Enter The High Noble Squares Ark Part 14 chapter 20

One won person could win this devastating battle. The aftermath of the shockwave was total destruction. Yamato's head could be seen. Suddenly the head was tossed to the side. Salazar's hand came out of the rumble. He then jumped out of the rumble. He was covered in ash. He looked up at the sky. Smoke was everywhere, making it kind of hard to breathe. He still could not believe he defeated Yamato, The Bloody King. When he was getting ready to walk off hundreds of ships and one giant ship was getting ready to come down. When the ships landed more high nobles and army officials came down. The high noble who made Yamato king walked up to him. " What happened here?" "As you can see a battle happened here." The high noble" name was Drain. He looked at all destruction. It would cost a lot of money to repair all the damage. He then saw Yamato's head. " Did you kill Yamato?" "Yes, it was an act of self-defence." Usually, we would have you castrated and killed but "Yamato was kind of a fucking dick." "We will crown you King of Micros." Salazar instantly started smiling."But before we do where is Gen?" "He should be the one next in line." "Yamato killed him." " I see." "Well all hail the new king." All the soldiers bowed. Salazar smiled and thought of some evil things to do.