"What's an Uchiha doing saving my target? You want a clan war between the Yanagikage and Uchiha?"
Kamikoto shook his head and laughed like a pretty boy would.
"Hahaha!~ No, no of course not! I'm merely here to ask this pig a question before you kill him"
I nodded and allowed him, since my string was already in his neck the pig would die quickly.
A kunai slipped out of Kamikoto's sleeve and he points it to Buhi-ko activating his sharingan and staring at the pig.
"Tell me you fat lump of shit, what did you do Kohana Uchiha?!"
The fat pig realized who the...wait Kohana?... seems familiar.
"I-I-I swear I haven't done anything to her yet! An-AND SHE ESCAPED ME!"
Kamikoto laughed and then dropped him nodding to me as he flickered away.
I turned around walked towards the door, Buhi-ko thought we let him leave so he immediately stood up but-
I constricted my hands and his head popped off and I closed the door behind me.
"And...now...I shan't let anyone who has witnessed me to live so..."
I teleported towards the dead guy in the roof and found a girl in sheets desperately trying to escape out of the door but I locked it beforehand so she was knocking on it like crazy.
I opened it and to my shock...she looked familiar, I tilted my head and stared at her for a bit making her blush and hide herself in the blankets.
"Hey toy-girl what 'cha gonna do now? You're sugar pappi is dead ya' know?"
Her eye brows twitched and she shouted at me.
"I'm a victim of kidnap and I'm still a virgin you worthless savior!"
I also raised an eye brow and asked back.
"What savior? I'm here to kill that pig and everybody else that has ever seen me...yes, you included~"
I didn't waste time and threw a shuriken going after her but her eyes turned red and she managed to dodge it, sadly however this place was littered with my tags even before I opened the door so I teleported to a seal near her and caught her neck with my Raiko String.
"Nothing personal~"
As I was about to decapitate her a familiar voice shouted "Stop!"
"Wha? Umm....Kamikoto, right?"
It was the Uchiha from before and he was panicking.
"If you kill her! Then you'd really start a clan war!"
I took a look at her again and realized that she WAS the Uchiha, I figured that a fellow from Konoha won't really sell my details so I let go of the string and pushed her towards the pretty boi uchiha.
"If she's the one then find her faster than me!"
The girl bit my hand and tried to kick me but I dodged it and pointed my boot blade at her.
"How dare you attempt to kill me! Do you not know I'm one of the elder's daughter!"
I made a stoic face and replied.
"Dunno, Don't care, shut up, begone....thot"
The words thot weren't known around this universe but she probably still felt annoyed with it and spitted at me.
"Let me tell you I'm Kohana Uchiha!"
I made a smug smile and walked away.
"The name's Raiko by the way~ In case your highness wants to challenge me, Kuu-hee"
She sounded shocked so I turned around only to find her in tears.
I stared at this Deja Vu inducing situation and then I remembered.
"You...you're that annoying girl back at the war!"
She wiped her tears and shouted back at me with a very sad voice.
"I thought you died! What were you doing just disappearing from the base camp when we were doing roll calls for the war!"
"I already went back to the village by then..."
She started crying even more and Kamikoto was...I feel sad for the guy.
"Now, now Miss Kohana... Please take this conversation after we get...home?"
Kohana went out of his grasp and tried to hug me but-
"Sorry but, I only hug pure girls"
I raised an arm to salute and teleported back home, the power of Hiraishin and it's massive chakra usage.
I fell down for a bit and panted before recovering and continuing into the Yanagikage Mission Reception.
"I finished the B-class and believe me it was actually an A-class"
I took out a blood sample in a plastic sachet and handed it over.
"Proof the Aoi and Akai the Blue-Red Mercenaries has been killed"
The man nodded his head and told me that the clan head wanted to meet me.
"What? Again?"
I walked inside and went to the room of the clan head.
"Yo, old man Gayu!"
Gayu was the old man who tested me before and he actually is the clan head.
His voice was loud and my ears were sensitive, overall my ears was hurt and damaged.
"Tone down, sheesh. It's what they gave me after my achievements in the war and a few C-rank missions"
He face palmed and handed me a badge.
"Well, then you're promoted to Swift Class 2 for completing an A-rank mission. It was assigned due B-rank due our carelessness but we supposed 20 guards is too much to sneak up on and kill the target swiftly right?"
I shook my head and added.
"The red and blue whatcha something mercenaries was there too!"
The old man inhaled and first spoke at a calm voice as if it was normal as day.
"The Blue-Red Mercenaries huh?... Yeah...No, wait that's not right!"
He looked at me with a twitching face, he looked like a bear. Kuu-hee.
I was confused, THOSE guys were actually B-rank?
"You serious? They were B?"
He nodded like a mad man and was probably thinking of giving me another promotion at age 8 but I raised my arms looked at him with pure sparkling eyes that took me 7 years to learn.
"Pwease~ Don't give me anymore promotions before I reach 12 years old~ I don't want to attract too much attention outside of this estate~"
He smacked me in the head and kicked me out.
I could hear him from the other side of the door.
"Sure, just don't do those eyes again...they were making me shiver with disgust"
I laughed at him for being a virgin that he is and teleported back home.
It was still exhausting teleporting far away but I could manage.
Yukie was staring at me and she dropped her books in shock before jumping at me.
"Nii-Nii! Nii-Nii! Is back"
Several "thuds" and "boogsh" could be heard from upstairs and Chloe soon came out flying towards me.
She kissed me and...god were they heavy, shitty constitution.
Yukie didn't want to have no kisses and also kissed me, now they were both kissing me numerous times.
I threw them up in the air and teleported away from them watching them crash down.
"Nii-Nii is so mean~"
"Rainiki is a bad meanie!"
It was practically everyday, since they graduated that they were like this.
"Fine here let me pat you both"
The hands that killed about 23 man is patting the head of 2 little genins, it's great how life works, no?
While suddenly a wild Tsunade appeared and tried to punch me from the side but no lucks for her as I already threw a seal tag in the air after hearing her make a plan to hit me with Jiraiya and Orochimaru who was also in our house.
I teleported behind her and tickled her.
"Uwahahaha! Stop!"
A wild Jiraiya appeared and tried attacking me as well, Hiruzen is a mad lad to teach this little prodigies.
Sadly for our toad pervert, speed is my forte and dodging is my bread and butter.
I ducked pretending to find a coin stuck under the couch.
"Oh lookie here! A coin"
Orochimaru also tested his luck and threw a few kunais at me I dodged it but soon realized that it was going to hit either Yukie or Chloe but they both caught it and smacked Orochimaru, Oooh Boi looks like we got anti-Orochimaru for aNb now!
"Be careful with that you sadistic reptile!"
Chloe shouted and Orochimaru backed down nudging his head for a bit and sighing.
I was laughing my ass off and due to that the 3 future sannin tried to attack me but I glared at them really evilly.
"Move and you're all dead..."
I tried my best dark, villainous voice and watched as Jiraiya who was very laid back stand still and Orochimaru grumbled before also standing still.
Tsunade however was very hard-headed and tried to attack me regardless.
I constricted my fingers a bit and Tsunade suddenly bled a little from her arms.
"Wha? How?!"
Of course, I was just trying to scare them and let go of the string after a few moment.
"Did you really think me teleporting behind you was just a show of speed?
"No, I thought it was to tickle me..."
She was surprisingly a bit of... I dunno man, might've fucked up the timeline already.
[Negative, Arthur has not done any major changes whatsoever to the timeline...as of now]
I laughed awkwardly and invited everyone to have dinner here, heck they could sleep here as well considering the number of rooms in this house and how I don't usually sleep.
Other people would consider me a true beautiful man despite my bags under the eyes.
I was again not sleeping and looking at the moonlight.
"Ikari, can you bring out your human form?"
It was a few years ago when Ikari told me that if I ever wanted to see her human form I just ask for it.
Like always a bright white light came down from outta nowhere and wala! A white haired bombshell appeared, sadly she learned the importance of clothes the second time around and since then she would always wear a yukata whenever.
I wasn't saying it was bad as, those socks were splendid and her Geta was simply fitting for her, she apparently took the liking to wielding fans and her hair was as I advice not tied into any style.
If other men would see this, they'd have the audacity to fap in front of her as it's actually the only thing I've ever wanted to do to her ever since the first time she showed me her human form.
Actually it might only be me, who knows~ Kuu-hee.
"So Arthur what is the reason you have asked for my Human Form Doll?"
I asked her to sit beside me with a monotone face.
And as soon as she sat down I gave in to my instincts and!
A warm feeling melted, or figuratively melted my head.