light-Yeah,After that you will be known as tje New Naturals


Light-What happened

Ken-What shoul we call ourselfs

Light Smiles

Light-Call yourself Naturals


Light-That name cannot be replaced

Ken-I heard that Naturals defeated many aliens,Is thaf true

Light-Yeah it is

After half an hour Light and Ken returned home

Rico-Oh you are home

Light-What happened

Ian-Nirai has locked herself in her home and is not coming out


Light knocks on Nirai's Door

Light-Nirai,What happened

Nirai-Dad,Please help me

Light-What happened

Nirai opens the door

Nirai rubs her two fingers

Nirai forms a Light

Nirai-What is happening to me,Dad

Light-That's not a disease,Idiot you have power's

Nirai-Powers like Ken

Light-Yup Like Ken

Ken-I thought it would have told you

Light-Oh yeah,I think it hasn't woken up

Light taps on Nirai chest

???-Oh,I am inside a body

Nirai-Its coming from inside me

Shina-I am Shina and I am your stone


Light-Come on,Come downstairs Ken will tell you all about this

Nirai,Ken And Light Come downstairs

Aiden-Oh so yoh are here

Rico-So what was it

Ken-In simple words Nirai is part of the New Naturals


Rin-So Nirai also has powers like Ken


Rico-Is that true


Shina-Umm,Can I ask you something are you alk here part of Naturals


Shina-Well the thing is,Before I died I was part of a team in Japan

Rico-So that Means

Light-There are more people like us

Shina-No they must be dead


Shina-A meteorite crashed on us

Ken-But our Japan is fine

Light-It must be of another Dimension

Nirai and Ken-Dimension!!!!!

End of Chapter


By-Light Yuzuki