Prologue 2

------------------A few days after that---------------

Another day at Chaldea, there is an emergency a possible singularity forming in the year of 2030 at the moon after the Moon Cell Grail War has been won. So me, Mash and the servants I host gears up and rayshifts there, there is one problem though that is the coordinates have been tampered by the universal troll named ZELRETCH. Which made my coordinates the same as the master who won the Moon Cell Grail War is standing which made our situation more than just complicated. I mean it's not everyday you fuse completely with a fellow master who is dragged into a large problem unknowingly, as a fellow female master I can assure you that, the problem is the victor of the Moon Cell War was standing before her female servants and one Astolfo.

Imagine a bunch of servants who cares about their master gathered and having a good time when all of the sudden in a flash of light the master disappears an in her place another master and her servant takes her place. In one word simply chaos more so if the servants standing in front of me is the same ones that I host which are Nero, Tamamo, Scàthach, Drake, Elizabeth, Astolfo, and who seems to be a mini version of Altera, hell even they(the servants with doppelgangers?) are flabbergasted as they instantly come out of me and take a standby position ready to take action while their faces are expressing the shock and curiosity they are having for their counterparts. While trying to understand the situation I am suddenly struck by an influx of information, to be more exact memories of Hakuno Kishinami. I saw her life flashing through my eyes and after that my eyes drifted towards the ring that I was sure I didn't wear yet at the same time felt right being there, the standoff lasted for a while and I didn't do anything because I was too absorbed processing Hakuno's memory, until Mash made a surprised voice when she saw my face which made me snap out of my thoughts and the servants involuntarily turn to see me only to stop in their tracks. As I wonder what is wrong I ask Mash while tilting my head which I involuntarily did because of a strange sense of habit "What is wrong?" To which Mash strangely didn't answer but instead turned red because of the blush on her face and I saw all the other servants also blushed, strange.

----Nero POV

What exactly is happening here? A few minutes ago I was spending time with my beloved praetor and Altera, it would have been perfect if not the fact that the file vixen and her friends are tailing so obviously however I'll let it slide this time. However, suddenly without warning praetor is surrounded by a light that blinded us momentarily and the next moment we open our eyes in praetor's place stood a woman with crimson hair and face that somehow resembles praetor, next to her stood a female servant with lilac hair and lavender eyes wearing black armor holding a massive shield with the size of a small car.

They looked surprised seeing us and instantly they took positions ready to react in a moments notice, but what happened after that truly was eye-popping. From the body of the crimson haired woman who I assume is the master opened a hole like a gate from her body and from it came out 6 servants but with the size of a toy, however when they have distanced themselves from the master they reverted back to what I assume is their normal size. But when they are of normal size we are dumbfounded because those 6 servants are exactly us, not another version of us but the exact same strength, history, and will. These 6 servants are definitely real, not cheap knockoffs of us, as we came to that conclusion we stare at each of counterpart with curiosity, weariness and a hint of impatience because of the disappearance of our master. The standoff continued until a surprised gasp broke the peace, as we turn to that direction what we saw however made us stop in our tracks.

The female master was tilting her head at her shield wielding servant while wearing an oblivious expression which is the exact splitting image of my beloved praetor that made me, nay all of us stop and stare at her face while all of us must have this 1 same thought at least flashing through our heads 'CUTENESS OVERLOAD'.

-------Gudako POV

What is going on with everyone? Why won't any of them look directly to my face?

'Is there anything wrong with how I look?' While thinking that I searched for something I can use to see myself in, I immediately saw a golden pillar that I can use to see my reflection. But when I did see my reflection I immediately paused because my current look is a mix between Hakuno and Gudako(me), my hair and eyes are now crimson red like rubies, my height hasn't changed much, not the same can be said about my face though because now when I see myself in the reflection I get the sudden urge to cuddle MYSELF because of how cute I have become.

Even the servants I host that were uninterested are now clamouring around because of how cute I am, with a few declaring that they are officially joining the competition to get me for themselves. Wait what? Since when did they started that kind of competition, also Elizabeth and Camilla I'm not going to give you any of myselves when I use {Zabaniya} (Hundred Face) for you to torture or to bath in my blood.

After seeing my reflection I understood why the servants were acting strangely, because even me myself is affected by my own reflection.

After calming the servants down I started explaining the things that I understood while making sure that they're properly listening to me and not dozing off to wonderland with the fact that I'm now both sides master. Those that doze off are rewarded with a hit on the head and a big lump too.

"With the explanation done any of you have any questions?"[Gudako?]

"Umu, I would like to know what exactly caused you to 'rayshift' is it on the exact coordinates of my praetor."[Nero]

"While I would like to answer that it seems like someone or something altered the coordinates but we're not sure who or what." After I said that a laughter was heard from somewhere near us, a laughter that is strangely familiar to me?

As we remain vigilant of the surroundings, the area right in front of us a rift just opened with the flash of rainbow light and a figure is seen however only the shades are visible because of the brightness of the light.

"That would be my doing dear masters, or should I say master? But since I'm not your servant what should I call you, should I call you Gudako or Hakuno now?"[???]

Saying that the figure stepped out of the rift closing it allowing us to see the smirking face of Zelretch Kischur Zweinorg.

'And why am I not surprised by this turnout of events? Probably because of the hectic days at Chaldea, but I do feel an extra part on my body or more exactly my crotch has an addition, but isn't this part supposed to be a male part? While I do ignore that 'part' when I use Astolfo's body but how am I supposed to ignore what's on my own body'

Snapping out of my thoughts that happened in 1 second I glared at the troll vampire demanding an explanation. While waving his hand nonchalantly he said "Well, I was bored and 'accidentally' saw you rayshifting into the year of 2030 so I suddenly have a inspiration of a prank of fusing both of you the last master of Chaldea and the last master of the moon? Is it so wrong to find something to alleviate your boredom?"

Hearing that I intensified my glare on him, seeing that he raised his hands as if giving up while saying "Fine I'll solve this singularity in exchange of your forgiveness, happy now?"

Hearing that I lowered the intensity of my glare but I still kept it on him while saying "Okay, but you also need to fix my, our condition."

"Nope, not possible." Was his instant reply

"What why?"[Gudako?]

"Because your now too fused for me to do anything besides making 2 shadows of your former selves."[Zelretch]

Hearing that I frowned and after thinking for a few minutes I said "Fine, but you'll have to transport Hakuno back to this timeline when we get seperated back to our own selves."

"Fine, now I'm going to solve this singularity and send you home, well off you go"[Zelretch]

Hearing him saying that I noticed that I was glowing along with my servants, WAIT ALL the servants are glowing and before I could process anymore of that I was back to Chaldea. Looking for my servants I found the Chaldean servants but strangely I can't seem to find the Moon Cell version of themselves, but then I noticed 4 additional servants being linked to me and immediately found them next to the Chaldean servants and when I got a clear look at who they are I instantly got a headache almost making me faint because those 4 are BB, Passionlip, Kingprotea, and Meltlilith. All of them are a handful if you want to control, but poweful as allies which gives me consideration to let them stay at Chaldea, but hey all the servants are already making a fuss everyday at their own pace it won't change much if there are an additional 4 troublemaking servants right?

Apparently I was wrong, the 4 sakura face servants were offered to be transported here where they could be with their beloved senpai a.k.a. ME by the TWICE BE DAMNED TROLL ZELRETCH. Not that I would be offended by just that, problem is the troll is apparently the one who caused the singularity by bringing back the 4 sakura face servants because 'I'm bored, let's cause some trouble for someone else.'


Anyways now all the servants are more attached to me than before, which is a good thing right?