Author's POV#10: Aspiration of a Little Baby Dragon

[Disclaimer: This chapter was written by the Author Zehel2218]

6:30 a.m

"Mn..." Zehell woke up slowly as she opened her eyes. Her body was so damn tired and heavy.

What time is it now?

That was the question that always floated around this girl's mind. She was always afraid she would wake up late and thus would also be late to begin writing for the day.

"It's 6:30 a.m..." With her sleepy eyes, Zehell reached out for her phone and saw a small number on the top left of her phone screen.

It's still early! She usually woke up at 7...So she could sleep again, right? Hurray! Let's sleep and dream about handsome men...

Zehell was just about to go back to sleep and dream about her non-existent boyfriend when suddenly a voice sounded right next to her bed.

"Hey Zehell! If you have woken up, let's take a bath." Zehell's sister suddenly appeared in front of her with a glare.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ don't scare her, sis!

Zehell was really afraid of her sister even though the girl was quiet and calm; once she got angry, ugh it would be bad. So afraid of making her sister angry and... scared she wouldn't make the book cover for her, she could only crawl out of the bed.

That morning, Zehell's sister had to go to university at 7 a.m for a project so Zehell could only take a bath at that time. Feeling the cold of the morning, she cursed her sister inside her heart.

7 a.m

"Now, let's check webnovel" Zehell picked up her phone as she clicked upon one APP she was very familiar with.

This had been a daily habit for Zehell—to open up the webnovel APP every time she woke up, or after she took a bath.

Let's is Monday...the most chaotic day for the rank in Webnovel. Wonder what rank she was now...


Hm? It's not in top 30 as usual...wait...its 57?! 😱

Let's check the other book she had...maybe the readers voted more to that book. It's okay, it's okay...

... it's rank 199. Almost out of 200.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ HOW COULD THIS BE?!

Seeing the rank written on her book status, Zehell had the urge to bang her head against the bed.

It's the same as last week! Every Monday, her dragon book would only reach rank 57 in the morning which always gave her heart attack. As for her new book?

Don't mention that. She always had the urge to cry seeing the three-digit number of that book rank. Is that CEO book a failure??

Why? (இ﹏இ`。) Why did the rank drop so much? Is her story become boring? Or did the readers stop voting? What's wrong with her book...

Indeed, on Monday the rank would be chaotic. Her sister always said to keep calm since the votes would rise by the afternoon and by the next day, usually, it would be back to rank 30-35.

Still, who wouldn't get shocked when their rank dropped so much until it was out of the top 50?

Zehell checked her other fellow authors' rank and couldn't help but sigh. One was in top 15. One was in top 30, others were in 31, 37, 40.

Almost all of them were in top 50.

C-calm down Zehell, calm down! This is just temporary...the readers will vote soon after you release a chapter at 10 a.m... they will!

(。•́︿•̀。) would they?

Even though Zehell had experienced this many times already, there was always this anxiety that one day the reader would stop voting and vote for a new novel with a similar story to hers instead.

This little anxiety would ruin her mood to write that day.

"No no, don't think like this. For now, let's hijack my family phone to vote!" Zehell did feel down but she knew the rank wouldn't rise up by itself if she didn't do anything.

The least she could do was hijack her family phone to vote and keep writing, writing, and writing until the rank rose little by little.

8 a.m

The rank was at 38-ish now and even though she wanted to get into the top 30 as usual, she stopped worrying. Or not. She still worried, God dammit! 😫

But she wouldn't let this mood made her stop writing for the day. She had to keep writing even though the rank dropped or else the readers would decrease, even though she wasn't in top 100 best seller ranking anymore.

Since...she had a dream.

Her dream wasn't big because she knew she didn't have ability for that. She only wished for her book to stay in top 20 one day. One day. Any of her books would do. It didn't need to be this dragon book.

"'s impossible isn't it?" Zehell sighed as she looked at her phone screen and the tools she always used to type her story every single day.

She began writing out of boredom with a spark of ideas since all the FL cultivation novels she read were the same. She began writing only because of that.

At first, she thought her book wouldn't be popular. Her first book which she had dropped by now was also not popular, so she couldn't help thinking like that.

But who knew that after a few months passed, she managed to squeeze her tiny little body to top 30.

Of course, many people thought she had it easy—that she was a prodigy with a brilliant mind and talent, but the truth wasn't that sweet.

She began writing her dragon book on the 30th January. It took her 80 chapters to gain her first 10 reviews—so her rating would appear.

It took her 150 chapters to squeeze into top 150 when the other authors who started at the same time as her, already entered top 100 or maybe top 50.

Her first comment was at chapter 20 when she updated 4 chapters a day. Every single day. Next, it took her 3 months straight to get her to top 55.

At that time, she wasn't contracted yet. It took her a complete 250 chapters just to grab that rank 55 spot. She still remembered that.

Then... somehow, she got contracted after waiting for the contract for so long. Since she was contracted, her rank shot up but not too quickly. It was steady, until it stopped at 30.

"Well I'm not a genius after all." Laughing to herself, Zehell saw a newly contracted novel shoot up to top 20, even entering top 15 in just a few months.

The reader of that new novel might also be the same reader of her book. She had a feeling it was like this.

"Hhhh... okay stop complaining... it won't get me anywhere." Zehell saw the other novel she considered as her rival stayed at 20 whereas she was only at 38.

It's okay. She wasn't sad. She knew her writing skill sucked even though she tried to improve it by writing 3.5 k words every single day.

Before her hand got hurt, she wrote 7k words a day, but it damaged her wrist badly until she could only settle for writing 4 chapters a day.

" I wish I can write more." Zehell would occasionally scroll up the reviews section and would always read every single comment the readers left in her chapters.

She often saw readers demanding for a 100-chapter mass release or wanting to have more but sadly, this was her limit. If only her readers would understand....

"Okay, what's the last scene I wrote..." Zehell muttered to herself as she went to the pen symbol in APP. Of course, to write.

It was 9 a.m already—she had to write. That was the schedule she obeyed every single day when she had no class in college.

"Hmm... what should I write..." And so, Zehell began her morning with writing in the hopes she would one day make one of her novels enter the top 20.

A dream she knew wouldn't be possible without the support of her readers, who by now may still be sleeping or voting diligently.

That was how the little baby dragon spent her day.