IX Anticipation

I got back to my starting platform with a couple minutes to spare and so I sat down on the platform to contemplate my strategy for the upcoming match. About 2 minutes before the match was supposed to start I could hear people climbing into the seats above me and realized that they take even Rookie matches seriously which meant that I would want to come quick at my opponent so as to leave no breathing room but also to step back whenever necessary to make sure I could recollect my thoughts when necessary. I stood up when about a minute was left and I stared towards the direction the platform said was the best direction to face so I wouldn't come out looking the wrong direction. As 30 seconds remained I could feel the platform starting to move upwards so I removed the axes from my back and hung them from my hands pointing them downwards so that I would look focused. I came out in the middle of a red platform Area as they were announcing my name and I raised my axes in a way that showed I was who they were talking about. Then the other Gladiator came out of a blue platform area about 150 feet from my platform when they announced his name as Visk, he appeared to be wielding a basic short sword and a round shield with some light armor as well that was a shade of faded green.