
The Voice sounds like thunder in my ears as I am forcibly pulled through the darkness of the cosmos, leaving the writhing red mass thrashing angrily behind me. I feel a warmth start to rise from my chest as the ice that had encased my body begins to melt, and then boil away. This warmth, this strength, I had never felt this amazing before. Was this how other transmigrators felt when they were summoned into a new world?

I am being pulled at an ever accelerating speed. The stars begin to blur and my eyes start to water. I feel my body begin to contort, as if it is being squeezed to fit into a set of ill fitting clothes. A pressure begins to build within me as my head buzzes in that annoying yet familiar way. The heat in my chest blazes. The summoning must be almost complete.

The force now pulls me towards a great vortex of dark water. I am swallowed by the vortex's maw as it swirls unceasingly. My skin and clothes are soaked through. The water gushes through my mouth and my nose. It fills me up, fills me to the brim, as I am pulled ever downwards into the darkness. The stabbing pain in my head reaches a crescendo as my vision spins and spins. I cry out in pain. My body is is given one final pull. And with a great blast of light from behind my eyes, it is over.


The beat of my heart. Its the only thing I hear in the silence of the wrecked cab, the sorry excuse for my host's tomb. My heart beats, even though I no longer am able to breathe. It beats, stoked by the fire that I had carried with me in my chest. With every beat of my heart, the fire runs through my body, restoring strength, driving away the cold. I clench my fists, feeling the nails bite into my palm. Death will not take me today.

I deliver a kick at the door that had trapped my host and it flies off from its hinges. I smoothly swim out of the wreckage and break the surface of the water, my inability to breathe not bothering me the slightest. I smile to myself. The Voice had finally forked out for some cheat abilities at least. Ascension Tower looms over me as I orient myself. Not too far from me looks like a combination of sewer access and outflow channel carved into the seawall of The City. More importantly, there is a staircase next to it that would take me back up towards street level. A smile ruefully to myself as I begin paddling back towards civilization. From the path of puke to the anus of The City. I am certainly seeing all the sights this place has to offer.

Unlike my earlier experience with the never ending horizon, I reach the staircase easily enough. Climbing up, I see that the staircase leads to a small side road that has branched off the highway, probably to allow maintenance crews access to this section of the sewers. Parked unobtrusively by the side of the road is a black cab. No prizes for guessing who that is. I really need to talk to The Voice about getting better summoning locations.

My muscles cramp up and I stagger from the pain. Sinking to my knees, I begin retching out all the seawater that had been sloshing about inside my host. A metallic taste starts to rise from my throat and I see flecks of blood being expelled along with the seawater. The fire in my chest dies and my strength leaves me along with all the seawater that I am retching out. I collapse onto the ground in a heap just gasping for air, relishing the sensation of being able to actually use my lungs.

The black cab obligingly puts itself into reverse and stops just in front of my prone form. I hear the click of the rear passenger door unlocking and I haul myself into the vehicle and lie down, completely exhausted, as the cab drives off.


The radio crackles to life, "Transmigrator. The situation has changed. I require your further assistance."

Of course you do. Too tired to respond, I nod sagaciously to myself as The Voice continues.

"The mission was a success. However, upon investigation, I have concluded that the crisis that we averted was spawned by Fate as a means of forcing me into action and luring out my agents."

We were set up? My ears perk up at this news. You're not a terribly competent deity aren't you, Voice?

"A blow was nevertheless struck against Fate. Fate's influence in this world has been weakened and it can no longer hide the extent of its interference from my sight."

I idly gaze out of the cab's window as I listen to The Voice rumble on. We aren't going back to The Gallant's Rest?

"Fate is not one to forget such offences against itself easily. That is probably why it attempted to murder you on your journey back."

I shudder at the thought of the red. The red that was everywhere.

"When that failed and you took refuge within the soul of Mr Gallant, Fate engineered an accident that would have resulted in his death. If I had not managed to intervene at the last moment, you would have lost your anchor to this dimension and your alien soul expunged."

So it was my fault that Gallant almost died. This dream is getting pretty heavy.

"Your physical body would sleep forever, a soulless husk, waiting for an owner that will never return."

What. Are you saying that I will never wake from this dream? That's not funny Voice.

"Fate now watches over the crossroads. You will not be able to make the journey back until its power has been eliminated."

Stop. Stop saying that. This dream is supposed to be over!

"That is why you will assist me Transmigrator. Fate has labelled you as my accomplice."

I shut my eyes, praying that when I open them I will wake up. But all I hear is The Voice.

"Only through assisting me will you have the means of saving yourself."