Answers and Questions

"Alan, I know you're there! Why are you doing this?" asked Michael as he walked towards the entrance of the monastery.

The robot that was in the lead answered, "Why are you here?" It was red, with shades of white, and was humanoid in shape.

"Answer my question!" declared Michael.

"Even though you're my friend, you wouldn't understand..."

"Try me!"

"Fine. I'm sure you now know that my body is dead. If I hadn't found a way to preserve my conscious, I would be dead in body and soul! However, currently I'm alive, and I want to fight against the bastards who murdered my body! In order to accomplish that, I need the Pixin those monks are hiding. It's way too powerful. Right now those bastards should be coming for it, and if they get their hands on it... Game over!"

Michael sighed before answering, "Is that so? Why don't we make a deal then?"

"What kind of deal?"

"I'll help you--"

"Michael! What are you doing!" asked Marjory.

"What I have to, in order to secure Ryan's future..." he replied, before continuing, "I'll help you to upgrade those level 2 battle bots to level 4, and also equip them with Rhizen canons. In turn, you'll let the Pixin go."

"Rhizen canons? Didn't you just lose the blueprints to those bastards?" asked the lead robot.

Michael didn't say anything, he simply smiled.

"No way! But how?" asked the robot.

"I have my ways. Besides, if that organization is our enemy, then an enemy of my enemy is my friend! The monks are our friend currently, and trust me when I say there's a war coming, which none of us can fight alone! That organization is a threat, but it's no bigger than what's coming!"

"What're you talking about?"

"Do we have a deal?"

The robot appeared to be thinking, which was weird because computers calculate. However, it did and came up with a decision.

"If I were to refuse and attack the monastery, what then?"

"You will not win, and if somehow you did, you'd lose to the organization. What will it be? Should we work together for old times' sake?"

"Fine. I have some conditions for the deal", spoke the robot, as if hesitating.

"Which are?"

"I want information; the monks know what I'm talking about!"

Michael turned to look at Abbot Heavencloud with a serious look. The abbot closed his eyes, and gave a light sigh. Three other middle-aged monks emerged from the halls, while another appeared from thin air, with a talisman on his forehead.

"We will provide all the information that you want, Dr. Paige. However, we will warn you. Having access to this information might do you more harm than good", spoke the abbot.

The four monks stood behind the abbot, who brought out a scroll and handed it over to Michael.

"I'm coming with you!" declared Marjory as she moved. However, her movement was blocked by one of the four monks.

"I'm sorry, I have to do this. For the sake of the future", replied Michael.

Marjory started sobbing. She didn't know what to do or where to go.

"Where do I go from here then?" she asked.

"Remember our house in Megapolis? That's best option right now. Take Ryan with you, he will protect you if anything happens while I'm away--"

Before Michael finished speaking, a purple beam of light shot upwards into the sky, from the secret location. Everyone turned to look at the source of the light. A few minutes later, something floated up into view, as the light dimmed down. As it came closer, everyone realized what it was. The monks developed an expression of anxiety on their faces, which was undetectable until Myra appeared in full view. He arrived, hovering in mid-air, and then finally descended until he was a few meters from the tense environment.

The monks bowed to him, even the abbot. However, Myra remained quiet, scanning the entire area.

The abbot was the first to stand up, and he spoke, "Are you looking for the boy, Exalted Immortal?"

Myra remained quiet, but he kept on scanning the area, until his gaze came to rest on the leading robot. "No. I know where he is. You, why did you attack me?" he asked, pointing to the robot.

The robot shuddered as if a cold chill had crept up its back. "How did you know it was me?" asked Dr. Paige, whose consciousness was in the leading robot.

"The color of your soul. The robot that attacked me had a yellow-green soul filled with rage. I can see the same kind of soul in you!"

"My soul? What are you talking about?"

"You will not understand. The robot in front of you is not a normal earth robot! It came from another planet", explained the abbot.

"That's crazy! That robot is something Michael designed, ask him! So tell me, how an earthly design ends up on an alien planet?" asked Dr. Paige.

"We do not know ourselves, but the same concept you used to put your soul into the robots, is the same concept used on this one."

"What?! So whose consciousness is in it?" asked Dr. Paige.

The abbot remained silent, looking at Myra. Everyone turned to look at Myra, who simply ignored the gazes coming towards him.

"Exalted immortal, pardon my asking. Are you the Azure Immortal or someone else?" asked the abbot.

"No, I am not. The Azure Immortal perished a long time ago! However, a portion of his soul was used to bring me to life, in order to safeguard the legacy of the Farron race. I have my own personality, if that is what you want to know."

"I see. So is there any danger that will follow from you being on this planet?" asked Michael.

"Yes, indeed. The Celestial gods will probably send assassins to try to get the legacy I was created to protect. They might even be on their way right now."

"My grandson is in danger, isn't he?" asked Marjory, hysterically.

Everyone remained quiet.

"This is what you meant when you said there were bigger enemies?" asked Dr. Paige, looking at Michael, who was standing there, as if in a daze.

"There's even more to it than that. Accordi--"

"Ahem. This story is not one we discuss in such a situation. Why don't we have a cup of tea? Well, for those who can drink tea", said the abbot, with a slight cough.

The other monks remained quiet, everyone was wondering why there were even there. The abbot started walking towards the monastery, and soon was followed by Michael, Marjory and the other monks. Dr. Paige uploaded a bit of his consciousness in a smaller drone and then flew to follow the abbot. Myra remained standing outside, looking at the horizon, towards the direction of Mount Sun.

They arrived in a large courtyard, with a small garden of lotus flowers on one end. Inside the courtyard, there were small mats, which everyone ended up sitting on, with the exception of Dr. Paige, who was flying in mid-air.

"Right, I know most people have questions, so we'll start with Dr. Paige, then Michael, then the Exalted Immortal."

"Who really are the enemies here?" asked a voice which projected from the flying drone.

"There are three potential enemies that we are going to face. Initially, it was the threat of the Abyssal race, a race of green creatures led by a human. These creatures, as was prophesied, will spread chaos around the universe. However, an earthly threat also arose. This was in the form of the organization that calls itself Cerberus. The organization influences politics, commerce, life, and death. By making and selling weapons to both sides of a war, it remains in control, making nations do its bidding. Finally, we have the Celestial god race, which we do not have much information on, except that they will come in search of the Exalted Immortal and the legacy he protects."

"You mentioned a prophecy, what prophecy and by whom?" asked Dr. Paige again.

"The founding abbot of this monastery was part of a group of interstellar travelers called the Order of the White Lotus. When he arrived on this planet, he enjoyed the peacefulness, but he also saw a part of its future. He wrote what he saw on a scroll which is passed to every abbot who takes over." The abbot paused for a moment, as a young monk entered the room with a teapot and small cups.

After pouring Marjory, Michael and the other monks a cup of tea, the young monk bowed and then left the courtyard.

"Part of his prophecies entailed the return of a very powerful human being, who had left the planet a very long time ago. This human will control a race of powerful creatures called Abyssals. Currently, we are powerless to fight against this invasion", paused the abbot with a sigh.

"And my grandson?" asked Marjory.

"According the prophecy, your grandson is the seed of hope that will return peace to the universe. He has been gifted with the legacy of the Farron race. Now we need to protect him from whatever threats that will--"

"It is not just the legacy of the Farron race. The matrix contains the legacies of three races. The first legacy is the legacy of the Farron race, which he is cultivating currently. The second legacy is the legacy of the Celestial god race. As for the last legacy, I do not know what it is", interrupted Myra.

"So the Farron race is our enemy as well?" asked Michael.

"No it is not. The Farron race dwells on planet Khami, and they are at war with the Celestial god race. In order to preserve their most powerful legacy, the Farron race made a deal with a human scientist to make a device that could store knowledge and power. The device was called the matrix. After making the device, the Farron race stored their founding emperor's legacy, as well as the other two legacies they had acquired from the war, into the matrix."

Myra paused for a moment, before continuing, "However, when the Celestial god race learned that one of their secret legacies had been stolen, the attacked with ferocity, hoping to obtain the matrix as well as the third legacy. To protect the matrix, the human scientist made an automaton, using the soul of the Farron race's founding emperor as a foundation."

"What does this have to do with Ryan and this planet?" asked Marjory.

"The automaton is me, and as I was transporting the matrix to a secret sect, I was ambushed by the Celestial gods. We fought, but on alone, I was no match for them. I tried to teleport to one of the moons orbiting planet Khami. I was caught in a blast that made me fall to this planet..."

"So that's what caused the meteor shower?" asked Michael.

"I believe so. I fell onto this planet, on the property owned by Ryan's father. Somehow, the matrix attached itself onto him. Now, he has been accepted by the matrix, he will learn the legacies stored within. When he is ready, he will help to fight against all the injustice. I was supposed to teleport him back to planet Khami for more training."

"Why do the monks call you Exalted Immortal?"

Myra silently turned to look at the abbot, who had a quizzical expression plastered on his face.

"Because he is an immortal. In order to fully explain this, I would have to start giving a lecture on the Dao. For now, you have to know that there is nothing on this earth that is powerful enough to fight against it-- I mean him."

"I thought you said--"

"Yes the robot Dr. Paige controlled could pose a threat when the Exalted Immortal was inj-- I mean damaged, but right now, no weapon fashioned against the immortal shall threaten him. That is the reason why I made it priority to repair him over all else."

"So, how do we defeat all the threats you just mentioned?" asked Dr. Paige.