Alexis's Power chapter 25

Jackal took his hand out of his chest which was covered in blood. Rain tumbled on the ground. Alexis could not believe what she had just seen. The technique she did on Rain could be used as many times as possible. But it could be used on the same person more than fifteen times. This time Rain would be permanently dead. He was son the ground coughing up blood. "Rain!!" She dropped on the ground and picked his head up. He coughed up more blood. "Alexis." "You remember when I said I had something important to discuss with you?" Alexis was crying and shook her head yes. "I just wanted to say that I love you." He then closed his eyes smiling peacefully. Jackal was walking up to Alexis who was longer crying." I was not going to let my title be damaged by a little piece of shit." I am a Jackal. "The most notorious killing machine!!" He charged a beam in his hand and fired it at Alexis. "I love you too brother." She fired a blast that went through Jackal's beam. She stood up focused her aura around her entire body. Alexis's aura was yellow like the sun. Jackal rushed Alexis who flickered and appeared behind him and punched him in the back cracking his spinal cord. It instantly healed. Jackal turned around clutched his hand into a first. He jumped through the roof of the mega-mansion and came down like a meteor causing a shockwave which made a terrifying shockwave occur. Alexis made a strong barrier go over her body who h was strong enough to withstand the force from the shockwave. Jackal was surprised to see Alexis do this. You are stronger than your dead brother. When she heard Jackal saw that she made five hundred beams fore above her. She fired them at Jackal who swept through all five hundred of them like a free bird. She punched the barrier shattering it. In the end, all of my enemies cower like animals." You forgot about one." Jackal dodged four hundred and ninety-nine of the beams but forgot about one. The beam damaged his entire body causing life treating wounds. But since Jackal was one of the greatest warriors he was given the healing factor only that High Nobles had. All the life treating wounds healed and Jackal was back and functioning. He shot towards Alexis and punched her in the stomach, making her up cough up blood on her expensive clothes. She tumbled on the ground holding her stomach which felt as if it was on fire. That punch was extremely hard. She could no longer move. " Once I execute you the Ven bloodline will no longer exist." He formed a blast in his hand that was loud enough to be heard through the entire planet. When he executed the blast he suddenly stopped as if he had been stopped. "That is enough." It was Alfred's spirit that just saved her life. Alfred tossed Jackal to the side. He looked like a light that had formed into a man." Do not worry Lady Alexis." "I will take him out."