Chapter 1: Beginnings

Strapping his katana to his back he gives her a parting kick to the stomach and then races off into the forest. The covering of leaves masking his footfalls as he slips back into the slowly dimming night.

Holding her stomach and watching his backside retreat into the dark, the woman rolls to her side and takes deep slow breaths. her body sore in all places as she tries to fight the urges to be sick, holding back the burning sensation in her throat.

As she lays on her side her eyes start to close with exhaustion; the adrenaline that had rushed thru her veins now wearing off as the shock from her ordeal starts settling in. Just as her eyes drift shut a vision settles before her of a lovely elf maiden. The figures body aglow with soft moonlight, revealing a long, lean and supple body clothed in nothing but a silver pendant. The shimmering woman's hair blowing as an ebony river across her back and down along her chest and arms. Strapped to her back was a beautifully hand carved long bow, peaks of arrow fletches showing over her shoulder. As the figure steps forward it looks down at the woman lying broken on the ground thru soft warm eyes. Stopping her strides before the woman, the beautiful vision kneels down and places a softly glowing hand against her cheek. The figures voice carrying lightly on the breeze as her words spoke of a deeper understanding and command.

"Wake up my child, I have not forgotten thee. Your time is not thy, for I have great plans for you yet. Although your pain is great and you fear my rejection know this. The service you have presented me is a great one and will not go unrewarded. Even now you carry the seed of our enemy which will grow into an opportunity for justice. It is my wish for you to carry this offspring and with it a mortal blow to my mother. After your service you will be received with open arms," as the Goddesses' image stands up and opens her arms wide it disappears as a dark more real body passes thru it.

A guard from the Temple, while on his rounds, had heard a soft whispering coming from the private section of the forest and decided to investigate when he came across the priestess's body lying prone on the ground. Gathering her up in his arms he rushed her back to the Temple and sent for a healer. After inspecting the woman and cleaning the shallow cuts and bruises all over her body they confirmed that she was with child.

After explaining to them what had happened and taken place in that grove the other priestesses present pleaded with her to rid herself of this evil, this burden. But she adamantly refused their pleas without explanation. Bowing their heads after being refused over and over again they backed out of the room and left the woman to herself. The young maiden stayed deep in prayer for days. Although the woman prayed day and night she never saw another vision of that beautiful Huntress.

Breaking her seclusion she started up her duties once again in the Temple. Her fellow believers helped care for her and the slowly growing child. The guard that had found her soon became her mate despite that she was a spoiled woman. He loved her freely and took great care for all her needs. Each day she spent the mornings in prayer and the rest helping the needy. Of course her nights were spent in the arms of her mate.

For the next eight and a half months, her life continued on in the same way. Towards the end of her pregnancy her mate got called away to war. Warriors from the Dark Reach teaming up with a race of goblins were pouring from the mountain face and so the followers of Mariestra were called to battle against the followers of Lithos. Begging him not to go for she knew her time was near. She grabbed ahold of his arms and tried keeping him there. He merely softened her grip and gave her a loving kiss on the cheek, promising that he'd return to her soon. Sighing into the night she released him and watched as his body disappeared from sight. She climbed into bed and settled back, drifting off into a fitful slumber.

Awakening early in the morning she bends over as a sharp stabbing pain racks across her belly and lower back. Taking deep, short breaths she pulls back the covers and gasps seeing a pool of blood staining her bed. Her hands shaking as she stood from the bed, her hands sliding up to gather over her belly as she stumbles from the room. With each step the pain gets worse. Walking from the Temple barracks she follows a stream of light thru the forest surrounding the building.

Its bright color sending warmth thru her body as she slowly makes her way back to that hidden pool in the secluded area of the forest. The very same spot that all of this had begun.

Upon stumbling over a root she lands to her knees with a thud. Her palms facedown into the moss as her body was racked with a severe tremor, a soft scream escaping her lips as she lays down on the ground. The pain almost unbearable as she tries to crawl to a tree. Placing her hands in front of her she feels for the rough bark of a nearby log that had once been a tall standing oak. Resting her back to the trunk and gliding her hands down and grabbing ahold of her knees, she pulls her legs apart just as a severe spasm of pain causes her body to lock into place and her mouth pop open into a silent scream. The glow around her body from the mysterious light begins to brighten and pulse.

A gush of blood suddenly pours from between her legs and onto the thick cushioned ground. The urge to push overwhelming her as she starts to pant, sweat falling down her brow as the head of the child starts showing. In the dark twilight the child's color can't be seen from her vantage point. Bearing down harder the priestess cries out as the child moves lower down the birth canal its head completely free as it lets out a loud wail. Shaking severely the woman pushes a final time. The child popping free onto the ground below being cushioned by the mossy undergrowth. The mother, weary from her exertion and blood loss wearily moves her gaze down to the newborn babe. The cord attaching the child to her nourishing mother seeming to disappear as the priestesses eyes focus thru the dim light on the creature wailing between her legs. Its skin that of a starless night sky and ears long and tipped just like its mother's. Their tips pointing up high when the child's eyes open and focus on its mother.

Azure blue eyes the color of a bright sunny day gleam between the two of them. Smiling softly at this the priestess tries to lean forward to touch the child her fingertips barely touching the babies slickened feet. With a loud groan and a spasm of pain she falls back. More blood continues to pour from her opening. Her eyes unable to stay opened she drifts off into unconsciousness.

Waiting for her in her dream like state was the Huntress once more, her arms wide open and waiting. Her soft lilting voice carrying her closer into the light.

"You have done well my child and your reward is nigh. Come for you have earned your rest. ", taking the woman's hand the Goddess ushers her forward. The woman tries to stop as she protests, her feet dragging. "But wait...what of my child and my mate. He was to return to me and I cannot leave my child alone in the woods...Please my Goddess I beg of you!"

Turning to the priestess and smiling; her voice calm as she places a steady hand on the woman's shoulder. "Your mate is with me where you will both be together for eternity. And your child shall grow to be magnificent, I promise you this. Now come…your mate awaits you."

Shaking her head lightly as the words sink in; her lips softly trembling as she follows the Goddess into the light further, the dim shape of a male standing on the other side. With a small cry of mixed emotions the priestess rushes forward, and with the two figures disappear with a blink of light.

Mariestra ever aware of what goes on in the clearing as she waits and smiles.

On the opposite side of the pool stares back another set of eyes, these the color of drying blood, watched with the same rapt attention it had once before, as the priestess body dies and the small babe lays crying on the forest floor. Creeping out from its hiding spot the figure walks slowly around the edge of the clearing and gently nudges the priestess's body with the toe of its boot. A shaft of moonlight illuminates the figure. It was the same male dark sidhe who forced himself on the priestess all those months ago. Snorting at the dead body he turns his gaze to the child.

"Seems like she bore a fine specimen after all, except for those accursed ears and eyes. Perhaps I might profit more from that encounter than I thought. If you are a true child of mine, young princess, than you shall survive the night without food and shelter. I shall come back for you in the evening and then you will be First Daughter to a noble house."

Placing a small touch to the child's forehead the male disappears back into the brush.