The Cycle of Life

MoonBirth: What about a bedtime story

DawnBreaker: A Yaoi bedimestory!*joy emoticon*

Alison35: No smut. No! *blob glare emoticon*

DawnBreaker: *blob pout emoticon*

Mr.McGuffin: *blob nom cookie emoticon*

MoonBirth: In light of the minors, keep it PG rated.

Alison35: Son... I didn't raise you as a pervert.*blob torch emoticon* If that fits. *blog glare emoticon*

DawnBreaker: But… I was born a pervert *blob sad reach emoticon*

Alison35: No.

[A/N: This is what happens when you adopt everyone in the discord chatgroup Alison. Tsk! tsk!]

MoonBirth: We are all born in sin. *joy emoticon*

DawnBreaker: In sin of lust.

Alison35: Your momma isn't. *blob glare emoticon*

DawnBreaker: Lol. A product of sins is equal to a sin, or not. *joy emoticon*

Alison35: *blob glare emoticon*

DawnBreaker: My brain ain't working.

Alison35: Sleep.

MoonBirth: Only by praying for forgiveness will you be absolved of sin.

DawnBreaker: Stoooooooonnnneeee coollllllllllldddddd U see me standing while I'm dying on the floor.

Alison35: Song name? *blob glare emoticon*

DawnBreaker: Stone cold baby, god knows I tried to feel happy for u, know that I am.

Alison35: Well who dies while standing? *blob glare emoticon*

DawnBreaker: Even if I can't understand I'll take the pain. Give me the truth.

Alison35: My son is loosing brain cells.

DawnBreaker: Me and my heart. We'll make it through.

Alison35: History chapter, I hated history. *sparkle emoticon*

MoonBirth: History used to be my favorite subject ;0

Alison35: No way.

DawnBreaker: History was best. Like a novel.

Alison35: I slept while writing history paper in my boards. *disappointed emoticon*

Mr.McGuffin: Science was my fave.

DawnBreaker: I thought I would fail, but I passed with flyingggg colourssss.

Alison35: lol.

DawnBreaker: I already grew old, I'm now XX. I'll soon be XX.

MoonBirth: If I'll grow anymore, I'll die.

Alison35: How old are you? *sparkle emoticon*

MoonBirth: As old as Double D.

Alison35: I'm XX *blob blush emoticon*

DawnBreaker: *blob glare emoticon*

MoonBirth: No way *blob thinking glare emoticon*

Alison: *blob glare emoticon*

MoonBirth: Alison is my senior?!

Alison35: Yesh. *blob blush emoticon*

MoonBirth: *blob frowning big emoticon*

Alison35: Skully once said I sound like. A XX year old woman. *blob blush emoticon*

MoonBirth: People sometimes say I sound like I'm 60. *blob whoa emoticon*

DawnBreaker: Lel.

MoonBirth: Best age ever, 20…

Alison35: Every age is best age. *blob glare emoticon*

DawnBreaker: Not 16. *think emoticon*

Alison35: Because all I do is study, eat, sleep, and repeat.

DawnBreaker: *blob sad reach*

Alison35: *blob glare emoticon*

MoonBirth: You're not dumb enough to be a teenager, but you're not old enough to be depressed.

Alison35: I was once depressed. Very depressed because I lost my watch. *sad emoticon*

MoonBirth: Depression because of a watch? That is new ;>

Alison35: Yeah. *sparkle emoticon*

MoonBirth: Usually, depression has no reason. It's a form of mental illness when you think about it. *think emoticon*

Alison35: I don't know really. Never been through.


Fast forwarded until Elyon woke up and joined the discord chatroom.

Silent C1own: What was LoHP?

Elyon: Library of Heaven's Path.

BloodRequiem: Library of Heaven's Path, rank 1 translated novel.

Silent C1own: bloods' book is better! Fite me. *blob torch emoticon*

BloodRequiem: lol.

Elyon: It's good but Elyon's is waaaaaay better.

Silent C1own: lol.

Elyon: xD!

Silent C1own: lol

Elyon: Hmm, is my collection rigged or something it went up by 2?

Silent C1own: Elyon just got my collection.

Elyon: Thank you.

Silent C1own: Left a review on Baka Warriors xD.

Elyon: I shall reward you with an awesome story filled with epic tenses that would make anyone with English as their first language stab their eye with a spork. It will be so comical that they are going to ask if they are sane or their common sense went down the drain…

Namake: lol.

Elyon: @Silent C1own I thought you were joking, you really made a review lmao.

Silent C1own: Yea lol. U like the review?

Elyon: Damn you. @Silent C1own I'll accept this review for now because I am d̶e̶s̶p̶e̶r̶a̶t̶e̶ aiming for a star rating atm. Thanks lmao.

Silent C1own: lol. I'll give another.

Elyon: No! Stop! One is enough, thank you.

Silent C1own: Hush Elyon, you have a star rating now.

Elyon: Omg! Seriously?!

[A/N: Reading this part of the Writer's Discord history brings back memories. It was the time that I was desperate for a star rating, so that my novel won't be considered as a "dead novel" by readers. I would like to thank Silent C1own for doing what he did before the rewrite of LBW.]

Silent C1own: Sleep Elyon, sleep well. Let this old man take care of you.

Elyon: *Didn't know whether to laugh or cry because of the people in this group.*

Silent C1own: Goodluck, young child Elyon.

Elyon: @Silent C1own Thanks I'll accept this and strive for the best lmao.

Silent C1own: Yes child, work hard.


Author's Thoughts

There are times when I feel sad when reading the backlogs of the Writer's Discord Chatroom. The first few weeks that I joined the server were memorable to me, and I've met a few people whom I considered as friends.

It's quite unfortunate that life has other plans, and there will always be a time when you have to say goodbye to some of them. These authors had left the discord chatroom, and some had left their stories behind as well.

This chapter is supposed to have more authors in the discussion. But, for some reason, I just can't force myself to add them. It's just sad, for me, to add them. I hope they're doing well in whatever they're doing right now.

People come and go, that's how the cycle of life flows. There had been an influx of new authors on the discord chatroom as of late, and these new personalities added a different flavor to the usual chat in the server.

Some chose to lurk and just watch the discussion, while some stepped forward and made themselves known. New names appear almost everyday, and it's a bit of a challenge to know these new additions to the group.

This also means that new stories are being born which is a good thing. I hope that everyone will be able to write fantastic stories that will help us escape the hardships of reality.


I wrote a little poem and I'd like to share it with you guys.

Zenith oh Zenith, you little pimp.

Why do you look for little imps?

When the Sky is filled with white milky glow,

The Cursed Daoist Mage will make way for a show.

When you gaze upon the End_of_Era,

you will wonder why everyone feels like Qkira?

When Reili the Sadist x Masochists come into play,

Zehel the Dragon will come to stay.

The HuRR DURR OF the Mods will lead you astray,

But, then again, WWFire antics will not go away.

When all is lost, like Cailin the Ghost.

When Reinesse and Ria are not Lolis you boast.

When Error speaks in her giggly beats,

The lolicons smile like retarded beasts.

When OP MC makes their stand, The BL lovers will sway their hand.

When Smut and Romance meld together,

The Authors scram and fight each other.

Whenever the trending comes to an end,

A new beginning will start to extend.

In this chaotic group that we belong,

Where chaos reigns and crazyness galore.

Whenever you're down and lost your way,

Come to the Discord chatroom and procrastinate away!


Have a good day everyone. (≧∇≦)/