The start of new life

In the middle of night a flicker of lights can be seen near an average house, what came out from it is a baby in basket within a soft blanket.

The cry of this baby can be heard to the old couple who lives inside the house, they gone to check the cry only to find a baby in front of their front door.

the couple pick up the little child and look for any clue about the child inside the basket. The only thing that they found are a silver necklance, with an inscription behind it wrote a name 'SOLOMON'. The couple had though that it is the name of this baby.

The lady inspect the little bundle of joy cradle in her arms, somehow whenever she look at him she felt like she must protect him from any danger. She conclude what she felt as a maternal instinct, same can be said to the man beside her.

The couple decide that they would raise this child as their own besides they are already old, old enought to have a child but they never bless one. Until the little bundle of joy mysteriously come to their lives.

Unaware to them a third party was watching the event. The one who will make this child to as a successor to his knowledge.

Nobody can see him a tall handsome man who had a fair skin, dark blue hair he wore in a long messy braid, and sharp sapphire eyes. A third eye laid on the center of his forehead. He dresses in robe white,gold and red that left his arms and abdomen exposed.

The man eyes flashes toward the necklance the couple took. He could feel them inside the necklance his friends 'djinn', but it doesn't make any sense why would he felt all of them inside the necklance. Djinn cannot be accomondate inside one metal vessel together.

The man already know he is somewhere far away from his home for he already felt it from rukhs. He could still felt rukhs around him but its different, the sensation of rukhs in this world are quite different than his.

Rukhs in his world are generally pure, but the rukhs in this world they have variety of them pure, demonic, and divine. the mystery of the rukhs in this world and the necklance pique his interest for it is the first time he seen and felt something new.

But what most that interest him is the baby, because he could felt some connection to the child. He think that child must be this universe him. But, then again he doesn't care he will teach that child with all of his knowledge.


Four year later

In an average house in Kuoh a little boy with dark blue hair can be seen running toward his mother in the living room "Mother!!" the boy buries his face with tears on his mother leg.

Suprise seeing her son crying she ask " What happen Ken?" the boy named Ken then replied to her " Mister ghost call me shorty and idiot!".

The mother is puzzled by what her son said " Who is this mister ghost" Ken answer her question by pointing his hand toward a chair. Seemingly found out the meaning of Ken gesture she assure her son "That mister ghost must be your imagination."

Unknown to the mother there is someone sitting on the chair a man with dark blue hair. After hearing the mother reasons he show a mocking face toward Ken and said "Yeah kid i'm just your 'imaginary' friend who you made just so you know your just an idiot".

Hearing the ghost words Ken retaliate "I'm not an idiot I'm a genius everyone said so!"."That because are even more idiot than you." the ghost reply to Ken almost instantly.

After hearing those word Ken run to his room crying, while his mother are confuse with her son action. She though 'he must have fight with her imaginary friend i guess'.

In Ken room the ghost is watching Ken crying on his bed covered inside a blanket, seeing another him act like this he sigh "Look kid how about this I will teach you everything I know, then i won't call you idiot". Hearing those words Ken instantly got up and showing a smile on his face.

The ghost instantly realize he was being played by a little kid, then again that kid is him.Smile formed on his face, he already planned to teach this kid about rukhs and his household.