Chapter 14 (Title at the end)

After the hero's party stopped laughing after about 5 minutes, they helped both Itsuki Ren and managed to convinced them that this was a test from the master before the 3 parties stood again in front of the gate. They waited for a while until Motoyasu got impatient and decided to open the door himself but when he touched the door a 'floor' large enough to hold a 'fox' from earlier suddenly sprang up and hit his crotch again so strong that it made a loud "BANG!!" which made the atmosphere awkward and the people silent.

Motoyasu stood there for a good 3 seconds before falling on his back and rolled side to side while covering his injured part with his hands and letting out silent cries that can be seen by his falling tears and his red face desperately trying to hold in his voice from pathetically crying out loud as it's not a 'hero' thing to do.

The others stood for a while before Itsuki started to laugh and Ren started to chuckle while the others being awakened by Itsuki's laugher either trying not to laugh (which they managed to surpress to their bodies shaking at best) or helping Motoyasu by healing him (mainly Motoyasu's team) or even doing both at the same time.

Motoyasu managed to stand straight after a minute with a red face either from the lingering pain or from the shame (the majority of the party thinks it's from shame as Motoyasu gave a deadly glare to everyone who laughed at him). After he stood up he glared at the 'floor' which is actually a springboard trap seemingly designed to launch the foxes into the sky... ooor target the weakpoint of all males, though the chances are extremely slim and highly unlikely for anyone to design it that way unless they've got an insane amount of time(Zelretch) or it's just in their nature to play pranks on other people(Merlin).

When Motoyasu opened his mouth to complain, the voice from earlier cut him off by saying "I already said earlier 'I am going to deactivate the traps around the gate so wait until the gates are open' but you couldn't wait a few more seconds huh? Thankfully the more 'serious' traps are already disabled."

After the voice ended the gates opened wide making Motoyasu stoned, from the voice's explanation it already mentioned that it would open the gates after taking care of the traps. 'Wait traps, why would there be traps installed for this building' that thought went through everyone's head while, seemingly reading their minds the voice said again "Haven't you heard from the villagers nearby? Most of this house's inhabitants are woman and they're all beauties, which made some people coming here with the motive to peek. And embarrassingly some of them were accepted so I could only place traps around and manually control some of them, their desire to peek is so insane that they even became at the level of an elite mercenary from a normal villager."

The revelation made everyone pause while Motoyasu asked with his face being a stiff smile "Can you tell us what kind of traps did you install to counter these perverts?"

"Oh the minor ones are like that springboard trap like before while the major ones... let's just say it'll make you want to die while keeping you alive." The voice answered nonchalantly ignoring the males that shivered, while Itsuki thought 'Good thing I didn't try to take the infiltration route.'

After getting their answers the 3 heroes walked through the gate and were greeted by a long black haired woman wearing a pink long sleeved yukata with flower motif "Welcome to this house, we welcome you here so long as you follow the rules here."

The woman briefly glanced through the plates that the heroes wore before stopping at Motoyasu's for a while, after that she asked Motoyasu "Sir would you like a portrait done for you?"

"Hmm? Well there's no reason for me to decline, but what is the portrait for?"[Motoyasu]

"For your funeral of course."

The moment the lady said that the air suddenly froze along with the people, Motoyasu was the first to snap out of it and cleaned his ear before saying "...Hmm... I'm sorry what did you just say? Because I think that I misheard you say that the portrait was for my funeral... right?"

The lady sighed as if expecting his reaction but decided not to explain so she said "Please come with me this way."

"No no no no, wait for a moment please explain to me what you said earlier." Motoyasu continued kinda desperately trying to find out what she meant earlier.

The lady continued walking completely ignoring Motoyasu's desperate pleas making his party angry and Malty yelling "Stop right there you insolent fool! How dare you ignore Motoyasu-sama and just walk away, not to mention sentencing him to die by asking a portrait for his funeral!!"

The lady stoped and replied "I was only asking out of a whim so you can consider that as a joke, however please do take great care with him as he is bound by bad luck." after saying that the lady continued walking.

Malty became incensed by what the lady said and was about to erupt with anger if not for Motoyasu stopping her, after that they followed the lady into the house where they pass numerous rooms.

After a while Itsuki became bored and seemingly forgetting about the traps proceeds to open one of the door unannounced.

The door is a Japanese sliding door, and when Itsuki opened it a boxing glove flew right over his head and ended up in hitting Motoyasu who was trying to Itsuki from opening the door with an uppercut, causing him to fly and an imaginary sound of "K.O." rang inside everyone's head.

Motoyasu landed on the ground with his eyes being all white and for some reason foam coming out of his mouth, after about 2 second a string shouts sounded from the hero's party """MOTOYASUUUU!""-SAMA"

Motoyasu's party rushed to tend Motoyasu while the Itsuki and Ren turn to the lady... who was already preparing for Motoyasu's funeral by placing incense sticks and somehow a black and white portrait of Motoyasu with his confident expression with his teeth in view which seems to say "Don't worry, I won't die... Brother."

Seeing the picture Itsuki and Ren instantly shouted "MOTOYASUUU!!!" which caused the others to turn and see the picture which made them shout again "MOTOYASU-SAMAAA!!"

When they finally snapped out of it Itsuki and Ren rushed the lady for help which caused her to sigh and.. pulled a defibrillator out of nowhere???

"NGIIIING" "Eurgh, what happened?" the charging the defibrillator the sound brought Motoyasu back his consciousness, "Clear!" "AAAAAUAAUAAAHAGHT!!!" however he swiftly returned to dreamland leaving his body twiching with smoke rising from it.

Seeing the fate of their companion/hero they swiftly tried to stop the lady from trying to fry him again, but they were late by one step and the results are one black body.

Seeing the body in front of them the hero's party are stumped and are unsure what to do but they are stoned when they saw golden colored smoke being emitted by Motoyasu's body, before anything the smoke swiftly formed into the person that they're worrying about.

The people are stunned with thoughts like 'Is this real?' when the ghost-Motoyasu starts to say "Hey everyone, sorry it looks like that this is the end for me, but it's been an interesting journey that's why.. thank you everyone.. especially you Myne, I gotta go now." after finishing he starts to fly up to a light that's surrounded by clouds.

After witnessing that the party yelled once again "MOTOYASUUU!!!"