Laundry Day!

Sleepteddy: Did you finish your laundry? @Elyon

Elyon: Not yet. I hate laundry days *grin emoticon*

Shiksha Jerath: I hate cleaning days.

Sleepteddy: Same.

Shiksha Jerath: When I have to deep clean the house at the end of the month It's a pain in the behind.

Elyon: Ahem can you help deep clean our house as well? Thank you in advance!

Shiksha Jerath: Roll outta here!

Elyon: *crying emoticon* The hard part is that I have a migraine right now, but the laundry won't go away unless I do it.

Shiksha Jerath: How much laundry do you have?

Elyon: A week's worth.

Shiksha Jerath: F.

Elyon. F. Yeah.

Shiksha Jerath: What were you doing the rest of the week?

Sleepteddy: I know a way to cure your migraine, read my story. *smiling imp emoticon*

Elyon: Haha later teddy. I'll rest after this one.

Shiksha Jerath: Teddy slides in promotion for his work.

Sleepteddy: Well it's not promotion.

[A/N: Teddy is working on a new novel at the moment, and this one is pretty interesting. He's not uploading it yet and merely stockpiling chapters for now. Very wise move ;) ]

Shiksha Jerath: Let's say a recommendation then.

Sleepteddy: That neither.

Overlord Venus: @Elyon Use the reverse side of the clothes, no need to do laundry for another week. *think smart emoticon*

Shiksha Jerath: Damn Venus u dirtbag.

Overlord Venus: Ahahaha. But i dont do that I have a washing machine…

Sleepteddy: Ofc you do xD

Shiksha Jerath: Then how come your response was so quick?

Overlord Venus: I am always lightning quick in my replies. *blob triumph emoticon*

Sleepteddy: Your own experience helped you there Venus.

Shiksha Jerath: Oh, I don't have a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner in my apartment. What's the point of buying when imma working here? It's a pain to bring all the machines when I change apartments so I have to do everything by hand.

Overlord Venus: There was a time… long long ago.

Elyon: *Evil grin emoticon* Yeah, No.

Overlord Venus: By hand? Holy moly!

Shiksha Jerath: The only machines I have at my place are the kitchen appliances or a treadmill.

Sleepteddy: Your washing machine is broken, that's why you use the backside of your clothes Venus. *laugh emoticon*

Shiksha Jerath: Yeah. Pity me.

Elyon: Omo, wash clothes using a treadmill. YOU are a GENIUS!

Overlord Venus: you have a treadmill but dont buy a washing machine? Yeah

like Ely said do it that way.

Shiksha Jerath: I had to buy a treadmill because I was 20kg overweight.

Elyon: Those flabs! *tsumi lewd emoticon*

Shiksha Jerath: My stomach looked more like tires F.

Elyon: Those chubby parts!

Overlord Venus: @Sleepteddy *burning emoticon*

Sleepteddy: *laugh emoticon*

Overlord Venus: Wash it with hands.

Elyon: brb throwing things again at the laundry.

Overlord Venus: Then you would drastically lose weight.

Shiksha Jerath: Ai ai. Don't laugh. My heart still burns over the money I spent on food and then had to spend thousands to buy the treadmill to take all that weight off.

Overlord Venus: Or best advice, from my expert self: Don't eat food. you can lose weight. 100% guaranteed.

Elyon: Genius move. Sasuga *blob think emoticon*

Shiksha Jerath: Ai ai. I said no to my maid to do all the work by myself and lose weight.

Overlord Venus: As long as you don't stop eating, its difficult to lose weight.

Shiksha Jerath: You think it's easy to wash a bucket load of clothes by hand? Aima. My back breaks.

Motivated Sloth: Wew.

Overlord Venus: Or feel stressed all the time, like 24/7. you would lose weight for sure, except there's a side effect of white hair arrivals.

Shiksha Jerath: @Overlord Venus Don't talk about eating. Its been two years since I had any of the roadside stalls greasy food.

Overlord Venus: @Shiksha Jerath I eat whatever I want and don't seem to put much weight.

Shiksha Jerath: Don't make me hate you @Overlord Venus

Sleepteddy: Me too.

[A/N: Me three!]

Overlord Venus: *blush emoticon*

Sleepteddy: I eat pizza every day but still look good. *shrug emoticon*

Elyon: @Shiksha Jerath You think I didn't experience that in the past? I was there before washing machine was a thing.

Shiksha Jerath: Teddy beware that I don't come to kill you in the dead of the night.

Sleepteddy: *laugh emoticon*

Overlord Venus: ̶T̶h̶e̶r̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶r̶e̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶ ̶s̶i̶d̶e̶

Murakami Takai: Having a fast metabolism means you'll die earlier.

Sleepteddy: @Shiksha Jerath I'm sure the last thing you want to see is me at night.

Elyon: Lmao.

Shiksha Jerath: Oh. Whenever I used to go back home, I would pile up my dirty clothes in a different bag altogether. Miss mumma. I haven't been home even once this year. *cries*

Sleepteddy: I wash my clothes since 12.

Shiksha Jerath: @Sleepteddy truthfully, the only thing I want to do at night is watch dramas or read a novel and then sleep at around 1am.

Sleepteddy: My mum just said one day, "Wash your clothes yourself you bum."

Murakami Takai: Oof.

Sleepteddy: That's how she is. *shrug emoticon*

Shiksha Jerath: I went away from home a few short months of 16 and my mum was never satisfied with me washing my clothes or when the maid. She always said the clothes were dirty or had some residual soap in them.

Sleepteddy: She broke a broom on my leg because I skipped classes once, you think I ever tried that again? xD

[A/N: Yikes!]

Shiksha Jerath: F. You an Asian? @Sleepteddy

Sleepteddy: No. I'm Cuban. I look at other kids, when they skip nothing happens, and they keep skipping classes.

Murakami Takai: Oof. You're gonna hate me.

Sleepteddy: Why? @Murakami Takai *pat emoticon*

Murakami Takai: I skip all the time. Still get good marks.

[A/N: See kids? This person is a bad influence. Stay away from him.]

Sleepteddy: Well if you still get good marks. *shrug* Skipping is fine as long it doesn't affect you.

Shiksha Jerath: I never skipped classes until I completed my high school. I even got an award for three years in running for never taking a single leave throughout the year.

Sleepteddy: Not bad.

Shiksha Jerath: And then the fourth year I feel so ill that I skipped school for a full 20 days.

Sleepteddy: I only started skipping after i was sure my mother wouldn't get wind of it.

Shiksha Jerath: Haha. Na I only ever skipped a handful of lectures whole I was doing my bachelors and masters. Though in college none of the proofs paid much attention to it but I was a goody goody two shoes.


Author's Notes:

Hello! Good day/eve to all of you. It's time for me to say my excuses for not updating WWCG for a long time.

*cough cough*

Well, the first reason is because I joined a writing prompt contest and I don't trust myself "not to advertise and ask for votes" here in WWCG.

After the contest ended… I did a bit of soul searching. I asked myself, what do I really want to do? My answer was simple. I want to be a better writer.

I then decided to take a one month break from writing WWCG and focus on reading reference books on how to "properly write" a story. I learned a lot, and after reading all those resource materials, I came to the realization that my writing style was "trashier" than I initially expected.

It hurts, but it was the truth. I'm currently changing my writing style to make it more "proper", but it's hard when old habits kick in. However, all was not wasted. I don't need to compare myself to others, because I know that doing so will only make me feel inferior.

I've re-read my first few chapters and cringed. Then I read more and cringed more to the point that I realized how much I improved. *AHEM!*

New authors focus more on getting views, comments, reviews, and collections. They set their expectations and when these "expectations" are not met… they feel bad.

Sometimes, it gets to the point that they drop/abandon their story altogether. There is no right or wrong way on how to do this. I still don't have the qualifications to teach you on how you can increase your views, comments, and collections.

Still, I think that improving yourself is much more "fulfilling" than mere wish fulfillment. I'm going to share with all of you the tools I've learned from this one month of Soul Searching and if you really want to improve, please do try these resource materials.

Murakami gave me this Epub file called "Descriptions - Monica Wood." It covers a lot of things and for new authors, this is a powerful tool that will help you understand some of the things that "you don't know that you don't know." You can read this file by installing Epub Reader on your devices or desktop.

Another advice for discovery writers. I am, or rather was a discovery writer. I understand the fun of discovery writing, but also understood its limitations. Writing blindly, a chapter day after day , even if you have some sort of idea where the story is headed will only lead to a WALL/BLOCK in the long run.

Please, don't argue with me for now and continue to read. Even if you had the story laid out on your head, it still won't make your story coherent and the foundations you think you have is non-existent.

So, the next resource material that I am going to share with you is how to "plot your story/outline very fast." Don't underestimate this resource material, because it may be the answer to ALL OF YOUR PLOTTING/OUTLINING PROBLEMS.

This technique was so effective that I was able to plot my 2 novels in less than an hour. Hah? You think I'm joking? A friend of mine also thought the same, but when I gave him this reference material all he was able to say was "Paternal Grandmother…"

Without further ado, go to "Youtube" and search for "How to Plot Your Novel FAST by Ellen Brock." Please, watch until the end of the video. Trust me, you won't regret it!

Ellen Brock is an editor and her advice when it comes to story writing may come in handy.

If you think, you're good enough already feel free to ignore these reference materials. However, if you want to improve, for yourself and not for other people then by all means give these resources a chance.

I may not be able to update WWCG on a regular basis, because I'm still learning and looking for better resource materials that will help my growth as a writer. If I find anything noteworthy, I will also share these materials with you.

Even with all the things I learned and currently learning; I decided not to edit the first few chapters of WWCG. I want it to serve as a lesson to me, and a constant reminder that everything starts with the first step. No matter how small, silly, inexperienced, clumsy it may be, the first step must be taken in order to move forward.

Feel free to share these information to your friends and fellow writers as well. Also please remember…

In times of Darkness one must stop looking for the Light, and become the Glow for others to Follow.

See you soon!


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