The earth-shattering prologue

Birds were singing happily, the wind howling in unison, while bright clouds covered the sky. It was a beautiful day, which made every person want to go out and just enjoy the scene. Most people were out doing normal everyday things. Of course, the definition of normal varied from person to person, but most people would agree that it was a beautiful day. There were fishermen out in the sea, thieves conducting their daily trade on the streets, assassins carrying out orders and so on.

Suddenly, the beautiful cloud-covered kinda blue sky turned crimson, as giant flaming meteors started falling from nowhere (actually, from somewhere but no-one on earth knew where). A large rock fell near a small village, and the result was a large crater that spanned miles and thousands of miles. The village was caught in the impact and flattened, quite a sorry site that was.

Well, before the meteor shower flattened settlements and landmarks on earth, something happened, away from the blue planet (that is what everyone in galaxy seventeen called it actually). An earth-shattering battle was taking place, (it was not taking place on earth mind you) a robot was fighting against a thousand celestial gods. What had happened for such a battle to take place? Quite a lot of things actually, but now the important reason was what the robot was carrying.

The robot concentrated its circuits, and stretched out its hands, causing a purple beam to shoot towards the approaching celestial gods.


An deafening sound emerged as an explosion lit up the sky of planet Khami. At least a hundred celestial gods that were caught up in the explosion were incinerated instantly.

"Damnn this robot! Those crazy Farrons! I can't believe they would go to such extremes!" shouted one celestial god, who had survived the blast.

A celestial general who was commanding this troop of now less than five hundred soldiers started sweating profusely; this was not going according to plan.

The robot hovered in the sky, looking at more approaching celestial gods. A video clip started playing in its head, reminding it of the importance of its mission. It looked at the matrix in its hands, one of the reasons of this onslaught. Just a simple device, yet so powerful enough that celestial gods would fear its wielder and covet it. It sighed, well more like it tried to. A series of very complex calculations passed through its brain, among which were probabilities of survival, winning, as well as liberating the matrix with minimal damage. The result of the calculations was a decision to flee to the one of the seven moons orbiting planet Khami.

"I think this has gone long enough", said the general, as he floated towards the robot. The robot channeled more energy to the thrusters and flew towards the atmosphere. "You think we will let you leave?" sneered the general as he launched an attack that consisted of a concentric circle of runes. Lightning bolts emerged from the runes, and they encircled the robot, assaulting it from all ends.


As a final resolve, the robot switched to a movement technique that was augmented by rocket thrusters. It managed to dodge most of the lightning bolts, but was struck by one which damaged one of the thrusters, causing it to spiral out of balance. It fell down, and the general hovered just above it.

"Seems like I have to destroy you. You would have made an excellent fighting machine, what a pity! THUNDER DRAGON ANNIHILATOR!!!" yelled the general.

Dark clouds formed in the sky and lightning bolts that formed an image of a great flood dragon.


A voice sounded from the robot, as more purple energy formed a diagram of runes, while its eyes turned violet in color. The energy formed a purple spiral vortex just behind the robot.

'Space transmission?' thought the general, 'This robot has a ridiculous amount of ki!'

As the energy vortex reached its climax, the lightning flood dragon descended onto the robot. One of the celestial god soldiers cried out, "General, be careful. You might destroy the matrix!"

The robot shot one final blast towards the general, and the flood dragon exploded, while resulting shockwaves caused the general to be pushed backwards, vomiting blood. The robot didn't get off easy either. The shockwaves pushed it into the vortex behind it, causing it to be transmitted to the surface of one of the seven moons. When the robot struck the surface, more shockwaves followed, causing the moon to be split into multiple fragments.

In the solar system, the orbit of the earth was before Khami's orbit. This late in the year meant that Khami was behind earth in terms of global positioning. So when the moon was blasted into fragments, they turned into meteorites that flew towards the earth. Most of them missed the planet but of the few that hit the mark, they made sure to do some considerable damage.

Now that where the meteorites came from has been explained, back on earth, as mentioned earlier, people were busy carrying out their daily tasks. On this beautiful day, some assassins from the Sky Haven organization were carrying out a mission to assassinate a Megapolis business tycoon at his mansion. The orders were to make it look like a robbery gone wrong, whatever that meant. They swiftly carried out their objective and killed their target. They moved on to the wife and child. However, before they killed the child, the meteor shower started.

Ryan was definitely having the worst day of his life. First, robbers had attacked his parents' house while he was playing video games online in his room. He saw two men wearing ski masks, holding bloody knives walking in the hallway of his parents' house. One of them attacked him and stabbed him on the shoulder. Well, he was prepared to go meet his maker when something hit the house, resulting in an explosion.

It would have been wonderful if what he wanted actually happened. However, he woke up a few minutes later, and saw the horrific scene just before him. There was debris everywhere, his shoulder was badly hurt, but at least the bleeding had stopped. He looked around and to his surprise; he noticed something hidden in the debris sparking with electric sparks.