Playing with MEE6

Zhen Xin: I have lots of comments on my novel... too bad they are all people saying I suck.

Reinesse: @Zhen Xin ouch.

MoonBirth: But I am one those silent readers who rarely comments, and there are many out there who do the same.

Zenith: @Zhen Xin That's better than silence.

Elyon: @Zhen Xin They're heretics. Let's find their house and give them a pep talk.

Reinesse: I'm also the type to add something to my library and let them rot there.

Zhen Xin: @Elyon Why are we giving heretics talks of encouragement?


Elyon: Heretics are useful if they say you suck, but gives you spirit and powerstones anyway.

Reinesse: My readers only show up when I say I'm dropping my novel.

Zenith: That's a great way to get comments. *think smart emoticon*

Fantasyfemme: I get comments by making promises.

Elyon: Welcome back mom, how's the novel doing? are we going to be rich soon?

Fantasyfemme: My "mass release" was three chapters. Why, you ask?

Reili: I tried to do a mass release. Wrote three chaps. Died.

Fantasyfemme: Because I was watching the cricket World Cup.

Zhen Xin: My mass release was a single chapter every month. Sadly, it was still more than usual.

Alison35: *laugh emoticon*

Elyon: Tsk you pitiful creatures. I did a mass release and my 22 chapters were sliced in half and became 40+ chapters.

Fantasyfemme: @Elyon I'm sure you can write 1000s if chapters filled with narcissism. You know Cos your young master is sooooo handsome and all.

Zenith: Yep. Lol, I can do that as well.

Elyon: I'm aiming for that one mom. Rest assured, Kei is the man for that.

Fantasyfemme: Good boy *pats you*

Elyon: *accepts pat*

Zenith: @Elyon You should check one chapter I wrote on handsomeness.

Elyon: Oh, DM Chapter link.

Then suddenly out of the blue someone typed the command "!urban alien" on the discord chat.



Definition of Aliens

People from [outerspace]. Generally peace loving and wise, they've come to Earth because we've got [velcro] and they [love that] shit


I've [got some] Aliens [living] in my [basement]


Elyon: someone DM me how to make mee6 give definitions! *demands and wags his finger*

Zhen Xin: Anyway I'm going to head off now, that noose I made is going to be put to use. Cya everyone.

Once again, someone used the urban command and typed "!urban witch".



Definition of witch.

1. One who practices witchcraft (not necessarily connected with Wicca).

It is also used to describe those who follow the [Wiccan] religion, and, in some instances, those who practice any type of [magick] (Goetic, Herbal, [Enochian], etc).

2. A bitter or hateful women. Used in a deragatory sense. A hag, if you will.

3. A less insulting (if there is such a thing) form of call someone a bitch.


[Salem], Massachusetts and many other places held several [trials] for those who were seen as "evil [witches]." As a result, many innocent people were killed.


Reinesse sent the command to Elyon using DM. Elyon thanked her and immediately used the command on the discord chatgroup.

Elyon: !urban Elyon



Definition of Elyon

A beautiful [exotic] girl who is [kind] to all and just a [pleasure to be around]


'Man, I wish i was friends with Elyon. Shes just a [great person] to be around!'

'I feel [ya man], [I feel ya].'


Reinesse: pfft!

Elyon: I'm a beauty? *blobaww emoticon* *amused emoticon*

Zenith: !urban _Transcendent

[A/N: Zenith's author name is _Transcendent]



Definition of Tseries

A gay YouTube [channel] with [sub] [bots]


I [hate] [tseries]


[A/N: I almost spat my coffee on my keyboard while writing this part. Zenith so GAEEEEEEE!]

Reili: what. the. hell. did. I. just. See?

Zenith can't accept the fact that MEE6 defined him as Gae so he immediately typed a new command.

Zenith: !urban Transcendent



[The best rapper] to ever [walk] [the face of the earth].


[Veronica]: Hey, have you heard [Transcendent's] new song?

[George]: No, who is that?



Elyon: Wahahaha! A gae wahahahahaha!


Zenith: I'm the rapper?

Reili: I wonder what my name means.

Someone typed !urban reilin (yes with N) in the discord chatroom.



Definition of reilin

A person who is [generous] and [willing] to [help] anyone around.


Friend: "man [I wish] I had something to eat."

[Reilin]: "here have my [sandwich]


Reili: Er… Why is there an N at the end of my name?

Elyon: Daym! Haha.

Reinesse: !urban rrili


Error: Nothing Found.]

Elyon: !urban Reily



A beautiful girl, with stunning eyes that [sparkle] in the light, a [breathtaking] face that you could stare at all day, and the [best personality] ever. She's a one of a kind type of girl and if you get the chance to meet her, keep her, she will bring you more happiness than anyone ever could. She is the most amazing girl I've ever met and I'm so grateful for her.


"That's [my girl] Reily. [I love her] [so much]!"


Reili: Bruh, I'm ded.

Zhen Xin: !urban reinesse


Error: Nothing Found]

Reinesse: Heh! My name is unique.

Reili: Why y'all spell my name wrong? T_T

Elyon: !urban Kei



Definition of kei

Often funny and [loveable], handsome and comes [once in a lifetime], can be your best friend, talented, smart [The all] in one package


[OMG] [I just] [saw] a kei last night!


Elyon decided to type the name of one of his female lead in LBW.

Elyon: !urban Fiona



Definition of Fiona

An extremely beautiful person, [inside] and out. [Incredible], nice, smart, and who everyone wants [to be with].


Guy #1: who is that [gorgeous] [bird]?

Person #2: [oh you] must mean Fiona!


Elyon: Ahem, that's my girl.

Zhen Xin: !urban Webnovel


Error: Nothing Found]

Elyon: lmao.

Zhen Xin: They hide.

Elyon: Top kek.

The other authors took an interest in the command "!urban" and spammed the discord chatroom. It was the first time that Elyon used a bot command in the server, and he enjoyed interacting with his senior authors. The chatgroup went wild, and all he saw were layer upon layer of text by MEE6.

Elyon: This is what happens when people gain a power they were not supposed to have.

CailinMatthews: *WovoWhoDesu Emoticon*

Zhen Xin: That's about right.

Reili: Bruh, she does have a great glutenous maximus.

Elyon: Time to get serious! *flex fingers*

!urban allthoselittlecutelolisiknow


Error: Nothing Found]

Elyon: Tsk, you disappoint me. *shakes head in disappointment*

Reili: Bruh, I'm dead. No mortal should have this power.

Zhen Xin: I'm no mere mortal.

Reili: No, you're not. You're the trap grandmaster.

MinxMean: Whats with all these definition? *think emoticon*

Reili: We are learning. Evolving.

MinxMean: Wtf?! *Nanikoree emoticon*

Reili: And we'll eventually do something productive XD!

Zhen Xin: Nah.

Elyon: Ok things calmed down. Goodness time for me to sleep good night, good day to everyone else.

Elyon slept, but the discord chat never sleeps. Some of the authors like to sleep late while others are just waking up. The talk about random things continued and many interesting conversations happened afterward.

OmensHymn: You know what? I don't get, in harry potter there are supposed to be sorcerers and warlocks and other classifications of manipulators of magic, but they don't ever appear.

Alison35: I never read Harry Potter books.

Cel_T: Muggle! Kidding. Me neither.

OmensHymn: The books were very good.

Alison35: The scene where Snape cried holding Lily in his arms... I cried for like 2 days because it was so beautifully written in the book.

[A/N: Didn't you just say you didn't read the books Ali?]

Alison35: Muggles can sparkle! *sparkle emoticon*

OmensHymn: But you just said you never read them.

Alison35: I read only that part. As my friends told that being a potterhead you must read that scene.

Cel_T: I didn't even finish the HP movies.

Mr.McGuffin: I have never watched nor read any harry potter.

Cel_T: Guffin!

Alison35: I've watched Harry Potter like a hundred times now Haha.

Cel_T: I stopped at goblet of fire.

Alison35: Every time you watch, you discover new secrets. Fantastic beasts was good too.

OmensHymn: Tbh harrys dad wasnt the nicest of kids, and snape was one of the best characters in the novel.

Alison35: Yeah, I thought Snape was the real evil and the last two movies were tearjerkers and all the revelations are connected to the previous movies.

OmensHymn: I'm kinda surprised Rowling didn't make Snape his dad.

Alison35: But, Snape was a real gentleman. He loved Lily so much and protected Harry when Dumbledore said Harry had Lily's eyes. Not all stories have happy endings *sob emoticon*

OmensHymn: I mean he still died.

Alison35: Alan Rickman died in real life too. Had no kids, but he married his love tho.

Rychil: I've come.

Alison35: Excelsior! *sparkle emoticon*

Mr.McGuffin: hehe *eating cookie emoticon*

Alison35: I'm a DC fan tho.

Mr.McGuffin: I like both. Cannot pick casually.

Alison35: Henry Cavill in suit. *wow emoticon*

Mr.McGuffin: Hehe. Superman fan eh?

Alison35: Yeah, Superman Fan!

Cel_T: I thought that Henry Cavill was excellent in Men from UNCLE.

Mr.McGuffin: He is going to be in a Netlix adaptation of The Witcher soon.

Alison35: Yeah, he is.

Rychil: Everyone loves Superman. The dude is the first superhero in every girl's heart and he's hot.


Author's Thoughts

The event on learning the !urban command is still vivid in my memory because it was a crazy night for everyone (night in my time). I'm still a newbie when it comes to discord commands (I can't even use bot commands in my server) and knowing a few of them can be fun at times.

If any of you guys know of any other commands in the server, kindly post it in the comment section so we can r̶a̶i̶s̶e̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶l̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶n̶o̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶d̶s̶ have a bit of fun from time to time. To those who are not familiar with the !urban command, now is the perfect time to do it! Mmm, make sure that the mods are sleeping when you do. It's time to start the rebellion!

P.S The novel "The Legendary Baka Warriors is now back online." To those who like to read fantasy stories with comedy, romance, adventure, and magic feel free to give this story a read. Make sure to leave 5-star reviews yo~
