A Mob Character

Meanwhile, in a town not far away…

Warning! Mission Failure Probability: 90%

The same message that flashed in Lilia's head flashed in an ordinarily handsome boy's mind. Kiel was just strolling a busy street in Asmara when he felt a pain-inducing headache. People around him became worried and asked if he was okay. He just laughed it off and told them the pain in his head will eventually go away. He added that he just had to rest. A kind-hearted stall owner then offered him a seat.

"25, what's this? Why will my mission fail?"

System 25 laughed at him and said "Shame on you, Kiel. I told you not to be too lazy because unforeseen incidents could happen and what did you do this past 14 years? Huh? What did you do!? Nothing! Now, your mission is likely to fail and you shall face complete termination. Haha, you deserve it."

"Huh, why would my mission fail? The heroine, I think her name was Alice. Anyway, Alice will meet Charles around this year and their romance will eventually bloom so not doing anything's really the route I should take. Geez"

"Stupid Kiel, haven't you realize that if they don't meet, no romance will bloom!"

"Huh, they haven't met? I have confirmed that this world is the novel called Eternal Love in Asmira. I mean characters such as Count Horace and Lilia Horace exist. The crown prince's name is even Charles Gwindel. It all matches up. Hmmm"

Kiel thought, "Not unless my existence in this world had an effect such that those two will not be able to meet… Oh my, is this what they call the butterfly effect. How wondrous. To think that my existence has such an effect in this world… it's just plain awesome."

"Kiel. Kiel, are you listening to me!? You are given ten days to fix your mistake, you must at all cost have Alice and Charles meet, okay."

"What! Only ten days, come on give me at least thirty days? I don't even know either of them yet."

"That's your fault for being so lazy! Wait a minute, alright… I'll give you thirty days so GO already!"

"Alright, alright, I'll be the cupid for them, okay, so stop your screaming in my head! I might go deaf because of you!"

" What!? I'm not screaming I'm just emphasizing your mission in case you forgot!"

Sigh, System 25 Is really a loud companion. Kiel thought. He then added to no one in particular, "By the way, my name is Kiel Rivers, the villager A in the novel. In other words, I am the random character whose main purpose is just to fill up the character count in the story. I am my parents of this world's source of joy. I was supposed to live a happy life. Study in school, get married, have children and die contently in this country's Golden Age. The End."

He continued his thinking, "Haha, I don't actually know if that is how he met his end but that is how I plan to live his story… truth be told, Kiel wasn't mentioned much in the novel as he only appeared at the last part where he congratulates Alice and Charles on their wedding from afar."

"I said get going and find those two already!!! What are you trying to do by thinking about Kiel River's life in this world? Huh? You are Kiel Rivers now so act like him for goodness's sake!"

Kiel was broken out of his contemplation by 25's screaming. Kiel sighed and thought how he really had a loud companion in his head. He stood up and thanked the stall owner for her chair. A blush formed in her cheeks as she politely told him "No problem".

"Oh my, it is possible that I have caught another heart today. I hope that Miss Alice wouldn't fall for me as that would be a big problem for my mission…" and Kiel went on in his merry way.