
"Im-impossible!!" declared the female voice, in utter shock.

Even Mondo stared ahead with wide eyes and a mouth agape with shock. What kind of person could survive something like that? A demigod monster, that's who!

"Finally! I'm now a demigod! Universe seventeen now belongs to me!! Hahahaha. Now, let's prepare to take a visit to the blue planet!" spoke the figure. At first, it wasn't visible but as it rose to the surface, everyone flinched.

The figure … or rather … what was left of the young man, was simply a lump of meat. This lump of meat did not have a head, or hands. It had only one leg remaining. How was this guy still alive after being left like this?

However, as if to answer that question, or to refute its absurdity, the lump of meat began to regenerate! Starting from the head, going downwards, everything began to regrow! In a matter of minutes, the charred figure began to look like a young man again. Oh, and he was completely naked.

"Your Excellency, congratulations on breaking through to the demigod realm", Mondo began, while black lines developed on his face.

It was then that the young man realized that he was naked.

"Oh, good good. How are the preparations coming along? Are you ready to go to Earth?" asked the young man, as a black robe covered his entire body.

"Yes, your Excellency! The preparations are complete!" replied Mondo.

"Good! Prepare the portals, I'm going to take a walk to the so-called Universal Alliance Council!" as the young man said this, he vanished.

"Does that answer your question?" Mondo asked the female who had asked the question earlier.

There was no response.

Universe seventeen had what was called a Universal Alliance Council, which was basically a bunch of old geezers who foresaw decisions about several planets. Each of these geezers was powerful, and they would be rulers of planets by themselves. Unless something major happened, they would never meet together.

However, these geezers were convening to discuss something which they considered dire.

"Fellow Daoist Snowfall, are you sure your news is accurate?" asked the Celestial Emperor, who was the only one who looked younger.

"Why would I gather all of you here if I was not sure? Are we forgetting that my planet is closer to his planet? I personally saw the tribulation clouds gathering!" answered an old geezer who was wearing a white robe, with a symbol of a snow flake.

"If that's the case, then we have a problem", answered another old geezer, who was wearing a white robe with the symbol of a cloud.

In total, there were four old geezers, and the planet they were meeting on was fairly beautiful. It had clean blue skies, with lush vegetation.

"I fear for my granddaughter's life", spoke the Snowfall Emperor, who had been called Daoist Snowfall earlier.

"Well, it's your fault for letting her adventure far away from your domain!" snorted the old geezer with the cloud symbol on his robe. He was known as the Ninecloud Emperor.

"Daoist Ninecloud, you should know that--"

Sudden cracks in the sky caused the Snowfall Emperor to halt his words. Well, technically the sky wasn't cracking, but the barrier they had set up around the planet had been broken. The good thing was that the planet was uninhabited, otherwise things would have been much worse.

The faces of the old geezers sank, as they realized that they had a party crasher. A few minutes later, a tall young man with short, blonde hair, appeared.

"Yo! How are we doing … fellow daoists?" asked the young man, as he sat at the head seat. It had to be mentioned that there was a rectangular-shaped stone table, with stone seats. The four old geezers were sitting facing each other.

"Daoist SoulEater, what brings you to our convening? I don't remember any of us inviting you!" the one who spoke out was the last member of their meeting. This old geezer had a head full of white hair, and he was wearing a black robe with a symbol of a leaf. His expression was particularly dark.

"Hoho. It's good to see you to fellow Daoist Redleaf. Don't tell me you're still mad about what happened in the Thousand Hells Mystic realm?"

Upon mention of the Thousand Hells Mystic realm, all faces darkened instantly, and the temperature dropped by a few degrees instantly.

The Celestial Emperor laughed loudly, before saying, "Please forgive us, fellow Daoist SoulEater, we were not expecting you. However, we still want to know what brings you to this remote planet?"

"Oh? It's nothing much. I just wanted you to know that, since I've broken through to the demigod realm, I'm now the sovereign of Universe Seventeen. We all know what this means, right?"

Again, the faces of all the old geezers sank. However, Redleaf immediately rose up and smashed his fist on the stone table, before saying, "Ha! Do you think that you can force us to submit to you? After what you did in the Thousand Hells Mystic realm, which of us doesn't want to kill you personally?"

The blonde-haired young man smiled, "Why don't we do this? All of you should come at me. If you manage to scratch me, then I'll immediately leave this convening, and I will never bother you again. I'll give up on the right of being sovereign of universe seventeen. What do you say?"

"Daoist SoulEater, your foundation is not yet stable. Don't you think you should stabilize your foundation first?" asked the Celestial Emperor.

"Don't worry about my foundation. Unless if you're afraid, then I guess you're just barking dogs!"

Redleaf was the first person to act! With a few hand gestures, he summoned a thousand leaves, which began to circle around him, creating a fierce wind!

The rest of the geezers, with the exception of the Celestial Emperor, stood up from their seats, and began to attack the Soul Devourer, who called himself SoulEater, for obvious reasons.


Each attack landed on the blonde-haired young man, who did nothing to dodge. However, after the dust had settled, the young man was still sitting there, dusting his robe, which was still intact.

"You failed to even scratch my robe? How embarrassing!"

"Im-impossible! Not even the Celestial Emperor will dare to take on my divine spell head on! How are you unscathed?" The three who had attacked were shocked.

It had to be said, once one broke through into a higher realm, their foundation will be unstable, hence the amount of power they can wield will be reduced significantly. That's why no one was stupid enough to challenge someone after breaking through. Except the Soul Devourer, of course.

"Was that all? I guess it's my turn then!"

And he was just as arrogant as ever. Without even standing up, he cast a divine spell. A giant hand which was made of bones materialized from behind him! The hand clenched into a fist, and moving faster than the speed of sound, the fist hit the Redleaf Emperor, who was closer.


The Redleaf Emperor flew backwards, and crashed several thousands of meters away from the meeting point. And then he coughed a mouthful of blood.


The fist hit the Ninecloud Emperor and the Snowfall Emperor, before they could cast protective divine spells! That's how fast the bone fist was moving. Now, it takes time to describe all these events, but it happened in less than a single breath of time!

"Fellow Daoist Celestial, would you like to discuss the Dao with me?" asked SoulEater, with a wide smile.

"Please guide me", responded the Celestial Emperor. He continued, "However, before we start our sparring session, would fellow daoist SoulEater swear an oath to the heavens? We would not want you to go back on your word!"

SoulEater frowned. If there was one thing he hated, it was swearing these so-called oaths to the heavens. "Well, no! I have no need to!"

He knew that the Celestial Emperor was far stronger than the others, so he stood up, and then summoned a giant ghost! This ghost looked so terrifying that it caused a chill to move up the Celestial emperor's spine!

The Celestial Emperor flew up into the sky, and then casting a divine spell, the clouds suddenly darkened! He knew that lightning was the bane of all soul-based lifeforms, and in order to destroy this ghost, he decided to start with one of his most powerful attacks!

With a roar, the ghost rose up after the Celestial Emperor, and then attacked with its tail! However, before the tail could reach the Celestial Emperor, a golden bolt of lightning descended! This golden bolt struck the ghost, which flew down and crashed behind SoulEater.

Before the ghost could get up, a giant golden dragon formed from lightning began to descend!

"Not this again!" SoulEater frowned. Last time he had been struck by a lightning dragon, he had almost died. Well, this one was considerably weaker than the heavenly lightning but still …

Without waiting for the dragon to reach him, SoulEater flew towards it! Casting a divine spell, the giant hand came up again, but this time, it had red runes!


The giant hand and the lightning dragon clashed, and the ripple caused both the Celestial Emperor and SoulEater to draw backwards!

"You're no longer my match, Celestial Emperor!" smirked SoulEater.

The Celestial Emperor remained silent. Earlier, he had been forced to swallow back the blood he was about to cough out.

"Well, I guess there's that. From now onwards, I'm the Sovereign of universe seventeen!! If anyone has anything to say to me, come and find me on the blue planet. Oh, and do your best to protect your planets. My men will be taking over all the other planets!" with that, he vanished, leaving the four emperors.

The first one to speak was the Snowfall Emperor. "This is not good!"

When SoulEater appeared next, he was on planet Earth.

"There really is no place like home! One, two … Two immortals, and one who's still in the mortal realm. Let's announce our return, shall we?" he spoke, before casting a divine art that caused dark clouds to begin covering the entire planet!

Inside the van, Ryan was wondering why the weather suddenly changed, when Myra suddenly appeared behind him! Before anyone could say anything, he grabbed Ryan and then vanished from the van!

"Myra! What's going on?" asked Ryan, feeling the effects of motion sickness, before throwing up on the grassy plains. They had suddenly teleported, and Ryan was unprepared. "Where are we?"

"We need to leave immediately!! There's a powerful--"

"Hello there. How are you doing?" interrupted a blonde-haired, young man. Besides the fact that he was wearing a weird looking robe, there was nothing extra-ordinary about him. Oh, right he was also floating in the air, and he had just appeared out of thin air!

Myra edged backwards, before summoning his beloved purple spear! As for Ryan, he looked on with curiosity, before throwing up some more.

"Eh? I'm sorry if I startled you. My name is SoulEater, but most people call me Soul Devourer. And you might be?" asked the blonde-haired young man, while looking at Ryan.

"Soul Devourer? Why does that name sound so familiar?" Ryan pondered.

Myra did not wait for Ryan to answer, he suddenly thrust forward with his purple spear! SoulEater did not even dodge. Instead, he stretched his hand, and using it as a sword, he collided with the spear! Instantly, Myra was thrown backwards, crashing quite a distance away.

"You know it's quite rude to ignore someone who's talking to you?" asked SoulEater, talking to Ryan.

Ryan's eyes widened! He considered Myra to be the most powerful person or rather robot around. As an immortal cultivator, there should be no one on earth powerful enough to fight against him…

Cold sweat fell down Ryan's back, as he realized this person was far more powerful than Myra. Before he replied however, a blurry figure materialized in front of him.

This figure looked quite old, and he was wearing a blue robe. Instead of responding, the figure performed a few hand gestures, and a portal appeared behind them.

"Rogarth Secretwater!! Why are you … oh … a soul wisp? I guess I'll still devour your soul wisp!" It appeared as if SoulEater was enraged. He immediately cast a divine spell, which caused a red vortex to appear in front of him!

The pressure from the vortex began to pull the blurry figure towards it! Upon seeing that nothing was going well, Myra suddenly teleported and appeared before Ryan, whom he grabbed and threw into the portal which had been summoned, before following!

The blurry figure remained for a couple of minutes, before dissipating into nothingness.