A Bad Start

School had started and John and Sam were talking in the cafeteria " We made it past 10th grade and now we have to make it through 11th grade jeez this is gonna be a pain in the ass" Sam says kinda happy "Ya it will be i hope maybe Dororo got his head straight and refriends us" John said it like he thought it could happen " I dont know if that will happen" Sam said " Way to think negative, whats wrong" Sam looked sad " you didnt here what happened to him and his sister did you" John looked at him confused and said " No, what happened?" "Well they moved to online school together" " Damn it, maybe we can visit them sometime" " we will see"

One Month Ealier

"Dororo dont cry" Elizabeth tried to comfort him. " I just had sex, I dont even care that it was with you but I just did something awful" " Dont say that Dororo we got so much closer and we will be together forever right?" " Leave me alone for about an hour I need to think things through" " Ok go ahead". Elizabeth wasnt worried too much she thought that he and her would finally be together. Dororo was in his room and thought that it was wrong do go into his urges " There is only one thing i can do to make up for what i did". Susan was on her way from work but when she turned the corner she saw the police outside her house going inside. " What the hell is going on" she was calm but worried. The police officer said "Do you live here" " Obviously now tell me what happened" " Come with me ma'am" They went in and up the stair what they saw was horrifying.

2 weeks later ( 2 weeks before school)

Sam wanted to try to make up with Dororo so he went over to there house and knocked. A woman answered "Hello?" she seemed hidden but Sam didnt think too much of it. " Is Dororo home" "No he left, read the newspaper for 2 weeks ago to the day" she shut the door and Sam heard her lock it. Sam went online and looked up the newspaper. The article that he first saw was the main one and what he saw killed his heart.

2 weeks earlier (1 month before school) (10 minutes before the mom came home)

Elizabeth was getting worried so he went to go see Dororo and cheer him up. She wanted to open the door but it was locked. She knocked on the door and said " Hey you alright" No response so she did what she thought was right and unlocked it with a penny and peaked inside. She didnt see him, all she saw was a paper on the bed. She picked it up and it said " I couldnt live with my guilt, im so sorry what i did please forgive me, look in the closet if you havent already. p.s. I love you my one and only lover" she looked in and it was just cloths but under it was a giant teddy bear and paper that said to Elizabeth. Under it was a ring she hugged it and flipped over the paper to see any clues to where he went. Elizabeth thought that he ran off but it said exactly where he was which was surprising. It said "dont scream but look outside so the police dont surprise you" she heard sirens and looked outside. It was Dororo who had a hand tied to a telephone pole and a knife taped to his hand and blood running down the knife she realized he commited suicide. She fell to the ground and then the police came in to see her sitting and crying. Susan and a officer came in not too long after and Susan cried so much and looked at Elizabeth and said "It will be ok dont cry" " It was my fault" " No dont say that" " We were in love and we expressed that, im so sorry" She grabed a knife and cut her throat. Susan looked and yelled out "NOOOOOOO" The police brought down Dororos body and they saw it was a throat cut like her sisters.

1 week later( 3 weeks before school)

There was a knock on the door, Susan got up from the floor and opened it, it was a Mario he looked bad and Susans hair was coming out they didnt look good. " You made them kill themselves, if you would have kept an eye on them nothing would have happened to them" Mario said with anger and sadness" " I'm sorry, it was all my fault, i will kill myself later on but i need to do something first" " Whats that I should kill you right now" " i need to tell his friends" " Your a piece of work but i trust you will die" He slammed the door. Susan blammed Mario as well as herself, if he would have been there to do something then nothing would have happened.

1 week later (2 weeks before school)(after Sam comes over)

Susan just stopped shut the door on Sam and then said to herself "its finally time to be with my kids" then she killed herself.

School time

There was an assembly shortly after lunch and it was about suicide prevention the principle was saying " Suicide in this world is the one thing that no matter how anybody tries it will happen I just want us to memorialate my son daughter and ex girlfriend because all three of them commited suicide. My son and daughter killed themselves because they had sex with each other you may know this already and my ex killed herslef due to guilt from causing it" "poor dude having to live like that" said John to Sam " I have to tell you something one month ago..." The principle continued and said " Dororo Mario Hesmoth, Elizabeth Mario Hesmoth, and Susan Hesmoth commited suicide within the last month so let us have a moment of silence for ok beloved student Mr. Dororo Hesmoth" John was paralyzed and looked at Sam " You knew didnt you" " Yes, I wanted tou to be happy even for a second" " I see well i guess we wont see my best friend again" a tear fell from his cheek" we will get sover this together" lets hope so.