After dinner- which was in the end slightly overcooked but still good- they bickered- gently- about who should do the cleanup. Harris's stance- 'you did all the work, I should at least wash the dishes'- was countered by Joshua's position- 'if it's your party then I'm supposed to do all the work'- until Harris produced the best argument yet- 'if this is meant to be about me, why don't you let me do the dishes while you get ready for me upstairs?'- and Joshua found it very difficult to disagree with.
That was how Joshua ended up lying on the bed, naked, waiting for Harris to finish cleaning up.
He sat up against the headboard when he heard the sound of Harris's step on the stairs. Once Harris reached the doorway he leaned against the wall, just looking at Joshua for a moment in that way of his that made Joshua feel so special. Like he was more wonderful than he had ever thought he was or dreamed that he ever could be.
"Dinner was lovely, Joshua," Harris told him. "Thank you."
Joshua felt himself flush a little, but he didn't have time to feel awkward about the reaction before Harris's eyes heated in a way that made him forget to be embarrassed. "You're welcome," he said.
"I confess," Harris said as he stalked toward the bed, "I may have cut a few corners downstairs to get here sooner." He had taken his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves, and he was fiddling slightly with the cuffs. Just that glimpse of Harris's forearms was still enough to make Joshua's mouth go dry, even now that he had seen Harris naked many times.
Joshua laughed breathlessly. "That's okay. Or at least it will be if you do something about it."
"I suppose I'd better," Harris rumbled. To his credit, he didn't pretend to think Joshua meant him to go back downstairs and clean up any remaining mess. Instead, he crossed the final distance to the foot of the bed, slow, and when Joshua rose up to meet him he took Joshua's face in both hands and gave him a long, deep kiss. Joshua groaned and pressed closer.
When Harris finally broke away, Joshua put his hand over one of Harris's hands and turned his face to kiss the inside of Harris's wrist.
Harris hummed softly.
Joshua slid his other hand up Harris's chest, enjoying the heat of him through his shirt for a moment before undoing his tie. Harris dropped his arms to make it easier for Joshua to undress him, which Joshua did with alacrity. As much as Joshua loved to see Harris in casual clothes, getting Harris out of a suit was still one of his favorite things to do. It was like unwrapping a present that was just for him- and Joshua thought that was appropriate, because Harris had been right earlier. It was his anniversary too.
He took off Harris's tie and tossed it aside. Harris visibly considered scolding him, then he hummed again. "I suppose if I can leave a bit of a mess downstairs…"
"That's exactly right," Joshua said approvingly, his fingers dancing over the buttons of Harris's shirt until he could push it over Harris's shoulders and discard it too. He touched Harris's bare chest with reverence. Perhaps one day he would be completely over the fact that he was allowed to have this- but that day wasn't today. He kissed Harris, arms sliding over the warm skin of his shoulders and back. Harris returned the kiss, his hands coming to rest on Joshua's hips.
Joshua took a second to enjoy the hot slide of Harris's tongue against his before he was the distracted by the sensation of Harris's cock, already half hard, nudging him.
Joshua moaned against Harris's lips and let one of his hands work down to palm Harris through his trousers.
Harris made a noise halfway between a groan and a moan.
Joshua smirked against Harris's lips and undid his belt and trouser buttons, pushing fabric aside until he finally got Harris's cock free. He stroked it a few times before he leaned down to take Harris into his mouth. He suckled gently at the head of Harris's cock, just putting light pressure until he could feel Harris get fully hard on his tongue and in the circle of his fingers. He sucked Harris a little longer after that, not really thinking about anything other than how nice Harris tasted, and how beautiful he sounded when his breath came in stutters and he moaned.
When he felt Harris's fingertips on the back of his head, Joshua pulled off reluctantly. "You are so very good at that," Harris said warmly. There was a soft smile playing at his lips and his eyes were dark and heavy. "But depending on your plans for the rest of the evening, you might want to stop."
It wasn't like Harris to go off with so little effort from Joshua- or, at least, it hadn't been since the first time- but Joshua decided to take the compliment without protest. "Who says I've got plans?" he said instead. "Maybe all I want is to make you feel good." Sometimes Joshua felt like that was the only thing he wanted- to make Harris feel as good as Harris regularly made him feel.
Harris's fingers slid through his hair, nails grazing lightly over Joshua's scalp. Joshua leaned into the touch helplessly. "But your plans have gone so well thus far."
"I guess they have, haven't they?" Joshua said.
He really didn't have a plan beyond 'see what Harris's in the mood for.' Oh, as he'd showered and gotten ready earlier he had wanted to be prepared for anything, and those preparations had definitely put a couple of thoughts in his head- thoughts which had persisted while he amused himself waiting for Harris to meet him upstairs- but he really was up for anything. And Harris- well, it had become clear over time that Harris had never exactly had fantasies, never imagined what it would be like when they were together because it had never occurred to him that they could be together. And he had often said that anything with Joshua was more than enough for him, which was great for a lot of reasons but it wasn't particularly helpful on the 'do something nice for Harris on his birthday/our anniversary' front.
But Joshua… he had had his share of fantasies. Early on, back when he still thought every time he ran into Harris would probably be the last, back when he was still managing to convince himself that he would be okay if it was, Joshua had experienced an almost brutally vivid fantasy of Harris fucking him. As time went on and Joshua started to believe that Harris wanted so much more from him than to just take him to bed, as he started to believe that they were in love, that fantasy had stopped being something which occasionally grabbed him by the throat, astonishing him with how much he wanted it, and started to be something he treasured, looked forward to, counted the days until.
Even now that the activity was as familiar between them as anything else, a part of Joshua still did.
"Fuck," Joshua said between labored breaths.
Harris stroked his forehead. "All right?"
"Yeah," Joshua said. "Yeah, 'course." Harris collapsed beside him, and Joshua knew they would both regret it if they didn't get themselves cleaned up soon, but as he curled up against Harris's side he felt far too sated and boneless to move just yet. In a few minutes he would. For now, he cuddled up to Harris's chest. "Happy birthday," he murmured.
Harris pressed a kiss to Joshua's forehead and wrapped his arms around Joshua's back, rubbing gently. "Happy anniversary," he replied.
"Best one ever," Joshua said, and Harris laughed.