Demon Vs Machine

The entrance of the warehouse yawns open as the shutter rises. I unhook the maglite from my belt and flick it on while stepping into the darkness. Sweeping the light across the interior of the warehouse, I see rows upon rows of sealed crates and miscellaneous bric-a-brac stored within. While I was tempted to suss out the source of this world's doom that was apparently right in front me right now, the sheer volume of freight that I would have to go through made that completely impossible in the time available to me.

I begin unloading the plastic explosives from the backpack and identifying good demolition spots. While The Voice had provided me with plenty of firepower, it made no sense to waste it. Weight bearing structures had to go for sure. That meant pillars and the like. Prioritizing the destruction of the more valuable looking freight also made sense. The remaining explosives would then be placed to ensure maximum blast coverage. Sounds like a plan.

Working quickly, I begin methodically planting the explosives. During my work, I spot a series of paintings wrapped in protective sheets. Grimacing in displeasure, I note that those paintings are of what appear to be cosmic abominations dressed in obscenely luxurious finery. "Who in the world are those guys?" I ask The Voice.

"The Dukes of Hell. Ever since the Legion had become a legitimate power on earth, portraits like this have become regarded as fine art. Demons usually purchase them as gifts for humans they wish to impress. You can also find paintings like these in the offices of Legion linked corporations." The Voice responds in my ear.

I grunt in acknowledgement as I slap a brick of explosive onto the face of a nudist humping a dragon. There really was no accounting for taste in this world.

Moving on, I spot what look like oil drums stacked up neatly in a corner. Oil burns real good right? On goes the explosives.

As I complete my circuit of the warehouse, I spot something that makes my eyes light up. Neatly racked on a shelf were several rows of what appear to be marksman rifles. No harm grabbing another upgrade for my arsenal while I am here after all.

"Do not even think about it." The Voice warns as I move towards the rifles, "As I have no way of ascertaining which item in this warehouse is the cause of the hero's failure, I need you to destroy everything."

"Seriously?" I whisper back while examining the rifle I had taken up in my hands, "You're telling me that the cause of the hero's defeat is being shot. By a rifle. Probably being wielded by a mook." Huh. The barrel is made out of a single length of hollowed out bone. Fancy.

"Yes. Seriously." The Voice rasps, "I need to take into account all possibilities here. Furthermore, while those rifles are magical, they do not have the ability to fire without bullets."

Sighing to myself, I place the rifle back onto the rack and slap a brick of explosive on the shelf. There. Now no one gets magic rifles.


"Everything has been wired up." I tell The Voice as I step out of the warehouse.

"Good. Now proceed to extract. When you are a safe distance away use the remote detonator I provided you with to level the target." The Voice says.

Well, time to wrap things up here. I move towards the container maze once more. All I need to do is retrace my steps and I am home free.

As I am just about to enter the maze, I hear a groan coming from around the corner. Before I can back up, the source of the noise steps into my view. That source being a man in a suit, rubbing a swollen lump on his head.

Shit. Eagle Claw.

Eagle Claw stops the moment he sees me. I draw my sword. If he wants to go for round 2, well, I have a dose of sweet murder for him right here. Eagle Claw scowls and glares daggers at me. Hey, why aren't you spazzing out? You are supposed to be all dazed right now so I can stab you.

Then I remember something The Voice told me. My "condition" has a time limit when people with trained spirituality are concerned. Its effects will eventually wear off. Double shit.

Eagle Claw's spirituality flares as he blurs into action. Fast. He's way too fast. Before I can even react, I feel the wind being driven right out of me as I am sent flying off my feet and onto the ground. As I roll across the ground in a daze, I realize how completely outclassed I am. My stomach sinks uncomfortably. Do I even have a means of fighting back?

"Get ready." I hear The Voice in my ear.

Get ready? For what?

I look up from the ground and I see Eagle Claw approaching my position. Suddenly I hear the roar of an engine and a stacker barrels out of the maze bearing down on Eagle Claw from behind. Eagle Claw's eyes widen in surprise as his spirituality flares once more. Before the stacker can run him over, Eagle Claw gracefully leaps over it in a reverse somersault.

But before his feet can touch the ground, the stacker slams on its brakes and swings its crane arm at Eagle Claw. The crane smacks Eagle Claw like an over sized bat and he is sent flying into one of the container towers. Eagle Claw hits the containers with a thud but lands on his feet wobbling. The stacker then punches into reverse and backs over him just as Eagle Claw takes his first few steps forward.


"Move." The Voice instructs. I don't argue as I bolt through the maze.


As I run as fast as I can, I hear the banging and pounding noises coming from the battle between demon and machine. Hopefully that stacker can keep Eagle Claw busy long enough for me to escape. Just as I am about to reach the second perimeter wall checkpoint, I hear a massive crash coming from behind me. One of the towers must have been knocked over in the fight.

Unfortunately, the guards at the checkpoint had also heard the crash. And I could hear their footsteps as they began rushing over to investigate. No amount of BL jokes were going to get me out of this one if the guards catch me. I needed to distract them.

I immediately stab down on the button of the remote detonator. There is an ear splitting explosion and the shock wave of the blast sends me stumbling. I risk a look back in the direction of warehouse and I see it being consumed by a raging, rapidly spreading inferno of fire. The Voice had certainly given me enough firepower to level the place. The guards from the second perimeter wall checkpoint rush past without bothering to give me a second glance.


A few minutes of running later and the main entrance is in my sight. I hear the rapidly approaching sounds of sirens coming from the distance. Pretty fast response time there. I'm impressed.

My breath suddenly catches and I feel a weight press down on me. My steps involuntarily stop. A shaft of ice races down my spine. "What's going on?" I ask The Voice in a panic.

"Killing intent. Someone is targeting you with their spirituality." The Voice rumbles.

I turn around and see Eagle Claw standing behind me, much worse for wear. His suit is in tatters and his body is covered in wounds. He cannot even stand completely straight. His bloody hands clutch a new sword tightly. And his eyes. His eyes lock on to mine and I feel like I am drowning in them. I can't look away. I just can't.

And then he speaks. His voice reaches me even though we are standing a fair distance apart. I hear his voice echo within my heart.

The Greedy Wolf Pounces.

What in the world does that even me - ?

"MOVE!" The Voice shouts.

The spell breaks and I dive out of the way. But its too late. I feel a burning in my side as I land heavily on the ground. I see red pouring out of me, pouring everywhere. And I see Eagle Claw standing above me, sword stained with blood, a sneer on his face.

"Voice? Voice?" I babble. But there is nothing. No response. The line is dead.

Voice? I did what you asked of me OK? Send some help.

Do something. Anything.

Don't leave me here to die.