Chapter 4: Tasks

From behind the door the High Priestess, Trissae raises her head from the book she was perusing and listened to the guardians chittering softly with what she thought was another spider but the dialect was different from anything she had heard. Standing up from her chair she places the open book to the side and walks to the doors. Pulling on the heavy knob she peers out curiously and is faced with a diminutive female. Arching a brow she greets her.

"Welcome young one." Lowering her gaze slightly as she answers the tall statuesque woman before her, Te'Liona says softly, "Greetings Priestess." Her dark sidhe dialect flawless as she greeted the beautiful woman. Trissae merely looked at the young woman expectantly. "What is it that you seek in this Temple?" Shaking lightly Te'Liona knew this was her chance to make something of herself. While within the fortress walls she stood no chance of gaining any power, but here, possibly, she could take the risk. Her eerily glowing eyes lifted as she took a small breath bringing their gaze to that of the priestess.

"I wish to learn to become a priestess of our Goddess Lithos. To be a great female dark sidhe and be of use to her." She spoke.

Arching her brow at the young woman's speech Trissae sniffed softly, "So you wish to join the training program little one? It is a hard life, much is asked of you and you must not fail in your endeavors. For failure is not endured by our Goddess." Shaking her head Te'Liona acknowledged the priestess's words. "I would never dream of disappointing our Goddess. I owe her my life and through her the power that can be wielded is too heady a fragrance to let pass me by." She spoke firmly, grimacing in hopes she didn't reveal too much of her ambition. Te'Liona quickly adds, "If I would be allowed to join the training I would add glory and praise to the name of Lithos and this Temple."

Nodding at the young woman Trissae could sense the girl's words rang true along with the help of the liars ward she had cast on herself. Her answering reply came with a hint of excitement. "Then enter and may Lithos set forth great challenges. Come with me young one."

Bowing her head once she follows behind the High priestess, sparing a glance to her figure as it and the ground fills her vision. Trissae led her back to the gardens and then down the corridor that shot off to the left. Walking down the hall in silence she stopped behind Trissae as she stood just inside the doorway leading into a large open room, each bed separated by a curtain. "These are the temporary barracks of the priestesses. This is where you will sleep child until the private rooms are constructed. You will take that bed, "Trissae pointed towards a bed near the back, "You will wear your priestess robes when on duty. When you are not you may wear your own clothes. If you go out into town you WILL wear your robes."

Nodding once more to the priestess, Te'Liona slides her hands along the edge of her silk top as she peers down the room to the offered bed. "Yes Mistress, I do understand." Trissae made a small sweeping gesture with her hand as she spoke, "Place your belongings on your bed and change into your robes, then we will begin your training." Turning swiftly and walking to the bed, Te'Liona never fearing of being modest drops her garments from her body and lays them delicately across the bed. Lifting up the purple and spider embroidered robe that lay on top of the pillow she pulls it over her head and settles the soft cloth over her ample buxom and hips, returning quickly to the Priestess's side and bowing her head.

"I am ready now Mistress," she said lightly. "You do seem quite eager and a good listener. Come, follow me." Trissae walked past the girl and headed back towards the gardens. Te'Liona with her head bowed trailed along behind her. Stopping just inside the arched entrance into the right side garden, Trissae pulled in a deep slow breath as she watched her other priestess's move about and tend to the special plants. Turning her head towards the child behind her she spoke up. "Can you tell me what plant this is?" Her fingers brush along a leaf of the plant in question.

Te'Liona scrunched her nose as she looked at it, nothing from her studies while with the Riclals ever included plants. Shaking her head she raised her gaze and looked at Trissae. "No Mistress, I am afraid where I'm from we did not have plants, so my knowledge of them is lacking." With an arched brow Trissae looked at her. "That is something that we will have to rectify. It puzzles me. Where did you come from that you wouldn't be around plants? And did I hear you speaking with the arachnids earlier? I was certain I heard an off dialect within the hall." Te'Liona nodded her head, "Yes, it was me that you heard. I grew up with spiders as my only companions. The Riclals, my teachers, didn't want me to interact with other children. I was taught and attended to my duties. The spiders were always around me. So I thought it was prudent that I should learn to speak their language. So I did. I find them very fascinating and entertaining. The things they know and can teach, it's amazing." Her words falling off at the end as she realized Trissae was staring at her like she had a three-headed fish face.

"Did I ramble Mistress? I apologize if I have." Shaking her head to clear away the amazement Trissae spoke up. "No my dear child you do not offend. But, do you mean to tell me that you grew up in the Demon plane?" Her curiosity getting the better of her, Trissae gestured for them to sit on a nearby bench. Following her Te'Liona sits facing towards the older woman. "I believe I heard it called that, yes. I was raised from a babe in a fortress that travelled that region. The Riclals taught me about myself."

A small choke of surprise erupts from Trissae. "Lithos's own fortress, I simply cannot believe it. But to lie about something such as this would surely cause Lithos's displeasure. What of your birth? Where are your parents?" Absentmindedly Te'Liona toyed with one of the stitches on her new robes. The story of her parentage had long been a question to her. "I was told that I was not a full born dark sidhe." Touching the tip of her elongated ears. The color of her eyes darkening to a stormy blue, Te'Liona continues on. "I am a half-breed of dark sidhe and elven. I do not know which of my parentage was which. I suppose it doesn't matter at this point. If they had wanted me I am sure they would have searched for me. I received a fine education and training. This is why I thought I'd be a great asset to this Temple. Does this change your decision on training me?"

"Your background matters little to me so long as your faith and your life is for Lithos. Your first assignment is to catalogue and describe along with capture the image of the plants we have growing within our gardens." Looking around her Te'Liona felt her pockets and then glanced up. "I don't have a stylus nor a pad of parchment Mistress. Is there somewhere I can go to get these utensils?" Pointing back the way they came Trissae nods. "Return back down that hallway and then to your right. There is a storage room. The items you seek will be in there. When you're done come back here."

"Yes Mistress, thank you." Te'Liona flicks her gaze over Trissae as the priestess lounges back on the stone bench, her figure disappearing as Te'Liona turns a corner and heads down the hall, making a right at the end. Directly in front of her was the door. Pushing it open she blinks a few times clearing the dust from her eyelashes. Shelf after shelf and row after row of parchments, ink wells, styluses and various other items filled the first few rows. Along the back wall was a counter with more valuable items placed out of reach. Walking forward Te'Liona looks around and tries to find someone who could help her. Rapping her knuckles against the wooden counter she lilts out a soft "Hello." Coming from behind her and out of a row of shelves a lithe female appears. She was also wearing the robes of a priestess. "I was told by Trissae to gather parchment and a stylus for an assignment." Gazing up at the woman Te'Liona didn't drop her eyes. "Her Holiness you mean. I can gather those things for you, just let me check you out." Opening up a large book she wets the end of her quill and stands poised over an entry. "What is your name?"

"I am Te'Liona, a lowly priestess." Nodding her head the woman smiles knowingly. "Ah a new one. Then you should know that she prefers to be called her Holiness or Uth'Tallar and not by her name. I am Faelyn, her second in line." Walking down a row she grabs what Te'Liona requested and logs them into the book, blowing on the ink to dry it. "Now off with you. I am sure her Holiness is waiting for you." Turning away from Te'Liona, Faelyn walks back continuing what she had been doing, putting away a box full of items that had been delivered earlier that day.

Grabbing the items Te'Liona rushed back to Trissae's side. "I have them your Holiness." Chuckling the priestess stands from the bench and walks towards the upper west corner of the garden. "I see you met Faelyn didn't you? She is just one of many. Now I want you to catalogue these plants like I instructed and if you misrepresent even one you will be subjected to its use. Should you please Lithos, than this corner of the garden will be yours. Begin."

Dismissing her with one word the Uth'Tallar strolled back to her chambers and continued reading from the book she had set down. In her mind she was pleased by the eager new priestess and knew she would go far. Her fate either being that of a tool or its wielder. As the priestess had walked away from the gardens, Te'Liona curled her legs under her and licked the tip of her stylus and began furiously writing. Surrounded by the green, dark purple and red leaves, the fruity heady scent wafting from the trees, and the gentle trickle of water splashing in a nearby fountain, the words and images flowed onto the parchment. Filling each page with careful descriptions and articulated drawings of each and every rounded, sharp, thick, long leaf and stem. After cataloging them she took her filled pages inside the Temple. She was done outside and now needed to find the actual names and their uses based from her sketches. Shuffling them under her arm she carries the stylus between her teeth and heads towards the same storage room, thinking that maybe she might find a book identifying them.