First Comment

DawnBreaker (Panda Bear): I'm a shota.

Elyon: Lies!

Noctifier (Blood Peony Emperor): reverse trap >.>

DawnBreaker(Panda Bear): Whut Nuo!

Madreader: reverse reverse trap.

DawnBreaker(Panda Bear): Asdfgjkllls

Elyon: You reverse trapper!

DawnBreaker(Panda Bear): My glasses broke *cry emoticon* I'm no reverse trap.

Madreader: She believes she's a shota... true trap.

DawnBreaker(Panda Bear): ...I'M A SHOTA. A 'HE'

After finally knowing Panda's true gender, the group resumed their happy go lucky ways and talked about random things.

Truedawn: Since I've taken over, time to mod abuse.

When he saw the mod Truedawn, Elyon remembered the questions he had been meaning to ask since he joined the server. Gathering his courage, he decided to start a conversation with mod Truedawn.

Elyon: Oh yeah mind if I ask some question? Questions rather, since I'm new here.

Truedawn: Go Ahead.

Elyon: I was wondering how do you get to the front pages of Webnovel?

[A/N: When you go to Webnovels website, you are directed at the homepage (sometimes called Front Page by authors). There you'll see featured novels that show their illustration covers for everyone to see. It is one of the best ways to advertise your novels. The novels that are featured on a weekly basis tend to get more exposure compared to their peers.]

Truedawn: You just do.

Elyon: How?

Truedawn: Two ways. Features and daily updates.

Namake: Don't listen to him.

Truedawn: Daily updates are self-explanatory.

Namake: He doesn't know what he's talking about. There's one way and one way only! Write a romance or sex novel!

Elyon: Damn.


Namake#6969 has been muted for 1 day

Reason: fuck off.]

'Namake…you never change.'

Elyon smiled and shook his head. He waited for Truedawn's explanation.

Truedawn: So where was I?

Xyerose (only ping me for BL): LMAO!

Elyon: so we came back to the SMUT portion again.

Truedawn: Don't listen to that guy.

Zehell2218: No what he said is true tho.

Truedawn: It is.

Xyerose (only ping for BL): Dawn I leave for like 1 minute and u already muted someone with mod abuse.

Zehell2218: it's the market here sad truth.

Truedawn: but you don't necessarily have to make those novels.

"Romance eh…indeed romance novels tend to be more popular these days. Like that CEO stuff that my sister always read." Elyon sighed and waited for Truedawn to continue.

Truedawn: As I said, daily updates and features.

noctifer (Blood Peony Emperor): Those novels are guaranteed success half the time, but will you enjoy writing them? write what you want to write ah~

Truedawn: Features need you to have at least 20k words.

Zehell2218: @noctifer (Blood Peony Emperor) true noc. How wise.

Truedawn: Daily updates. And beg edgarry that's all.

xWangan: How long does a feature last?

Namake: A week. Not F*cking long enough.

Elyon: When is a request possible? I mean is there any requirement something like reaching 200k word count or something?

Truedawn: @Elyon once edgarry is online.

noctifer (Blood Peony Emperor): Wasn't it 20/30k

Elyon: Alright. Thank you.

Truedawn: 20k minimum.

Namake: *posts a random BL pic*

Xyerose (only ping for BL): ooo thank you. I approve.

Elyon sighed and opened his inkstone workplace to edit the first chapter of his story. He lost count on how many edits he did on his first chapter. It seems that no matter how many times the first chapter is edited, there will always be a mistake that never wants to go away.

To be honest, he has been suffering from anxiety as of late. The first week was fine. The second week, the feeling of anxiety started to sink in. He's not sure about himself. He was feeling less confident.

Somehow, no matter what kind of encouragement he tells himself, it just doesn't work. He stopped editing and pinched the bridge of his nose. He closed his eyes to calm himself and prevent the fears from taking hold of his mind.

He tried to remember the reason why he started writing.

'What was the reason why I started to write?'

'Did I start writing to become famous?'

'For Money?'


'For the lulz?'

"In times of darkness, one must stop looking for the light, and become the Glow, for others to follow." An adorable voice resounded in his head.

Elyon opened his eyes and looked at the first chapter of his story. It was filled with grammar errors, wrong tenses, wrong POV's, wrong…everything in it seems to be wrong.

He still feels down and his body still feels heavy. But, there is something different. He remembered the reason why he started writing. His goal for writing his story is to make people smile. To make them laugh.

To show them that even if the world turned its back on them, they can always read his story to make them smile and somehow, make their mood lighter.

This is the reason why he started to write his stupid story. The story that he wanted to tell everyone, it was "The Legendary Baka Warriors".

Tears fell down freely as he tried to edit his first chapter. His eyes blurred, but he kept on editing. His face is so ugly right now due to the fact that he's trying his best to stop himself from crying.

Minutes pass by and the only sound that can be heard was the sound of his fingers hitting his keyboard. He allowed the stress and anxiety that built-up within him to be released in the form of tears. He stopped editing because he can no longer see anything.

More minutes passed and the tears finally stopped. He composed himself and finished editing the first chapter. He uploaded it in the inkstone workstation and went to the webnovel page to browse his finished work.

He read his first chapter, he read it slowly and tried to see if there are any mistakes left. He's sure that if a professional editor were to take a good look at it, he would see so many mistakes that he'd probably advise him to scratch the first chapter and write a new one.

"It's fine. I did everything to the best of my ability. I will improve in time so forgive me if this is the only thing I can do for now." He spoke these words towards his first chapter.

His first chapter, the chapter that will decide whether his readers will stay or not.

It didn't take long to reach the end of the first chapter with his reading speed. He scrolled down and saw something that has never been there before.

It was a comment. It only has three words and it said… "Thank you author"

He rubbed his tear-filled eyes to make sure that he's not seeing things.


"Thank you author"

The comment was still there and a feeling of warmth surged within him. It was the first time someone commented to his story. It was the first evidence that someone has read his novel.

It was the first time that he felt that everything he did was worth it. For the sake of that one person who is reading his novel, he will continue to write and finish what he started.

Elyon slept soundly that night. For the first time in like forever, he was able to sleep peacefully. He dreamed about a fantasy world, filled with sword, magic, cultivation, and LOLIS. It was a good dream.



When I was still a reader, I rarely give any comments to the stories that I read. For me, giving a comment was not a big deal. It's just a few words. A few letters that form a word that has a meaning. It was no big deal.

Never did I thought, that in this life...these mere words that I took for granted while I was a reader, could bring me a different feeling as a writer. I can't speak for everyone, because I don't know how they felt when they received their first comment.

But, for me, it was a happy day. It may not be enough to chase the thunderstorms that block my way, but it was enough for me to look forward to a better and brighter day.

So my dear readers, if you ever find a story that you really like, please leave a comment behind. It's just a few written words for you, but for new authors, it means the world to them. It may not be enough to solve all the problems they are facing at the moment, but believe me, your words will have an effect.

It may be small, like a drop of water in a bucket. But, for new authors who just started to write their stories, it is a blessing that came down from the heavens.

To my fellow new authors who are struggling like me. I can't give you much of an advice, because I don't have the qualifications to give it to you. However, if you really need someone to tell you a few words right now, then I'll give it to you.