It was a cold and lonely morning, it was one of those days that can hardly be called a morning as the sky was dark for no reason.
[I assume rain is-]
"Don't interrupt my monologue"
War was brewing as the current year was no doubt bNb 34 and Hashirama already made his decision to host the first ever Gokage Kaidan.
The recent suspicious actions of Kumogakure and the close case of kidnapping recently on Tsunade and my sisters ticked Hashirama off but he didn't consider war at first.
That is until Kumogakure attacked us first and now we're stuck in the battlefield, yes we, as in all the official Yanagikage assassins are sent out in here as troops and some higher ranked ones are treated as Anbu but they take public missions or high-class targets of their own volition.
Me, a 6 year old is here sticking out like a sore thumb among all these grown up shinobis.
To top it off, I was literally a retarded at ninjutsu, no, specifically my chakra reserves was apparently so low using a body flicker would tire me empty.
And then there was Tsunade who is obviously a Senju who was being praised as a genius already and she hasn't even entered the academy yet!
Feng was busy using jutsu's to attack the enemy and I minded my own business by pretending to be a dead corpse.
He looked at me with an annoyed face and looked like an idiot shouting at air, I could hear people whispering stuff.
'Hey has that guy gone crazy?'
'Must be his way to deal with it'
I chuckled and looked at Feng with the smuggest face I could, he couldn't really see my face but he heard me chuckle.
"Your the one who brought me here..."
"I wanted you to realize the true anguish of taking another person's life, especially if they have a family as well"
His...I can't see it but I can feel his eyes turn dark during his speech.
It didn't get through me as I definitely didn't care about others.
"As a Yanagikage, only the blade and flesh of the enemy matters. They can have 10 kids but if we are given a duty to kill them then they aren't all that good either way"
He gave me a disgusted look but sighed and continued battling.
"Plus I take care of 2 little sisters, so worrying about who I stab isn't really gonna help me~ Is that the best guilt trip you can manage for m-?!@#$@"
My face was eating muddy sandals so I immediately stood up and outta' nowhere got attacked by a random kumo ninja.
I dodged his slash and stabbed his neck with a kunai I found lying the ground just now but to my surprise it was just a his clone and I immediately backed away from the spot after feeling a bit of movement under me.
A few moments a later he could be seen jumping out of the ground expecting to catch me but I was already in the air, I threw threw 2 stringed kunais to him that he predictably dodged.
"You have no place in here KID!"
It was obviously a fodder ninja because if he was skilled my strings wouldn't cut his head off this cleanly, I landed and sighed as stared at Feng who was merely fighting 4 other fodders.
'He purposely stepped on me, this bastard wants to die an accidental death!'
I took a string from my Raiko String Dispenser and attached it into a kunai with exploding tag and threw it.
Feng thought it was me trying to help so he grabbed the strings and redirected it into the enemy.
A smile crept up to my face and I did a hand seal.
Within a moments notice, the tag exploded and the 2 fodder ninjas died along with it.
"Tch, didn't get caught in it huuuh!"
Feng was coming out of the smoke with a corpse which he probably used as a meat shield.
"That's 3 Kumogakure ninja's now! Thanks for the assist Raiko~"
A vein appeared on my forehead as my eye brows twitched. (Anime Angery Boi 101)
I took another kunai from the ground and rushed forward.
Feng was shook and assumed a defensive stance.
"Are you a fake?!"
He tried attacking me but just as he was about to, I slit the throat a the last fodder ninja who was sneakily using some jutsu to conceal himself, didn't work on me since that dude was a walking aroma of death.
"Hu-?! Oh! You didn't need to!"
Feng exclaimed, he felt embarrassed that a kid help him take down enemies.
"Of course, you're a Yanagikage instructor so dying like that would mean more reasons for me to laugh at you in your grave when you die of old age~ Kuu-hee"
Feng was angry again and he smacked me in the head.
I stared at him blandly and rolled my eyes.
"Girls are cute and soft and smooth and smells nice and are actually somewhat better to talk to by a mere 1% than you..."
He smacked me again, I'd kill this guy if he wasn't a shinobi in war.
"Aren't I adorable? Hard (THE MUSCLES) and rough? Smells like true men and actually smarter than little girls by a whole margin of 100%?"
Feng replied sarcastically, although he wasn't actually wrong.
"Except that my little sisters are actually smarter than me and you're pathetically dumber than me, which drops you at the dead last place. Irrelevant"
Feng was just about make a cumback but-
Again out of nowhere 6 kumogakure shinobi's surrounded us and were all in high spirits.
"Konoha's finished now Guhehehe!"
A man shouted, then all the others also had some sort of gribbles.
"Blah blah blah blah! HAHDAHHADA"
"Blah Blah Bladibadee Blah dibadiba Blah! AJWEJ"
"Blah Blah Blah God of Shinobi died! blah blah!"
I was filtering their words using my superb sense of hearing and one part of the last guy's words made me sigh.
I then focused on my ears and as it was the whole battlefield was at a loss.
"S-Shodaime Hokage has died!?"
"It's over, we're finished"
"If only...If only Madara was here then we could-"
Feng beside me was beyond shocked as his face crumbled and he felt down to his knees, the guy was like a Hashirama Hardcore Fan and this probably slapped him like a bitch.
"Oh well, people live and people die~ Get up Feng"
He refused to move and grabbed my shoulders (He was a adult and Raiko is six, so the height has an excuse)
He was blinded with rage and my snarky comment angered him even more.
I mean sure Hashirama was my nig- boi! His death was surely sad for these people but-
"It's not like it wasn't obvious..."
Feng tried to punch me but I just dodged and soon the other 6 came charging at us, I figured that Feng was beyond redemption so I slipped kicked the nearest one of the 6 with a back kick and used his poor face as a propellant high up in the air.
Feng was raging and attacking the enemies predictably and he was suffering counter attacks.
I raised up and arm and as I was in the air made a one hand prayer sign.
"May you actually go to heaven"
I dropped a Raiko Chili Smoke Bomb at them and escaped, leaving Feng to die in there.
It wasn't my fault~
A white haired little girl sneezed while hiding under the bed when all of the sudden a black haired demon and blonde haired demon looked down to her with red eyes and a creepy smile.
"F.O.U.N.D Y.O.U"
They both spelled simultaneously as they took her out.
"NO FAIR! NO FAIR! I sneezed! Nii-Nii was doing something bad!"
Tsunade and Chloe looked at each other and laughed.
"What? Are you connected to Rainiki?"
Yukie nodded her head energetically.
"I can feel whenever Nii-Nii does something bad! I sneeze! So I blame Nii-Nii"
The 2 others sigh and dragged her out.
I met up with some Yanagikage members and hid in a nearby cave around them it was near the base so it was actually a bit safer.
"Hey, Kid did you hear?"
I nodded my head decapitated the man with a string.
"I definitely hear you people planning to ambush anyone who comes near this so called "Safe" spot"
The others undid their transformation and rushed towards me but as soon as they did several real Yanagikage members appeared and massacred every Kumo in that spot.
"Thanks for the heads up Raiko!"
I nodded and sat down a bit to catch my breath.
"I want to learn a certain S-Class Supplementary Jutsu"