IV The ancient workshop

Once my eyes had become used to the brightness I could see what appeared to be some form of ancient work area. The entire room was about 50 to 75 feet long and about 20 to 30 feet wide and ended about 90 feet from the doorway that I was standing in. the room had what appeared to be desks carved from the rocks on either side of the room going the entire way through to the other side. On the other end of the room stood another door, similar to the one next to me. all the tables were lined with metal objects that appeared to be in ruins and were completely covered with rust. The whole room was completely silent and so I decided to go to the door because all of the objects were either uninteresting or too ruined to even try to figure out what they were supposed to be. When I opened the door I heard another hissing sound and it swung open easily with not much noise. Unlike the previous room this new room was completely empty and was just a walkway with a humongous drop off either side of it and what appeared to be a valve on a pedestal about halfway across it. My curiosity was getting the better of me and so I crossed the walkway until I reached the pedestal. My curiosity for turning the valve, being greater than the suspicious feeling building up inside me, convinced me to turn the valve.