The Archmage

" - rioters continues to rampage through the Six Trees District for the fourth day running as SOPO and RAU call in all available officers to contain the violence. ORPO's absence in the District and their refusal to issue a condemnation of the rioters have led to speculation that -"

Sera turns off the radio in the self-driving cab with a frown while I think back to what had happened a few days ago. Kira's management had been contacted by the Council and they had asked that Kira be loaned to them for a day to help clear out the squatters that had taken up residence at the Six Trees District. The people of Six Trees may have won the legal battle through Celeste's petition, but Ken's family still had plenty of ways to fight back. The squatters that suddenly showed up had slowed the project to a crawl and the Council needed a bloodless solution.

When Kira's management agreed to the proposal to let her try evicting the squatters with her magic, she was scared that something might happen to her during the event and approached me for help. Thankfully, Ken was still in the hospital, so there were no issues arising from me accompanying Kira to Six Trees. Not that I would have turned Kira down even if Ken was around to object. I had protected her before, and I would do so again.

Then during the concert, Kira was attacked by one of the squatters. I managed to get her out of the place before the riot erupted in full force and she thankfully was not badly hurt. When I saw her crying face, anger filled my hurt. Why are people so mean? Why can't they see that Kira was just trying to help? Now, even more people are getting hurt as the violence rages out of control.

Most of all, I was angry at Kira's management who had put her in such a position. A young girl had no business confronting an angry mob. The way Kira's management handled things had also opened up a rift between me and my friends. When Ken heard that I was the one who rescued Kira during the riot, he stopped talking to me. Now, even though he has been released from the hospital, he has stopped coming to class altogether. I heard that he had joined the fighting at Six Trees and was leading a group of rioters against the police.

Ms Scott, no Inspector Scott, was pulled out from her assignment at the school by SOPO and ordered to join the fight at Six Trees as well. While I was still upset at her for lying to me about her role as my bodyguard, I was nevertheless worried that she might get seriously hurt fighting the rioters. Inspector Scott had just been discharged from hospital after all, and was nowhere near peak condition. Before she left, Inspector Scott managed to get Sera assigned as my interim bodyguard. It was an arrangement I welcomed. Sera and I are close friends and this way, she can stay safely stay here with me.

Noticing Sera's gloomy expression, I say something to lift the mood, "Its nice to be able to see your dad again after so long. How long will he be staying at The City?"

Sera's face turns even gloomier, "I don't know. Dad never told me that he was coming to The City. I only contacted his personal assistant after that Master of yours started babbling during the training session that her employer had arranged a meeting with him. You know what I found out? Dad has been here for the past few weeks. He just did not bother to tell either of us."

Oh. That's rather awkward. "Well at least your dad was kind enough to treat us to dinner right?" I say, making another go at lifting Sera's spirits.

Sera pouts and plays with her evening gown, "He had already arranged this dinner date with your Master's employer. We were only invited after I made a fuss with the personal assistant. Dad was probably tired of my calls and wants to get all his meetings out of the way in one go. If I had not found out about his arrival from your Master, he probably would not have bothered with meeting us at all."

That explained why the dinner was taking place at a high class restaurant which required patrons to show up in evening wear. It was hardly the place for a family gathering, but if Sera's father originally intended this meeting to be for business, it made sense. I gently pat Sera on the shoulder replying, "Well, at the very least, you look wonderful tonight. That's a win in my book."

Sera gives a slight smile and we continue the journey in contented silence.


As the waiter ushers us into the private dining room, I hear a woman's voice speaking.

"Again, I apologize for the inconvenience Archmage. I had originally intended for you to meet with my brother, but he cannot be found at the moment. Once I have located him, rest assured that I will bring him to your new lab."

An elderly man's voice responds, "No inconvenience in the least, the Gallants are friends to me. Forgive me if it seems like I am overstepping here, but I had read from the news that your brother is presumed dead?"

I walk into the private room and take in the sight. The restaurant calls it a private dining room, but its more like a conservatory. The room is canopied with cherry blossoms laced with fairy lights while a roaring fireplace keeps out the winter chill. Beneath the cherry blossoms is a single large table where an old, rugged looking man sits, holding court in a plain suit and tie. His face has a ruddy glow to it accompanied with a bushy, unkempt looking beard. The man is broad and would have been in his younger days fairly muscular. In his old age, the muscles are still there, just smothered in fat. His cold eyes flick towards Sera and myself and he nods at both of us.

I see Master standing respectfully behind a woman seated at the table. The woman's features are plain but sharp, giving off a hint of aggression in them. Her long brown hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she wears an expensive looking yellow dress that makes her look even stiffer than she would otherwise. The woman notices us coming into the room but her attention is quickly back on Sera's father.

"He is not dead. I'm sure of it. During my time in The City, I have seen him multiple times. He is just avoiding me." The woman snaps.

Master whispers to the woman in a soothing voice, "Boss, now might not be the time -"

Boss? Does that mean that this woman is the owner of the company who manages Kira?

The woman has a hard look on her face as she reiterates, "He. Is. Not. Dead."

Master smiles apologetically at Sera's father while he just impassively accepts the woman's statement in silence. Sera takes the break in the conversation as a signal for her to announce her arrival. She walks forward and makes a short bow at her father and I follow her cue. The old man looks on impassively at us before rousing himself again.

Sera's father turns towards the woman and gestures at both of us saying, "My daughter Sera and her friend Tensei." The cold eyes flick back in our direction as he continues, "Ms Gallant from Neo-Cardiff."

Both of us bow in Ms Gallant's direction and she stares at Sera, completely rapt. Master discreetly nudges Ms Gallant and she quickly gathers herself once again and greets us, "Welcome. I've heard a lot about you Tensei from my bodyguard. You're certainly a fine young man. Sera, you are the prodigy that people have been talking about right?"

Sera nods in response with a polite smile. Ms Gallant turns back to the Sera's father and asks, "You have confidence in your work?"

Sera's father returns a smile of his own, "My own daughter is the proof of that confidence. The question is, does the Gallant family have any confidence in me?"

The sharp, annoyed tone returns to Ms Gallant's voice as she replies, "Don't confuse the conduct of my brother with the rest of the family. We have funded a laboratory for you here in The City. That is a show of good faith from us. When my brother is brought before you, we expect results in return."

The Archmage's face breaks into a big grin and he beckons both Sera and myself to the table. "As they say, the proof is in the pudding," he says, "now let's eat."


Sera storms back into her room at the dorms, tears streaming down her face. I hurriedly follow her into the room and quickly shut the door before anyone can see her making a scene. She drops on to the bed and begins crying.

"He just wanted me there as an advertisement for his research," Sera sobs, "They treated me like a piece of meat!"

I sit next to Sera unsure of what to say. What she had complained of was true. The only saving grace throughout the entire dinner was Master giving us compassionate glances whenever she could. The Archmage and Ms Gallant continued talking business as the dinner progressed. There was an arrangement between both of them where Ms Gallant's family would partially fund his lab in The City and in return the Archmage would provide a cure of some kind for her missing brother. The Archmage also revealed that the remainder of the funding was being provided through a top secret project he was engaged in, although that matter had been delayed due to logistical complications.

Ms Gallant was duly impressed by the Archmage's credentials and the rest of the dinner progressed in a similar vein with the roles reversed, Sera's father praising the various achievements of the storied Gallant family. Not long after this, Sera complained she was not feeling well and we were excused. I wanted to confront Ms Gallant for how she had treated both Kira and Sera, but the pained expression on Sera's face told me now was not the time. Both of us hailed a cab and returned straight to the Academy.

Sera suddenly looks at me and asks, "Tensei, you'll always be at my side right?"

"Of course. We came together to The City." I reply, "We'll reach the end of this journey together."

That was my vow to Sera and myself. Together until the end.

Whatever it may be.