Chapter Two: Training From Hell Part One

The Next Day

I had been awake since 4am I knew that classes started at 7am sharp. Yet before classes started I wanted to go for my normal morning run. My mother use to hate my morning routine. I put my usual running outfit on. Which consist of black sweatpants and a black tank top and my black running shoes. So after I got ready for my run I crept out of the dorm-room and out of the school building. I made it to the track and started to run. When I run I don't notice anyone or anything around me. I didn't even notice the holes burning in the back of my head.

After my run I took a shower and got my clothes ready for the day. I put on a pair of navy blue shorts and another black tank top with a gray skull on it. I opened the door and made my way down the hallway to my first class Weapons Training 101. When I opened the door the class was made up of 1300 to 1400 year old boys.

"Hey sweetheart did you get lost or something? You should be in the kitchen making us some lunch," a blonde male said to me. He came at me and put a hand on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and put him in shoulder lock.

"Why don't you learn some manners? I am assigned to this class. I like to play with swords and knives as well. The next time you put your filthy hands on me again I will not hesitate to kill you," I told him in a voice that left no doubt in his mind that I would do just what I had promised to do. Just then I hear a throat clear behind me.

My Big Brother Is My Teacher

I looked behind me and saw my big brother standing there with an amused look on his face. Is he a part of this class? I thought to myself. The boy I had in a shoulder lock stiffened up.

"Hey bro I didn't know that your a part of this class, " I said innocently there were a few nervous chuckles around. I looked around to see why they were chuckling.

"SILENCE!" he shouted at the classroom. I looked at him shocked by how he commanded the room.

I just looked at him confused. Hey in my defense I was a new student I thought. He turns his gaze on me making some of the other students squirm in their seats. I held his gaze for as long as I could before I turned away (about 10 minutes or less.)

"Squirt I'm the fucking teacher of this class. Nice shoulder lock by the way. I want you to stay after class for a while," he told me I just nodded. To say that I wasn't impressed that my big brother was the teacher would be an understatement.

"Okay class I'm going to drink and smoke if anyone wants to join me you only get offered once. So who is going to join me?" he asked the students. I had never drank or smoked weed before so I raised my hand. Thantanos nodded and I walked up to join him. "Since only one of you decided to join me I want the rest of you to work on the shoulder lock for the rest of the class," he said.

As I sat there watching the rest of the class working on their shoulder lock. Big brother handed me a bottle of vodka I took a swig of the clear liquid that was offered to me. It burns going down my throat but it tasted really good so I decided to take another swig of it. He than passed me a giant looking cigar which was already lit. I took a hit off of it. It tasted different than anything I've ever smoked before. After the first hit I was starting to feel real good and hungry as well.

As I was watching my classmates work on the shoulder lock I noticed that most of them we're not doing it correctly. I started to walk around the classroom and correct the mistakes that I saw. When I was happy that the students knew what they were doing. I return to my big brother who had a big grin on his face.

"Sis I think I just found a spot for you in this class, " he told me. I just nodded in agreement. I had really enjoyed helping the other student. Soon enough the bell rang to end the class. I stayed after the final bell went off.

The Talk

"The reason why I asked you to stay after class was to start an advanced Weapons Training with you. I also want to train you in other areas as well," he told me.

"I would like that bro. I use to train with the angels but my mom stopped that because I wanted to be a solider. She thought that because I'm father's daughter that I should not be a solider but a true princess," I told him with a laugh that was without humor.

"Ah that's how you knew how to do the shoulder lock so well. Who did you train with?" he asked me.

"Arch angel Gabriel mostly. Yet Michael was there as well, Michael doesn't like me to much. He is extremely hard on me. Gabriel taught me how to do the shoulder lock and handle a sword. Michael taught me hand to hand combat," I told him.

"That's why you know the shoulder lock so well. Gabe is a good teacher. Michael is an ass hole so I wouldn't put much thought into what he says to you," big brother told me. I just nodded in agreement with him.

"So when does the special training start?" I ask him.

"Tomorrow morning at 4am I saw you running around the track this morning. Do you normally run in the morning?" he asked me.

"Yes because it helps me to release the stresses of the day," I told him.

"Good because that's the first thing that we're going to do. Then work on knife throwing until you perfect it," he said.

"Okay bro. I don't care if my mom doesn't approve of this or not. I have known for a while now that I was not meant to be a princess but a solider. Why doesn't my mother understand that?" I asked him.

"I don't know sis but don't worry about it now you'll be an amazing solider once I am done with you. I only have one rule that everyone that I train must follow that rule is to follow without question and to obey whatever I say. Is that understood?" he asked me.

"Yes sir that is understood sir," I said he nodded.

Thananos Pays A Visit To Heaven

"You may go now I have some matters that I must attend to," he told me. I picked up my belongings I turned to leave but I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble with my next teacher because I was late for her class.

"The other students already informed your teacher that I wanted to talk to you after class so your good squirt," he told me. So I left my big brother's classroom and made my way to my next class of the day.

Meanwhile Thantanos had teleported to the gates of heaven. One of the guards tried to stop him from entering the gates of heaven. Thantanos had laughed at the silly man.

"I want to talk to Arch Angel Gabriel and Arch Angel Micheal right now and do not defy me," he said.

"Who are you to tell an angel what to do demon?" A brunette angel asked him. He gave the new person a look over to see if he recognized her. She had eyes of pure blue that reminded him of his little sister. This much was for sure that the woman who had been with Hannah the other day had not been her true mother. Why would that Asshole lie to his own daughter about who her true mother was? What other things has he kept from her and from me? Thantanos thought to himself.

"He is Thantanos and he is an original like our god is. What do we owe the pleasure of your visit today my friend?" A red headed angel asked him. This one had eyes of pure gold this Angel was not one to be messed with in heaven.

"Gabriel it is good to see you again. I would like to ask you a few questions about my little sister," Thantanos said to Gabriel. Gabriel looked shocked at mention of his little sister.

"How is my favorite student doing? Is she as bright as ever?" asked Gabriel with genuine concern for Hannah.

"I've only had her in one of my classes so far and she is very well trained so far as I can tell. My first question is why in hell did she say your scary I like you?" He asked the Arch Angel. Gabriel ended up laughing at this statement.

"This is a first for you Thantanos Hannah is a very strange young girl who is very smart. I would have said that she would have been stronger than me or Micheal if she had stayed with her training but unfortunately her step mother didn't want her to. I think the reason why she said that to you is because she wanted you to know that she wants you to train. She said the same thing to both me and Michael," Gabriel said. Thantanos was semi impressed with this answer. He had already sensed that about Hannah.

"What has that little monster done this time?" came a voice for behind them.

"Michael do you always have to call one of our best students a little monster? Especially when her eldest brother Thantanos is with us," Gabriel said.

"How is it that she even meet him? Her father didn't want them to meet at all," Michael asked Gabriel instead of Thantanos. That statement had caught Thantanos off guard yet it also interested him in more ways than one.

"If you want an answer about that then ask me not your brother. She had run up to me and told me that I was scary and she likes me," Thantanos told Michael. Michael's mouth fell opened which was kind of funny because he looked like he was about to catch flies.

"Well she is a little a monster like I said before. Yet it pains me to agree with Gabe here that she was one of the best students we had," he said.

"You taught her hand combat training? I'm surprised that you did to be honest with you Mike," Thantanos said. "What else was she taught before she was forced to leave training?"

"Just some hand to hand combat, a little weapons training with knives and swords, the shoulder lock. She knows how to use a sword to its full potential and some knives as well. We were going to start her with throwing knives next but her step mom took her out of class," Gabriel said.

"I see. Who was that lady from before? She has Hannah's eyes. I am assuming that she is Hannah's real mother. Yet Hannah has no idea of this does she?" Thananos asked. Gabriel and Michael looked at each other. They seemed unsure how to answer him without him getting really angry at them.

"That is Lily and yes she is Hannah's real mother but she has no idea about it. Her father used some type of memory potion or spell on her to make her forget who her true was," Michael said with a gulp. He knew that Thantanos was not a person who was extremely forgiving. With that Thantanos left in a bang of light because he was that angry with his father.

The Truth

Thantanos enters the throne room where his father is at. To say that he was mad at what he found out from the angels of heaven is an understatement he is furious. Lucifer is watching very closely how his son was standing.

"I take it you found out who Hannah's true mother is? And also that I used a memory spell of my own daughter to erase her memories of her birth mother." He said.

"Yes and I want to know why you did that to her? Also what else haven't you told me or her about her past?" Thantanos asked his supposed father.

"I have nothing else to say about that. It is none of your business Thantanos she is my daughter and I can and will do whatever I see fit to do to her. There is nothing that you can do about it son, " he said.

"Oh really father? Have you forgotten who I am?" Thantanos asked him.

"How could I forget who you are. You like your sister has been a burden to me since day one. The only reason why your sister is a burden to me is because she is a girl with no extraordinary powers and not a son of mine," Lucifer told Thantanos.

"Well don't worry about her anymore father because she is going to be under my care for now. You see she has something more important than powers, if you wanted her to have powers than you should've had her with your original wife and not a second generation angel. Yet you did not do this that is your own fault to begin with. She listens well and obeys orders without question not many people can do this," Thantanos told him. Lucifer thought that this was funny and started to laugh. His sons would never be there for their own sister yet this original is. Thantanos must be up too something why else use a worthless girl to do anything for him Lucifer thought to himself.

"Good luck with that. She'll always want my approval. Her mother was worthless as well. She didn't want me to get a hold of her look how well that turned out haha she didn't do a good enough job with that. Do you think that you can do any better? She will be a slave to her other brothers as she was meant to be," Lucifer told Thantanos.

"You are a sick man and to think that I had to give up my throne for you. I will make sure that she is well trained so defend herself," Thantanos told him.

Just then there was a commotion outside the throne room. A loud wailing sound as though someone had been stabbed. Thantanos could only think of one person who would make such a sound Hannah had found out the truth.

The Training Begins Early Than Planned

Thantanos goes to the door and opens it. Sure enough he finds his sister there sitting on the floor crying her eyes out.

"Hannah what are you doing here?" Thantanos asked her.

"The teacher said that I was too smart for her class and sent me to dad's office to adjust my classes. That's how ended up here but I heard you and him talking about me. I didn't mean to ease drop on you guys," I told him as my tears dried up. I looked behind Thantanos to look at my father for the first time I my 600 years of life I felt a hatred for the man that was my father. I wanted to kill the bastard how the hell could he do that to me his own daughter.

"How could you do that to me? I'm your own fucking daughter! Am I really that much of a burden to you? If so why not stop my birth from happening? I fucking hate you. The woman that raised me had told me that you were such a great guy and that I would love you and do anything for you. Yet all I see now is a fucking asshole who doesn't love anyone but himself. An asshole who I hate with such a passion that if I was a trained killer I would kill you right now without a second thought," I told him. My father just laughed at me.

"You see you were never to be born but your mother had wanted to keep you and she had. Until last century when I was able to find you. I took you and placed you with my new wife now," he told me.

To say that I was shocked by this would have been a weak statement on my part. I turned around and ran out of the throne room. I needed to clear my mind and the only way to do that was to run and as fast as I could. I ran into my room and changed into my running gear. After I changed I headed to the track and started to run.

After I had done about two hundred laps around the track. I didn't even feel winded. This time though I had noticed the burning sensation in the back of my head. I looked up to find Thantanos watching me closely.

"How you doing kid? He's an ass hole so don't worry about him, he has always been this way since before you were born," he said.

"I want to start training sooner than tomorrow bro. I want him to see that he doesn't know what he's fucking talking about," I told him. He just nodded.