The Heaven Defying Pixin

A soft wind blew across the dark forest, as golden rays shone on the horizon, indicating the sun was rising up. Ryan looked at the glowing shield surrounding him and with a puzzled expression, folded his arms.

'This is definitely Myra's doing! So how do I get out of here?' he thought.

It was then that he noticed a small disc-like object glowing with funny looking symbols. The object was an array disc that contained the shield array surrounding Ryan currently. Myra had placed it there to hide Ryan and protect him from whatever was happening at their farm.

Ryan fiddled with the glowing disc, trying to press all edges. Finally, after some minutes of fiddling, the shield dissipated. Ryan took a deep breath. Just then, his morning alarm started ringing from the phone in his pocket.

"Darn it! I'm going to be late to school!" he shouted as he fumbled to get the phone from his pocket. After some time, he stopped the ringing, and returned the phone into his pocket.

'Now that I've learnt the Roc Chasing the wind movement technique, let me see if I can apply it in real life...' he thought.

He closed his eyes and focused on meditating. A moment later, he opened them with laser focus. If one looked closely into his eyes, they'd see a mysterious fiery glow. Everything began to unravel; there were threads, and multiple streams floating about in the air.

'I can see them!' he thought.

He focused and then activated the technique, as he had been doing in the mini dimension. As he stepped onto a thread, he appeared 10 meters from where he was standing before.

"I can do it!! Yes!!!" he shouted in excitement.

He began to use the technique, moving 10 meters with every step he took. As he left, a purple vortex suddenly appeared from nowhere. After appearing, it dropped the confused Michael and Marjory a few meters from where Ryan had been sitting cross-legged and then vanished.

Now, earlier at the farm, General O'Brian had just introduced himself to Michael, Marjory and Dr. Paige. He had a wide smile covering his face, anyone who saw him would instantly think of him as a friend.

"Forgive us for intruding on your property, Mr. Avariz", began the general, "Dr. Paige, would you be so kind as to come with us?"

"If I refuse?" asked Dr. Paige.

"We would have to use a bit of force. I'm sure it won't end well for anyone. So what do you say?"

He looked down, before taking a step forward.

"General, what do we do now?" asked one of the soldiers.

"Commence Operation Cleanup!" said the general as one soldier took Dr. Paige into custody.

While they were talking, Blue Rose who was clad in a black spandex suit and wearing a wooden mask had arrived at a small hill about 200 meters away. She parked the car and went out while holding a crossbow in her right hand and a large bag in her other. She put the bag on the ground and opened the boot, where she noticed a tall case.

As she opened the case, she saw sniper components. She sighed before saying, "Wily old fox. You knew I was planning to sneak out all along didn't you? Well then, thank you for the present! This will make my life much easier..."

She assembled the sniper and headed towards a clear area. Taking out binoculars, she lied down and looked through them. She saw the general giving an order, and then she saw the soldiers pointing some funny looking weapons, which didn't look anything like guns, towards Michael and Marjory. In a flurry, she took the assembled sniper and looking through the scope, targeted the general!

However, before she could pull the trigger, a purple vortex appeared behind Michael and Marjory, and before they could react, they were pulled inside it. Blue Rose thought she was seeing things, or maybe the scope was damaged. To confirm what she had seen, she took binoculars and looked towards the scene. Only Dr. Paige and the soldiers, who were now looking utterly shocked, confused and afraid, were left behind on the clear area.

"Huh? What's going on? What was that purple vortex?" she asked, with a frown on her face, which was concealed by the wooden mask.

She took the sniper again and looked through the scope. "Wait a minute, that man is a general? Why would a general come here personally? Something is not right!" she said, hesitant.

The general appeared to be giving some orders frantically. As the soldiers started running around, a robot appeared hovering in the air above the farm. This robot was wearing a gray robe, with a gray weird-looking bamboo hat. Blue Rose's eyes widened upon seeing this; after all, this was unprecedented.

"Let's test my theory, and see if I can hit a moving target", she grinned as she targeted the general and pulled the trigger.

Now, the general was now running towards the trucks, which had been parked quite a distance. However, he suddenly fell down, dead. Upon closer inspection, a bullet hole was visible on his chest, directly next to his heart. Another soldier carried him into a truck and some of the trucks started moving.

"BEEP. BEEP. Component failure, ETA: 5 minutes. Automatic System Repair Failed!" came a voice as soon as Myra appeared.

He had been damaged during his fight with Empyrean Thunder Fury. No matter how he tried to repair himself, he had failed! Now, he had appeared to save Michael and Marjory, and his damaged circuits worsened.

The soldiers who had been left behind started firing, using their weird looking weapons. It turned out they were actually plasma blasters, no wonder they didn't look like guns...

"A Sage Pixin!" exclaimed Dr. Paige who was being hurtled towards an army truck by the soldiers, "This is impossible! They aren't supposed to exist!"

As he spoke, the soldiers kept firing, but their weapons were not effective to say the least. Even though there were sparks flying off from the robot, indicating that it had sustained some damage, the plasma blasters did not produce the intended effect.

"This is insane! The Sage Pixin was a joke Michael designed when he lost a bet. Why is this one so powerful? And why didn't Michael tell me he had one?" exclaimed Dr. Paige, "Well, I might as well as take it as a parting gift. Hahaha."

The lights that shone in his eyes dimmed until they died down completely. As that happened, in Megapolis, the Pirin powered up and then suddenly flew up through the roof of the building! Two more robots powered up and they started following the Pirin. The Pirin was flying at such high speeds the other robots were failing to keep up; even their top speed was insufficient to catch up.

It was at this moment that purple ki formed in Myra's hands and they took the shape of swords! He was dual wielding swords made of purple ki! After the swords had formed, he dashed towards the soldiers. Every time he swung, two heads flew up, and blood spluttered into the air before bodies fell.

Some soldiers were trying to retreat into the trucks parked nearby. They suddenly started seeing small purple vortexes. After seeing the vortexes, they began to hallucinate. One of them turned to his companions and blasted him to bits with his plasma blaster. Another ran and embraced his companion with tears streaming down his face, but another of their companions blasted them both. The illusions they were seeing were variable, but they caused disorder within the ranks of the frightened soldiers.

Blue Rose kept looking through the binoculars, stupefied by what she was seeing. In all of her life, she had never seen any slaughter of this magnitude. She began to feel slightly nervous as she watched.

At this point, there was a whistling sound above the farm ground. Myra looked up, and he saw five missiles coming down, aimed at him! The culprit was the Pirin, which had arrived some minutes earlier and was now hovering above the farm. Myra's eye sockets were still purple, and as he concentrated, a purple vortex absorbed three of the missiles before vanishing and appearing behind the Pirin!


Five missiles struck, causing two explosions. Myra was flung backwards by the force from the impact, after two missiles struck. The Pirin didn't have it easy either, the three missiles exploded after being released behind it by the purple vortex. The Pirin fell from the air at a high speed, and crashed into the ground, creating an oval shaped crater.

"BEEP. BEEP. Warning: Component failure imminent, ETA: 1 minute 30 seconds", sounded a digital voice from Myra, which sounded different from when he usually spoke to Ryan.

The Pirin emerged from the crater, and then spoke, "State your Serial Number!"

"PI XIN 3360", replied Myra, "Mortal Robot, State your Serial Number!"

"PI RIN 8420", replied the Pirin.

However, that was when Dr. Paige's voice sounded from the Pirin, "So it IS a Sage Pixin! But why isn't it appearing on the Pirin radar? Also, I've scanned it with Scanmap and it's not even connected to the internet! There are no ports at all! What kind of robot doesn't have any ports? Is that why I couldn't hack it? Anyhow, I guess I can still capture it and find out, after all, the Pirin is made to be superior!"

The Pirin produced a small hilt and upon pressing a button, produced a laser light, making it look like a light sword! A small vortex appeared in front of Myra, and from this vortex, he took out a long, silver spear with purple inscriptions. The two robots were 10 meters apart.

Myra and the Pirin charged towards each other, and then clashed!


As they clashed, shockwaves were produced which caused a wind to kick up. The sun was now partially visible, with the rest still buried in the horizon. More sparks began to show on Myra as the two robots clashed.

"BEEP. BEEP. Warning: Component failure! Shutdown in 3 minutes!" came the voice from Myra.

"So, you have been damaged? Give up, it will be trouble repairing you!" said Dr. Paige, as he used the Pirin to charge towards Myra.

Myra spun the spear, and then swung it in an arc. A purple wave spread out horizontally with Myra as the source. In order to avoid it, the Pirin flew upwards, until it was hovering in the air. The barn, which was some meters away, was cleaved in two by the wave. The wooden planks, which had been used to construct it, fell down and disintegrated upon reaching the ground! Myra vanished from the ground and appeared in the air behind the Pirin. He struck the Pirin, which then tumbled from the sky and crashed into the ground, creating a crater and crevices that spread outwards.

Flames of purple ki now surrounded the spear he was holding, and as he threw it downwards, it transformed into a purple dragon, writhing as it flew towards the crater! Having sensed a deadly crisis approaching, the Pirin produced a small device, which upon activation, created a plasma shield that covered it!

When the spear struck the shield, it was like cutting through butter with a hot knife! The shield exploded and spear continued unhindered! It struck the Pirin, and then kept flying until it pinned the robot 20 meters away. There was dust everywhere, caused by the impact. Myra floated down, and landed on the ground.

"BEEP. BEEP. Damage report: 45%, Automatic repair failed! Shutting down to prevent further damage!" sounded a voice from Myra, as his eye-sockets, which had been alight with a purple hue, flickered and then turned dark.

The Pirin tried to stand up, but because it was pinned by the spear, failed completely. However, this was when the two battle robots that had accompanied the Pirin suddenly arrived at the scene! Because their speed was much slower than the Pirin, it took them a while to reach the battlefield.

One of the robots approached Myra, who was standing there, motionless. Before the robot did anything, two monks suddenly appeared, standing in front of Myra. One of the monks was chanting mantras while clasping his hands, which were holding prayer beads. The other was holding a staff in one hand. Both of them had paper talismans plastered on their foreheads.

"Don't tell me..." exclaimed Blue Rose, as she suddenly rose up from where she was and headed towards the battlefield.