
In the Horace estate, a certain black haired lady was alone in her room busily conversing with 709.

"709, don't you think it strange that I was not able to meet with the crown prince until now. I've been constantly in the palace for the past fifteen days!"

"What? You woke me up to complain about that. Geez, doesn't it just mean that your effort is not enough"

As Lilia was venting out her frustration to her system, she heard someone knock on her door.

"Sister, may I come in?"

Lilia allowed Alice to come in and asked if she needed something.

"I've noticed that you kept on coming to the palace this past few days and have no time to play with me anymore… Sis, did I do something wrong?"

Alice softly stated to Lilia to which Lilia replied that she had to go to the palace because the princess called for her and she was not mad or anything to Alice. Alice then came to believe whatever Lilia was saying and asked if she could sleep in their room tonight. Lilia helplessly agreed and went to bed with Alice snuggling close to her.

In the far side of the town, Kiel was on his family's roof watching the brightly lit stars. "Kieeel, what are you going to do. Only fifteen days to go and you still haven't made any progress!"

"Hey, my dear systeeem. Way to ruin this beautiful night huh? Simple, I'm just enjoying the stars, feeling grateful that I am alive, just in case I fail my mission, you know. Haha"

System 709 continued grumbling to Kiel as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Kiel! Kiel! I'm talking to youuuuu, Don't sleeeep!"

If 709 was a person, his voice would have already woken up the neighborhood but alas he wasn't so the people nearby just peacefully slept. Sadly, the only person who could hear him was already too used to him rendering his voice ineffective.

Lilia was on her toes, it was the fifth day from the count down and she continues to see no sign of Charles. She doesn't know what to do anymore, she thought that thirty days was more than enough to let Alice and Charles meet but it turned out, it was her own wishful thinking.

On the other hand, Clouie had grown irritated at the novel's working, she thought that the novel itself had something to do with what's happening. Several times, Lilia and Charles had close encounters and she spent her points trying to prevent the meeting of the two. She was exhausted and she was even tempted to end her friendship with Lilia just to protect her from meeting Charles. However, as tempted as she was, she knew she couldn't bear not seeing Lilia for a day. She herself has not realized it, but she had unconsciously already imprinted in Lilia her child that she had selfishly left behind.