chapter 11 {your are my sunshine}

Z decide to visit slederman and everyone and the slederman brothers are coming too , in the morning} unknown, Alec , Alex the wolf goes to their closet {their own room} to change then master Z was waiting for them to come then unknown came and Alec , Alex the three of them said master what are we gonna do today? then Z said we are going to visit slederman and the others just like you then the three if them was shock then they said ok and went to tell the others then unknown went to the white rabbit room and said hey rabbit and Kira the dark we are going to visit the creepy pasta so get change then the two girl said ok then Alec and Alex when to akatusike room and said the same then he said ok then all of them were ready and went to the carriage and they were there after Z knocked the door then slederman said hello z , enter then z enter and the others and Z went to talk with slederman then the white rabbit and Kira went to the girl and akatusike went to the boys and Alec , Alex , unknown were their sitting then they saw the three proxy that they went to the forest and Alex went to them and said are you guys slederman proxy? then mask said yeah and you are Z proxy right then Alex yeah but come let's go to my others mates then Alex said hey Alec , unknown then both of them looked and saw Alex with slederman proxy and said hey guys! then Alec went to Hoodie to talk then Toby went to Alex and masky went to unknown they were talking then Hoodie said so z choose you to be his proxy then Alec said no then Hoodie said so what did he do? then Alec said me and Alex and lizzy is unknown, us got a phone call from Alex kraile then he said to go the forest we are gonna meet there then when we got there lizzy and Alex was killed , and me so then Alex left and l went to grab my phone and call Tim and Jay but they were too late lizzy , alex, and me were dead then after we came back to life but everything was dark then Z wanted is us to be his proxy then lizzy said no then Z put his power of the past then Z said do you want to take revenge lizzy? that happen to your parents then lizzy said yes and Alex and me said yes then he changed us to this so yeah then Hoodie said masky always tell about this girl who her name was lizzy but then she was dead and he never had a chance to said to lizzy that he love her then Alec said lizzy is unknown then Hoodie hear the ring bell when dinner was ready then they went and Saw everyone sitting down and saw masky and unknown sitting together then Alex and Toby were eating then Alec and Hoodie was eating then after that they went to play uno and unknown went to the rabbit and Kira and white rabbit said guys this unknown and unknown that is Jane , clockwork, Nina , Sally , judge angle , lulu then unknown said hi then the girls said hi and nice to meet you then they were talking and then masky went to unknown and said come unknown then unknown was following him then they were at the garden the they sit there and masky said your name is lizzy right then unknown said wait what how do you know then masky said don't you remember me? then unknown said TIM! went to hug him and masky said now you know me then unknown was laying down and masky was grabbing unknown hand and masky said your are my sunshine unknown then unknown said your are my partner in crime then unknown takes off masky mask and kiss masky on the cheek then they were hugging and seeing the star { don't cry because it's over,smile because it happen a happy ending }