Chapter 12: Talent > Hardwork

A black haired kid is seen sparring with a chinese looking old man.

The black haired kid does a signature reverse tornado kick but the chinese man dodges it.

The kid didn't stop his assault and as soon as his lag was over he places his hands towards the ground and spun in place.

Using the force from the spin he launched himself towards the man and just before the man blocks it with his arms the boy boy flipped mid air and lands a heel on the man's head before jumping away.

He bled but it wasn't because of the kick but because of the blade in the kid's shoes that managed to find it's way in his bottom lip.

"Tch, I missed, you'd be dead by now if I didn't miss a few centimeters"

The chinese man stood straight and laughed.

"You're a real cunning aren't cha? Please don't kill you instructor"

The chinese man pleaded as he raised his arms up in the air and laughed even more loduly.

The kid opened his arms and it revealed that a string was about to cut the man's head off, the kid turned around but.

"Don't let your guard down!"

The chinese man charged towards the kid but to no avail as the kid stepped with his foot and the man's neck started oozing blood although slowly, he smirked and threw a badge at the kid.

"Sheesh, how'd you manage to get a second string on my neck?"

"Oho? Feng the old man is seeking advice from a kid?"

Feng, the chinese man sighed as nodded.

"Well, it all started during my first tornado kick, in the midst of all those spins I threw a stringed kunai just before I kicked you and when you evaded it, me spinning around the ground was just me attracting your attention as I threw another stringed kunai parallel to the first one"

Feng nodded and asked.

"How about the second one?"

"Err... That's from when you were distracted from my kick to your head, I placed some strings to your head and connected it to my left foot so I'll just have to kick my left foot and bye-bye Feng"

Feng was impressed but he placed his hands in his cheeks and sighed, he pointed outside signalling the kid to go outside.

"It sucks but I guess you're really a 200% born natural killer~ Not a shinobi though as, I haven't really told you but you probably won't graduate from the academy like that"

The kid turned around and raised one of his eyes brows as to say that he doesn't understand.

"If I used jutsu's on the spar you'd be dead, what's worse is you have poor chakra, it's laughable that you're the son of that Jun"

The made a displeased expression and continued outside but before that I heard Feng murmur.

"War is nearing, what will you do Shodaime?"


"I, Raiko Kishin, 5 years old son of Jun Yanagikage and Hika Kishin is now an official Yanagikage house member!"

I flipped my badge while staring at it with delight.

"Crap, it's already night time!"

I quickened my pace towards our house and ran at my top speed.

"By the way, Ikari when does the First Shinobi War happen?"

[bNb 34, approximately a year later]

'Damn, I can't help Hashi-jiji if that's the case...'

[Affirmative, the death of Hashirama Senju is an unchangeable event]

"I'm more worried about Tsuna-Hime, she's gonna find it hard to lose her granpa"

[Aren't you supposed to be more worried about something else]


I placed my sandals in front of our door and inhaled.

As soon as my lung was at it's peak I shouted.

"Happy 3th Birthday Yukie and Chloe!"

A few bumbs and crashes can be heard from upstairs but a few seconds later 2 little girl jumped at me and hugged me making me crash down to the floor.


Yukie was nuzzling my cheeks with her nose.


And Chloe was pressing her cheeks against mine.

I was officially an assassin but 2 little girls managed to subdue me, it was hell.

I made my most blandest face as I took the two by their collars and placed them on the couch.

"You guys wait here, I'll cook you your favorites"

"Nitsuke, Tempura and Miso soup!"

A cute sparkling Yukie shouted and was actually drooling, Chloe didn't bother giving hers.

"Rainiki is the one cooking it so it'll be delicious either way..."

Yukie frowned and shook Chloe savagely.

"It's our birthday! Nii-Nii's gonna cook anything, even people so why are you holding back!?"

I raised an eye brow and wondered who told her I can cook humans as a just-incase-technique.

"Look, I can cook most stuff but not Nitsuke... I'm not japanese enough to understand how to cook something as complex as that"

Yukie and Chloe tilted their heads towards me and I realized what was wrong with what I just said.

"I meant, I'm not that japanese-ish chef enough Kuu-hehehehe"

I immediately corrected myself and continued preparing the ingredients for the miso soup and tempura.

"You...said you'll cook anything..."

'No the question is where did you even eat Nitsuke as I don't cook it?!'

Chloe guessed what was in my mind and replied in a very harsh tone.

"She gets spoiled by Hashirama-Jiji quite a lot along with Tsunade when you're not here"

'So that old man has her hands on my sisters huh...'

Chloe guessing what was in my mind again said in an even harsher tone.

"Apparently, she just says "yes" every time and leaves me in the house, her excuse is that she goes out to play with Tsunade"


I asked confused, she didn't know what they actually did?

"Yep, I don't know what they actually do but she's sparkling whenever so I just leave it be"

I went near Chloe and patted her head, she blushed and placed her hands to her chest as if she really hates it... Just like a tsundere...

"R-Rainiki... please don't p-p-pat me suddenly-woo"

This is exactly why I do, she has her own particular tick when embarrassed -Woo.

I laughed and Yukie was staring at my hands like it's some sort of holy vibrator- NO WAIT, Ahem.

Like some holy hands, Of course I patted her as well but with my other hand.

Yukie also had a cute reaction as she was literally in heaven whenever I pat her in the head, yes my hands are scary literally and figuratively.

"Since Chloe was honest, I'll cook your favorite fried fish with Raiko Secret Cooking Method!"

Her tsundere-ish face lightened up and hugged me, quicker than Yukie ever does.

"But since Yukie has been bad and leaves her sister alone in the house! NO NITSUKE"

Yukie was severely damaged and was about to cry but I added another sentence to my declaration.

"But! I'll cook fried rice, Yukie Version"

They were both hugging me now, I feel blissful.

I took them away from me and started cooking.


After they (and me) wished themselves happy birthday they ate like mad man who hasn't seen food for 100 years and immediately fell asleep on the table.

I the usual Big Bro that I am picked them up and took them to my bed to sleep as they can't sleep for more than 2 hours if my scent isn't with them.

On another note, I usually let them sleep with my used T-Shirt so they'd sleep till morning, but since they were in my room this time no need to.

I then went outside and stared at the moon for quite some time thinking back on all that happened this few very eventful 5 years.

"Ikari, Status"

[Raiko Kishin]

[Age: 5]

[Affinities: Yin Release]

[Bloodline Limit: Kageton]

[Strength: 30]

[Intelligence: 215]

[Agility: 82]

[Chakra: Exists]

[Constitution: 18]


[Kishin Clan - Shadow Demons: Sensitivity to anything related to killing and amplified sense of hearing]

[Sage of Sixty-Nine Wanks - Invulnerable Conundundrum Lateralis]

[Shadow Speed - Arthur is now as fast or even faster than his peak wanking speed that it leaves a shadow or afterimage behind]

[Cardinal Sin: Wrath - Different levels of anger amplifies stats in exchange for dulled senses]

[Level 1 x2]

[Level 2 x3]

[Level 3 x4]

[Level 4 x5]

"I wonder why my intelligence and speed raises slowly compared to the others?"

[Because they are too high for your age thus the need for even more extreme actions to raise them]

I unzipped my pants and started doing my business (IFYWIM)

[Arthur may I ask what the weird sounds are?]

"Uwuuu, Youuuwuu... Don't neeewuuud to know"

[Negative, I Ikari is a system with hyper inquisitiveness to the unknown]





[Cardinal Sin System: Ikari has temporarily malfunctioned, please wait a moment as we restart]

'So I just need to fap to make her shut up?'


Nothing appeared and so my hunch was correct Ikari really was responsible for the status.

"I feel sinful for fapping to my mom..."